
  • 网络Fuselage structure;airframe
  1. 本文扼要介绍了“改进的”满应力设计方法(FSD)在机身结构设计中的应用。

    This paper presents briefly the application of the " improved " fully stressed design ( FSD ) method to fuselage structure design .

  2. 数控精密成形压力机机身结构有限元分析

    FEM Analysis on the Frame of the Precision NC Press Machine

  3. 直升机机身结构用国产复合材料工程化应用验证技术研究

    Research of Civil Composite Materials Engineering Application Validation for Helicopter Fuselage Structure

  4. 基于广义模块化的整体框架式液压机机身结构的优化设计

    The structure optimum design of the framed hydraulic press based on generalized modularization

  5. 数控回转头压力机机身结构分析

    Analysis of frame structures of CNC turret press

  6. 在某机身结构的实例应用中,设计经五次迭代,基本收敛。

    In the sample application of a fuselage structure , the design is basically convergedafter only five iterations .

  7. 最后,为了评价机身结构的垂直耐撞性,建立了合理的乘客舱有限元模型。

    Finally , a finite element model of cockpit is established to evaluate the vertical crashworthiness of the fuselage structure .

  8. 本文介绍了锻压机械机身结构分析的发展现状及分析设计的一般方法。

    The achievement in structural analysis of the frame of metal forming machine and common method of structural analysis are introduced in this thesis .

  9. 为减小发动机传递至飞机机身结构的振动,设计了金属橡胶减振器用于航空发动机安装。

    In order to reduce the vibration the engine transfers to the fuselage structure , a metal rubber damper is designed and used in the installation of a jet engine .

  10. 结果表明,在无人机的回收过程中,气囊能够有效地起到降低加速度过载和保护机身结构的目的,且有限元仿真的方法在无人机气囊设计中的应用是可行的。

    The results point out that the air bag can effectively deduce the acceleration overload and protect the fuselage . Furthermore , FE simulation is adoptable in UAV air bag design .

  11. 针对液压机主机机身结构特点,研究了其产品族设计方法,并提出了基于柔性元结构的建模技术。

    By analyzing the characteristics of press machine body , the press family design method is discussed and the modeling technology of flexible modules based on flexible unit structures is proposed .

  12. 随着我国大型民用飞机研制项目的启动,开发设计新型机身结构是提高大型客机寿命、可靠性、经济性、安全性和舒适性的有效手段。

    As the starting of commercial aircraft project , the development and application of high performance panel is one of effective ways to improve the life , reliability , economics , safety and comfortableness of the airplanes .

  13. 国外的研究表明,在整体机身结构中,裂纹转折被认为是一种潜在的非常重要的止裂机理。

    The research of the abroad express that in the integrally fuselage of airplane structure , the crack turn is thought to be a kind of latent and count for much mechanism of holding back the crack propagation .

  14. 根据分析结果,对机身结构进行了优化设计,在保证机身刚度的情况下,进一步减轻机身重量,降低生产成本,提高了产品的竞争力。

    Optimized design of the body structure has been presented which can further reduces the weight of the body , the production cost , and raise its competition guaranteeing the rigidity of the machine based on the results .

  15. 计算了光谱在3~5μm及8~12μm范围内,加装与机身结构一体化红外抑制器的某型直升机排气系统的红外辐射特性。

    The infrared radiation characteristics within the spectrum of 3 ~ 5 μ m and 8 ~ 12 μ m of the exhaust system of the helicopter equipped with the infrared eliminator imbedded in the fuselage as a whole are computed .

  16. 重点从发动机支撑杆系的质量和刚度出发,计算分析其对机身结构的减振效果,为发动机支撑杆系的减振设计提供依据。

    With regard to the mass and rigidity of the supporting rod of the engine , vibration - reducing effect on the fuselage was calculated and analyzed , in order to provide the basis for the vibration reducing design of the engine linkage support structure .

  17. 模块化设计是实现快速配置设计的另一主要技术,通过分析液压机主机机身结构的特点,并针对液压机设计的目标和机械特性的要求,提出液压机模块化设计的参数化设计。

    Modular design is another one of the main techniques that implement Rapid Product Configuration . After a study on the body structure of assembled-frame press machine , a parametric design for generalized modular design is presented according to the design objectives and customized mechanical feature .

  18. 复合材料前机身典型结构件整体成型

    Integral Molding on Typical Structure of Composites Forward Fuselage

  19. 机身轻巧结构紧凑,方便移动,不占空间。

    Light and compact structure , convenient for moving with occupying small space .

  20. 大功率柴油机机身焊接结构中层状撕裂的判定及其修复

    Evaluation and repair welding for laminar tearing in welded structure of large dissel engine body

  21. 对电机机身固定结构进行了设计,确定了电机合理的安装尺寸。

    The fixed structure of motor body is designed , and the reasonable installation dimension of motor is determined .

  22. 目前,连续体拓扑优化形成的孔洞多为不规则形状,而飞机机身龙骨结构多为规则栅格状。

    At present , holes generating in topology optimization is mostly irregular geometric . However fuselage keel structure is generally regular grid .

  23. 对液压机机身框架结构进行模态分析,求出其固有振动频率和相应振型,对于解决这个问题有重大的借鉴意义。

    It is a major reference to derive the inherent vibration frequency and the corresponding vibration mode by analyzing the hydraulic framework structure modal to solve the problem .

  24. 由此对组合机身进行结构有限元分析,可比较精确地计算出机身各构件的变形及应力。

    For this reason is presented the combination frame structural analysis by using finite elemen : that the more accurate strain and stress of frame structures is calculated .

  25. 采用该设计方法,以典型民机机身下部结构设计问题为算例,对客舱地板支撑结构,货舱地板和泡沫构件形状参数进行优化。

    Using this design approach , a typical civil aircraft fuselage structural design with the shape parameters of the cabin floor struts , cargo floor and foam components has been studied as design case .

  26. 针对2000kN数控精密金属粉末液压成形设备的框架机身进行了结构分析和优化设计,对框架机身的简化模型进行静、动态有限元计算。

    Through finite element static and dynamic analysis , structural analysis and optimization of the main frame of hydraulic powder-forming equipment were done .

  27. 机翼-机身-尾翼结构的跨音速颤振分析研究

    On Analyzing Transonic Flutter of Wing-Fuselage-Tail Configuration with Parallel Computing System

  28. 它们与单翼飞机机身上的结构铁管相符。

    They match structural iron tubing from the single-winged plane 's fuselage .

  29. 无人机大展弦比直机翼单双机身布局对结构刚度的影响

    Structural stiffness effect of single & bi-fuselage UAV with higher aspect ratio and straight wing

  30. 最后,还起草了关于机身增压边界结构修理评估的咨询通告和执行程序。

    At last , a advisory circular about fuselage pressured boundary structure repair assessment is compiled .