
  • 网络Indian Army
  1. 印度陆军上校在克什米尔枪战中丧生。

    Indian army colonel killed in gunfight in Kashmir .

  2. 习惯成天然,DRDO无法依照承诺生产出武器定位雷达,印度陆军最终还是于2003年从先前的供给商那里购置了这一系统。

    Of course , the DRDO to date is not in a position to produce WLR and ultimately India bought it from the previously selected producer in2003 .

  3. 1959年,两人离婚,后来她与印度的陆军上校陆文星(VincentRatnaswamy)结婚,两人后来定居瑞士。

    The couple divorced in 1959 , and she later married Indian colonel Vincent Ratnaswamy , with whom she settled in Switzerland .