
jī xiè huà shī
  • mechanized division
  1. 同时独立的机械化师和步兵师属坦克营也开始组建。

    Separate mechanized divisions and tank battalions for infantry divisions were also formed .

  2. PTL02轮式坦克歼击车装备使用一门105毫米线膛炮被中国北方工业总公司(NORINCO)发展用于新的轻型(快速反应)机械化步兵师。

    The PTL02 wheeled assault tank destroyer armed with a105mm rifled gun was developed by NORINCO for the PLA new light ( rapid reaction ) mechanised infantry divisions .

  3. 陆军机械化步兵师信息化建设重点的研究

    INFORMATION CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM OF THE CIVIL ENGINEERING Research on Emphasis of Information Technology in the Mechanized Infantry Division

  4. 例如我用两个或三个或四个机械化的师对敌一个机械化的师,更能确定地消灭这个师。

    For instance , if we employ two , three or four mechanized divisions against one mechanized enemy division , we can be all the more certain of destroying it .