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  • measurement bureau
  1. 利用该装置测量的数据已应用于国际计量局(BIPM)和亚太计量规划组织(APMP)主办的国际比对中。

    The measurement data with this system has been used for BIPM and APMP comparisons .

  2. 此系统已通过湖北省计量局的认证,准确度为0.05级,可用在实验室进行0.2级OCT的标定及试验。

    This system had passed the identification by Hubei institute of Measurement and Testing Technology ; its accuracy meets 0 . 05 class . So this system is suitable to verify 0.2 class OCT in laboratory .

  3. 国际计量局(BIPM)为改善世界范围内时间同步,提出了全球双向卫星时间传递(TWSTT)计划。

    In order to establish real international atomic time scale with high precision and to improve time synchronization on worldwide , the BIPM propose the project of global time comparison via TWSTT .

  4. 温度咨询委员会(CCT)委托国际计量局(BIPM)作为主导实验室组织了由20个国家实验室参加的CCT-K7水三相点容器国际关键比对。

    Therefore , Consultative Committee for Thermometry ( CCT ) authorized Bureau International des Poids et Mesures ( BIPM ) to be a pilot laboratory to organize CCT-K7 key comparison of water triple point cells , participated in by 20 national metrology institutes .

  5. 根据国际计量局(BIPM)时间部2000年时间公报公布的数据,用时域分析方法,对这两种传递技术的长期特性进行了统计分析和比较。

    According to the data published by Time Bulletin of the BIPM Time Section during 2000 year , by using the analyzing method of time domain , statistical analysis and comparison for their long term characteristics on two transfer techniques have been carried out .

  6. 国际计量局温度咨询委员会第18次会议简介

    On the 18th Session of the Consultative Committee on Thermometry

  7. 这不过是计量局对贵公司的一次例行检查。

    This is just a routine check on your company by the Bureau of Standard Measurement .

  8. 1988&1991年广西食品行业的产品评优工作中,我们在区标准计量局的支持下,运用数理统计制定了评优的方法,作为广西地方标准实施。

    During the period of 1988 to 1991 , we applied mathematical statistics to work out an appraising method for food products in Guang Xi .

  9. 此装置参加了由国际计量局组织的国际比对,并给出了比对结果。

    This device has been used for international intercomparison of neutron dosimetry organized by Bureau International des Poids et Mesures ( BIPM ) . The results are also given .

  10. 通过此次比对,证明中国射频电压标准的量值与国际计量局组织的1976-1982年射频电压国际比对所得的平均值也是一致的。

    Through this intercomparison , it is confirmed that the values of RF voltage standard of China are identical with the mean values obtained in the international comparison sponsored by the BIPM during 1976-1982 .

  11. 并刻度了用作这一能区次级标准的长中子计数器的效率,用这套装置参加了最近由国际计量局组织的中子注量率测量的国际比对,并给出了比对结果。

    A long counter used as secondary standard was calibrated by using these methods . The methods had a recent international intercomparison of neutron fluence rate organized by BIPM , and the results were given .

  12. 本文从作者对误差分类的设想出发,来理解国际计量局不确定度工作组的INC&1(1980)建议中对不确定度的分类。

    According to conceit of author about classification of error , this paper describes to comprehend the classification of uncertainty in suggestion of INC-1 ( 1980 ), which suggested by BIPM working group on stat-ment of uncertainty .

  13. 根据国家标准计量局制订的防冲击眼护具试验方法的国标要求,提出一种眼护具冲击测试仪的研制方案,实现对防护眼镜和防护面罩的安全性能进行可靠精确的检测。

    According to the national criterion for testing shock-resisted eye protection device established by the National Standard Bureau , the shock tester for eye protection device has been introduced in this paper , which can reliably and precisely test the safety capability of eye protection glasses or masks .

  14. 中国计量科学研究院与国际计量局约瑟夫森电压基准之间的直接和间接比对

    Direct and Indirect Comparisons of Josephson Junction Array Voltage Standards Between BIPM and NIM

  15. 实验所是国家计量院全球互认协定的签署成员之一,该协定由国际计量局经办。

    The SCL is a signatory to the Global Mutual Recognition Arrangement for National Measurement Institutes operated by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures .