
  • 网络core strength training;Core training
  1. 阐述青少年划艇运动员核心力量训练的重要性,结合训练实践介绍几种常规的核心力量训练方法,提出在划艇训练计划中安排核心力量训练的建议。

    This paper is to explain the importance of core training on young rowboat athletes , to introduce some kinds of formal core training methods and arrange core training in the rowboat training plans .

  2. 加强核心力量训练不仅重要而且必要。

    Core strength training is not only important but also necessary .

  3. 核心力量训练对提高女子短跑运动员竞技能力的研究

    Effect of core strength training on improving athletic ability of women sprinters

  4. 网球运动员核心力量训练实验性研究

    A Experimental Research of Core Strength Training for Tennis Players

  5. 竞技武术套路运动核心力量训练研究

    Exploration on the Core Strength Training of Wushu

  6. 目前国家和省市的运动队都引进了核心力量训练。

    Today , national and provincial sports teams have all adopted core power training .

  7. 对实验组进行8周的核心力量训练,对照组进行传统力量训练,控制实验条件,对实验后运动员的各项指标进行测试,得出数据并进行分析。

    Experimental group adopt 8 weeks core strength training , control group use traditional strength training .

  8. 核心力量训练在投掷项目最后用力动作链中的应用研究

    Applied Research on Core Strength Training Being Used in the Action Chain of Final Push in the Throwings

  9. 核心力量训练最初应用于康复领域,如今已逐渐广泛被竞技体育所采用。

    The core strength training originally used in the field of rehabilitation , has become widely competitive sports used .

  10. 普拉提核心力量训练是继基础性核心力量训练而来的发展性核心力量训练。

    Pilates core strength training , following the basic core strength training from the development of core strength training .

  11. 相关研究表明普拉提核心力量训练对塑造人体形体美有很好的功效。

    Related studies have shown that Pilates core strength training have a good effect on shaping the human physical beauty .

  12. 两组分别通过传统力量和核心力量训练后,身体素质部分指标均有不同程度的改善和提高。

    After traditional and core strength training , part of the physical ability indicator has improved and enhanced in different levels .

  13. 力量训练是其他基本素质训练的基础,而核心力量训练则是专项训练的关键。

    Strength training is the foundation of other qualities , and core strength training is the key to the special training .

  14. 身体调节锻炼,如力量提升、核心力量训练和瑜伽,是Fitness+中最受欢迎的项目。

    Body conditioning workouts , like strength , core , and yoga , are among the most popular workouts in Fitness + .

  15. 核心力量训练对于提高运动员核心区域肌肉的力量和稳定性有着独特的效果。

    Core strength training for improving muscle strength and stability of the core area of the competitive athletes have a unique effect .

  16. 说明核心力量训练对提高普通大学生身体协调性效果明显。

    This means core strength training plays a remarkable role on improving the body functional harmony of general college students . 4 .

  17. 通过对运动员测功仪和水上划肌肉做功的跟踪测试,反映出非平衡条件下的核心力量训练非常符合皮艇激流回旋运动的专项需要。

    By tracking test on a dynamometer and water muscles works , reflect that core strength training under non-equilibrium condition fits the kayak slalom campaign-specific needs .

  18. 核心力量训练是通过一定方式的力量训练,提高运动员核心区域的力量,以助于提高运动员专项能力的一种新型的力量训练方式。

    Core strength training is a new type of training methods which can improve special ability of a player with the core areas of strength improving .

  19. 核心力量训练也可以说是体能&力量训练的一部分,它与一般的传统力量训练在教学、训练中相互渗透促进。

    Core Strength training is also a part of physical fitness training , it also relates to and helps to improve traditional strength teaching and training .

  20. 通过12周核心力量训练的实验研究,技巧啦啦队运动员在核心力量方面均有较明显提高,并且在难度组合完成的质量上也有显著提高。

    Through empirical research of 12-week core strength training , core ability of technique cheerleading athletes and the quality of completion in difficulty combination get improved obviously .

  21. 在通过核心力量训练来增强身体协调性方面,与其并不冲突。即通过核心力量训练提高了身体协调性,身体协调性的提高促进综合素质的提高。

    This is not a conflict to strengthening body functional harmony by core strength training , which helps to improve body functional harmony and enhance comprehensive ability .

  22. 普拉提核心力量训练的实施主要分为一般准备阶段、专项准备阶段、提高阶段、巩固阶段。

    The implementation of Pilates core strength training is divided into the general preparation phase , the special preparation stage , the improvement stage , the consolidation phase .

  23. 基于此背景下,着重对现代力量训练中的核心力量训练、悬吊力量训练、振动力量训练、功能性力量训练进行阐释,力求对这些训练理论和方法有较为清晰地认识。

    Under this background , this paper proposes the modern strength training theory ( core strength training , hanging strength training , vibration strength training and functional strength training ) .

  24. 对本实验中20名实验对象进行核心力量训练前,普通大学生实验组、对照组基本身体素质无明显差异,协调性无明显差异。

    Before the core strength training on the 20 testing objects , the physical ability and functional harmony of students in experiment team and comparison team is of no obvious difference .

  25. 如果你还不习惯于直坐,你可能会感觉到腰痛&这说明你需要进行核心力量训练并提高身体的综合素质。

    If you 're not used to sitting up straight , you may feel lower back pain & an indicator that you need to strengthen your core and work on general fitness .

  26. 研究表明,在实际训练中要转变力量训练的观念,在保持传统力量训练的前提下,不断加大核心力量训练的比重。

    The studies show that , we should change the concept of strength training in the practical training , and increase core strength training on the premise of maintaining traditional strength training .

  27. 腰痛发出的信号如果你还不习惯于直坐,你可能会感觉到腰痛——这说明你需要进行核心力量训练并提高身体的综合素质。

    If you 're not used to sitting up straight , you may feel lower back pain - an indicator that you need to strengthen your core and work on general fitness .

  28. 有关探讨核心力量训练作用的机理还是比较少见,有关核心力量训练是否对动作准确度及动作稳定度有影响尚不清楚。

    Discusses the core strength training mechanism of the effects it is rare , the relevant core strength training of action and the movement whether accuracy has influence degree of stability is not clear .

  29. 实验后身体核心力量训练17个动作指标分析结果均有显著性变化,说明身体核心力量训练对短跑运动员的平衡、稳定、协调能力具有良好效果。

    After the experiment to the body core strength training , the 17 moves target have significant changes , indicating the core body strength training on sprint athletes balance , stability , and coordination with good results . 5 .

  30. 近年来,随着国内外体能专家对核心力量训练理论与实践的研究,对核心力量的训练逐渐被教练员所接受,并在一些运动队的体能训练中开展起来。

    In recent years , with the domestic and foreign experts on core physical strength training in the theory and practice of research on the core strength training is gradually accepted coaches , and in some sports fitness training carried out .