
  • Change of Plans;code a change le;Le Code A Change
  1. 但由于计划赶不上变化,其战略最终失败了。

    But its strategy failed because things did not turn out as planned .

  2. 人生需要规划,虽然计划赶不上变化。

    Life needs to plan , although plans can not keep up with changes .

  3. 但正如一句中国俗话所说,计划赶不上变化。

    But plans cannot keep pace with changes as a Chinese phrase puts it .

  4. 京晶:Eidith认为计划赶不上变化快,她想认真过好每一天。

    Edith 's plans change quickly . She wants to sincerely pass by each day .

  5. 即便你不打算换工作,也要考虑所有选项,因为计划赶不上变化。

    Even if you do not intend to change jobs , consider all your options , because plans can change .

  6. 他们旅程的下一站是智利和阿根廷(虽然总是计划赶不上变化),之后会折返,开始漫长的向北游逛。

    Next on their itinerary is Chile and then Argentina ( although that is always subject to change ) . Then they will begin the long , meandering ride north .

  7. 计划永远赶不上变化,但不要因为这个原因就不做计划;

    Changes are always faster than plan , but you can plan changes into your action .

  8. 可是计划永远赶不上变化,于是现在的我写下的东西只能解释那些昨晚发生在我身上的事情。

    However , plan always changes during processing . So , I am writing down some sentences just to explain what had happened on me last night .

  9. 我们从历史中得知,政府的计划往往赶不上事件的变化,而这些事件又会迫使政府以其从未想过或是准备过的方式采取行动。

    History shows us that events often overtake administration plans and force the government to act in ways it never contemplated – or prepared for .