
  1. 竹竿上的苔藓成为了鱼类的饵料,松软的沙底则可以吸引喜欢在沙里游泳的动物。

    Moss grows on the poles , providing a source of food of fish , and loose sand at the bottom can attract animals that enjoy swimming in sand .

  2. 小流域是水土保持综合治理的基本单元,其侵蚀产沙规律则是实施水土保持措施的基本依据。

    A small watershed is the basic unit of controlling soil and water loss in the loess plateau comprehensively and its laws of sediment yield is the basis for soil and water conservation measuring .

  3. 沙雷氏菌则不分感染来源,均以染色体介导的β-内酰胺酶为主。

    On the contrary , Serratia strains , both nosocomial and community isolated , mainly produced chromosome mediated β - lactamases .

  4. 但是,在受到20%PEG胁迫时,沙芦的可溶性蛋白含量有所上升,水芦的则稍微下降,在30%PEG胁迫时,水芦的可溶性蛋白含量显著下降,而沙芦则先升后降。

    However , the soluble protein content of dune reeds declined less than that of swamp reeds under water stress .

  5. 裸地坡面的输沙率随降雨历时呈高-低-高变化,而草地坡面的输沙率则随降雨历时呈幂函数递减。

    The sediment yield rate of forage grass slope decreases with the duration of rainfall following a relationship of exponential law .