
  • 网络demarc;Demarcation Point;cut point;breakpoints;BreakPoint
  1. 西方的资本结构理论是债券融资对公司绩效影响的理论基础。本文以MM理论作为分界点,阐述分析了早期资本结构理论和现代资本结构理论。

    The capital structure theory of west is the theoretical basis of the bond financing . " MM " theory as a demarcation point on the early capital structure theory and modern capital structure theory .

  2. 工业革命是人类历史的分界点,而有关私有林的补贴政策也在这样特殊时期提出、应用。

    Industrial Revolution was the demarcation point of human history , and the policy of private forests subsidies were also brought forward and applied in such special period .

  3. Logistic违约率模型最优样本配比与分界点的模拟分析

    Optimal Sample Pairing and Critical Value of Logistic Default Risk Modeling : the China Case

  4. 将其它因素进行调整后,蛋白C最低值低于确定分界点的患者死亡风险要高4倍。

    With adjustment for other factors , the risk of death was four times higher for patients whose minimum protein C level was below a certain cutoff point .

  5. ROC曲线分析及诊断分界点确定程序

    A computer program for receiver operating characteristic curve analysis and diagnostic cut-off choice

  6. 目的探讨PET图像中勾画感兴趣区(ROI)的最佳方法及标准摄取值(SUV)最佳诊断分界点。

    Objective To investigate the optimum method to draw ROI and the optimum diagnostic cut-off on PET images .

  7. 对石英圆形膜片的应力应变关系进行了有限元数值计算,得出了正负应力在圆形石英膜片的分界点,为设计SAW谐振式压力传感器的物理结构和合理的安排谐振器的位置提供了依据。

    The area of the positive and negative stress is found by finite element method , which provide the theory for arranging the position of two resonators on circle quartz film .

  8. 此外,定义临界距离,并以此为分界点,分别采用K系数分配法和直接测量法对中远程和近程目标进行测距,解决了被动声纳的近程测距模糊问题。

    The difficult problem of close range ambiguity in passive sonar is overcome by defining a critical distance and by measuring targets distance using two methods , the direct measurement and a K-distribution .

  9. 对各典型分界点,其灵敏度和特异性基本不随ROI大小变化。

    For the typical diagnostic cut - off points , the sensitivity and specificity basically did not vary with the ROI size .

  10. 我们研究得到的一个重要结论就是在人类基因组中的确存在一些分界点,在这些分界点的前后基因组的GC含量发生了很大的变化。

    The important conclusion drawn in this study is that the segmentation points , at which the GC content undergoes relatively dramatic changes , do exit in the human genome .

  11. 目的探讨4~7岁哮喘患儿脉冲振荡肺功能(IOS)异常与正常值的分界点。

    Objective To determine the cutoff point between normal and abnormal value of 4-7 years old asthmatic children with impulse oscillation system ( IOS ) .

  12. 实验结果表明,合理选择分界点Xc和调节模糊参数Fp可显著提高图像的增强效果。

    Experimental results show that remarkable enhancement effect is obtained by reasonably choosing the point of delimiterX_cand adjusting the fuzzy parameter F_p .

  13. Logistic分析得出湿热血瘀证候诊断的主要症状,对证候的归属进行判断,以预测概率0.5为判别分界点,总正确率为88.1%。

    Main symptoms of damp-heat and blood stasis syndrome were attained by logistic analysis , and classification of syndrome was judged . Taking prediction probability of 0.5 as judging point , the total correct rate was 88.1 % .

  14. 结果①软件主要功能:提供非参数和参数法两种ROC分析;确定3个典型诊断分界点;

    Results ① The program provided the functions of both parametric and non-parametric ROC curve analysis , determined three typical diagnostic cut-off points , and calculated sensitivity , specificity , accuracy , and other diagnostic indexes .

  15. UV-H2O2光氧化技术适用于低浊度水的深度处理,降解效果以浊度6NTU为分界点。

    UV-H2O2 photo-oxidation technology was only available for the advanced treatment of low-turbidity water with a critical limitation of 6 NTU turbidity .

  16. 对所输入的地震波来说加强减弱的分界点所对应周期为0.6s左右。

    To the input earthquake wave , the demarcation point of Strengthens and weaken is about 0.6s .

  17. 13.4mm的降雨是无效降水和补给地下水的分界点;

    The precipitation with 13.4mm is the critical amount dividing the useless rainfall or rainfall for supplying groundwater .

  18. 以低度鳞状上皮内病变(LSIL)为分界点的敏感度、特异度、阳性预测值和阴性预测值分别是70·13%、91·58%、11·11%和99·51%;

    For low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion ( LSIL ), the sensitivity , specificity , positive-predictive value and negative-predictive value were 70.13 % , 91.58 % , 11.11 % and 99.51 % respectively ;

  19. 宫颈细胞学筛查CINⅡ、CINⅢ,以未明确诊断意义的不典型鳞状上皮细胞(ASCUS)为分界点的敏感度、特异度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值分别是90.80%、80.45%、12.30%、99.50%;

    In detecting all cases of CIN ⅱ,ⅲ by cytological test , for atypical squamous cell of undetermined signification ( ASCUS ), the sensitivity , specificity , positive-predictive value and negative-predictive value were 90.80 % , 80.45 % , 12.30 % and 99.50 % respectively ;

  20. 以血清HA≥285ng/ml为分界点鉴别G3与G2,其灵敏度、特异度和准确度分别为71.4%、83.3%和81.1%,阳性和阴性预测值分别为50.0%和92.6%。

    Taking serum HA ≥ 285 ng / ml as cut-off for differentiate G 3 and G 2 , the sensitivity , specificity and accuracy rate were 71.4 % , 83.3 % and 81.1 % respectively , the positive and negative predictive value were 50.0 % and 92.6 % respectively .

  21. 发现本地滞后值对协同任务性能影响是分段的,在滞后值为0ms~900ms之间时,有150ms,300m和600ms三个分界点。

    Experiment results indicate that the effect of lag value on task performance is not linear . The effect could be separated into four segments by three dividing points : 150 ms , 300 ms and 600 ms.

  22. 在用SDM-A处理苯的吸附时,出现折线形的吸附等温线,折线的转折点正好是单分子层吸附与多分子层吸附的分界点。

    But for benzene , when treated with SDM-A there was a turning point in its adsorption isotherm , which corresponding to the dividing point between monomolecular and multimolecular layer adsorption .

  23. 作为重要分界点的平均粒径7.0Φ,实际上主要对应了EC2005孔泥质沉积段和非泥质沉积段的划分点。

    As an important boundary , the mean grain-size value of7.0 Φ, in fact mainly corresponded to the boundary of the upper muddy section and the lower coarser sediment of Core EC2005 .

  24. 分界点就是金融部门的不良债权基本得到解决。

    Cut-off point is distressed debt basic solved the financial sector .

  25. 分段函数在分界点求导的一种简单的方法

    A Simple Method to Derivate Piecewise Function at the Boundary Point

  26. 政府职能转变中的五个分界点

    Discuss on the Five Dividing Points in Transferring the Government 's Function

  27. 一个结束而另一个开始的确切分界点在哪里呢?

    Exactly where does one end and the other begin ?

  28. 这是否意味着25岁是成年的新分界点呢?

    So is this the new cut-off point for adulthood ?

  29. 基于动态分界点计算的并行几何校正算法

    A Parallel Geometric Correction Algorithm Based on Dynamic Division-Point Computing

  30. 关于分段函数分界点处求导的探讨

    A Discussion on Seeking the Derivative of Fragment Function on the Boundary Point