
  1. 广州地铁沙园站环控设计及特点分析

    Environment Control of Shayuan Metro Station in Guangzhou City

  2. 研究性学习课程的背景、旨归及理想&兼评广州市沙园中学研究性学习课程实施

    The Background , Goal and Ideal of the Research-based Study Curriculum & Comment on the Implementation of Research-based Study in the Shayuan Middle School of Guangzhou ; dubious purpose of argument

  3. 用泥炭+河沙+园土(3∶1∶1)基质栽培可以生产出品质优良的切花和观赏价值高的盆花;

    The medium made up of peat , sand and soil ( 3 ∶ 1 ∶ 1 ) helped produce cut flowers and pot flowers of high quality .