
hé wēi lì
  • nuclear fallout;karyomicrosome
核微粒[hé wēi lì]
  1. 在美苏冷战高峰期,美国致力于与苏联的核战争中,肯尼迪总统誓要建立公共和私人的核微粒庇护所。

    At the height of the Cold War as the United States came close to engaging in nuclear warfare with the Soviet Union , President John F. Kennedy swore that he would establish public and private structures that could serve as nuclear fallout shelters .

  2. 遍及各地的贸易活动;西部分布广泛的山脉;广布的核辐射微粒。

    Far-flung trading operations ; the West 's far-flung mountain ranges ; widespread nuclear fallout .

  3. 实验过程中采用两步溶剂热法制备葡萄糖基碳包覆铁氧体,经500℃热处理后获得介孔碳为壳、铁氧体为核的微粒,1000℃煅烧后为Fe/C核壳结构粒子。

    Glucose-based carbon coated ferrite was prepared under solvothermal conditions . After heat treatment at 500 ℃, the composites are composed of mesoporous carbon as shell and ferrite as core . They are tuned into Fe / C core-shell nanoparticles when heat treatment at 1000 ℃ .

  4. 核保障的微粒分析与二次离子质谱仪

    Particle Analysis in Nuclear Safeguards and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer

  5. 什么是卵石层反应堆,事实上就是同样的,铀核包装的微粒,有大约1万的微粒,被放入了一个石墨卵石里。

    What a pebble bed reactor is , is in fact the same coated particle with the uranium kernel and there are about ten thousand of these particles that are put into a graphite pebble .

  6. 核壳丙烯酸聚合物微粒子乳液的合成与解析

    Synthesis and Analysis of Core - shell Emulsion of Acryl Copolymer Microspheres

  7. 具有核壳结构球形微粒的电磁波散射与吸收

    The scattering and absorption of electromagnetic wave by a core - shell spherical particle

  8. 当年,那所乌克兰核电站的屋顶被掀翻,如烟囱一般将核微粒喷洒向四面八方。

    The Ukrainian plant blew its top , literally , and spewed , chimney like , nuclear fallout far and wide .

  9. 采用化学改性的天然高分子淀粉微粒作为核材料,通过原位化学还原法制备出淀粉/银核/壳复合微粒。

    ( 2 ) Using chemically modified natural starch particles as core material , the starch / silver core-shell composites were prepared by in-situ chemical reduction method .

  10. PBA/PMMA型核壳结构增韧剂的合成及表征不同粒径、用量及核层交联密度的核壳微粒(C-S)与聚苯乙烯(PS)共混得到PS/C-S复合材料。

    PREPARATION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF PBA / PMMA CORE SHELL PARTICLES AS TOUGHER The polystyrene ( PS ) composite with different particle sizes , concentration and core layer crosslinking agent of core shell particles were prepared .

  11. 幸运的是,到目前为止,福岛泄露的核辐射仅有切尔诺贝利核电站泄漏事故的十分之一。当年,那所乌克兰核电站的屋顶被掀翻,如烟囱一般将核微粒喷洒向四面八方。

    Luckily , so far radiation released from Fukushima is only one tenth of Chernobyl 's. The Ukrainian plant blew its top , literally , and spewed , chimney like , nuclear fallout far and wide .