
  • 网络cyborg insects;Robot Insects
  1. 植物在遭受到机械损伤或昆虫取食后释放出的伤诱导挥发物,除了具有防御功能外,还可作为伤害信息在植株间传递,引起群体诱导抗性的产生。

    Either mechanical damage or insect feeding makes plants emit some volatiles which not only have indirect and direct ( defense ) functions but also act as wounding signal transmiting among plants .

  2. 与机械损伤相比,昆虫取食时口腔分泌物中的活性物质以及昆虫的连续损伤是造成该差异的主要原因。

    The active components in the mouth secretions of insect and continuous injury of insect on leaves were the main causes .