
  1. 足以让我负伤住院.却杀不死我.

    Enough to hospitalise me , not enough to kill me .

  2. 却杀不掉那头野兽。

    But they just can 't kill the beast .

  3. 青年羽林军的将军迪埃斯梅退到热纳普的客舍门口,他把佩剑交给一个杀人不眨眼的骑兵,那骑兵接了剑,却杀了那俘虏。

    Duhesme , the general of the Young Guard , hemmed in at the doorway of an inn at Genappe , surrendered his sword to a huzzar of death , who took the sword and slew the prisoner .

  4. 结果他却亲手杀了珊莎的狼,到头来这是为了什么?

    And he had killed Sansa 's , and for what ?

  5. 不管是谁这人有能力杀我却没杀

    Whoever it was could 've killed me and chose not to .

  6. 为了就你自己却要杀了我们。

    You 're killing us in order to save yourselves .

  7. 却比杀了我更令我痛苦。

    This man has killed me even so .

  8. 可惜比尔博当时有机会却没杀了他。

    It 's a pity Bilbo didn 't kill him when he had the chance .

  9. 但是鹤却突然杀了它,吃了它的肉,并将骨头扔到地上。

    But instead , the crane suddenly killed him , gobbled up his flesh , and let the bones fall to the ground .

  10. 也许,我可以杀死两、三个,我自言自语,可是,然后他们却会杀了我并把我吃掉。

    Perhaps I can shoot two or three , 'I said to my - self , 'but then they will kill and eat me . '

  11. 约八37我知道你们是亚伯拉罕的后裔;你们却想要杀我,因为你们里面容不下我的话。

    Jn . 8:37 I know that you are Abraham 's seed ; but you seek to kill Me because My word has no place in you .

  12. 现在你们却想要杀我这个将从神所听见的真理,对你们讲了的人!这不是亚伯拉罕所行的。

    But now you are seeking to kill me , a man who has told you the truth which I heard from god ; abraham did not do this .

  13. 你今日显明是以善待我;因为耶和华将我交在你手里,你却没有杀我。

    And you have declared this day how you have dealt well with me , in that you did not kill me when the LORD put me into your hands .

  14. 他是对的,你却让我杀了他。

    Didrt you order me to kill him because he was right .

  15. 权力是有足够理由去杀一个人,但却不去杀。

    Power is when we have every justification to kill and we don 't.

  16. 为什么能让猎物活着却要把它们杀了?

    Why kill your prey when you can keep them alive ?

  17. 并与说希利尼话的犹太人,讲论辩驳。他们却想法子要杀他。

    29He talked and debated with the Grecian Jews , but they tried to kill him .

  18. 扫罗的臣子却不肯伸手杀耶和华的祭司。

    But the king 's officials were not willing to raise a hand to strike the priests of the LORD .

  19. 奉主的名,放胆传道。并与说希腊话的犹太人,讲论辩驳。他们却想法子要杀他。

    And he spake boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus , and disputed against the Grecians : but they went about to slay him .