
  • 网络Line Haul
  1. 本文对两国贸易物流运输方式的研究,主要是基于两国便利开展的国际运输走廊,针对中俄两国境内沟通双边贸易的陆路干线运输、铁路运输和港口运输展开阐述。

    The paper studies bilateral trade logistics and transport , mainly based on the international transport corridors , to communicate bilateral trade trunk transport , rail transport and port transportation and so on .

  2. 本文通过对山西国铁干线运输通道和地方铁路发展现状的分析,介绍了山西省铁路建设情况和2006&2015年规划设想。

    The new climax of railway construction is forming in Shanxi . The article analyzes present of local railway and transportation passage of internal artery Shanxi , and introduces the imaging 2006-2015 project of Shanxi railway .

  3. 国内干线运输市场已趋于成熟,三大航空集团竞争日趋激烈,新组建的各中小航空公司将竞争焦点逐步转移到了支线运输上。

    Domestic main line transportation market has become mature . Due to the increasingly fierce competition among three major airlines groups , newly-established medium and small airlines companies focus on regional aviation transportation to win more market share .

  4. 另一方面为提升我国高速公路在雾天低能见度条件下的交通安全水平,保障高速公路干线运输的畅通、安全方面也具有极其重要的现实意义。

    On the other hand , it also has the very important realistic meaning on guaranteeing unimpeded and safe trunk line transport of expressway in order to promote traffic safe level in low visibility on our country 's expressway .

  5. 地铁车辆干线铁路运输方案

    Transportation project of metro vehicle on main - line railway

  6. 公路客运作为道路交通系统的重要组成部分,包括了各种距离的干线客流运输,不但占据了大部分的道路交通资源,也对道路交通系统安全运行有着重要影响。

    Highway passenger traffic as an important component of the system , including a variety of distance passenger transport route in the road traffic accounted for most of the resources , but also the safe operation of the road traffic system has an important impact .

  7. 重庆市干线公路超限运输管理对策探讨

    Research on administration strategy of main highway over-load transportation in Chongqing

  8. 长江干线危险品运输组织方式优化研究

    Study on the Optimization for Transport Organization Mode of Dangerous Goods in Yangtze River

  9. 容量限制动态增量综合网络配流模型预测干线航道货物运输量和周转量;

    The capacity limitation dynamic increment comprehensive network model can be applied to the prediction of the channel cargo transportation discharge and the turnover discharge in the main courses .

  10. 随着我国内河航运的不断快速发展,近年来,越来越多的危化品在长江干线上进行运输,长江已经成为我国东西部危化品运输主要通道。

    In recent years , with the constant and rapid development of inland navigation in our country , increasing hazardous chemicals is transported along Yangtze River main line , Yangtze River has became the main channel of hazardous chemicals in the Chinese eastern and western parts .

  11. 大型的集装箱船舶只能挂靠深水的干线枢纽港,而支线运输作为干线运输的货源保障,越来越受到人们的重视。

    However , large-scale container ships can only call for the deep ports , feeder transportation as the tasks supply for the main line has gained more and more attention .