
  • 网络Drying speed;drying rate;dry rate
  1. 但PA乳液的成膜性差,干燥速度慢和涂膜硬度低等,限制了其在水性木器涂料中的应用。

    However , PA latexes exhibit low hardness , poor film-forming ability , slowly drying speed , and has already limited its application in waterborne wood coatings .

  2. LF淀粉粘合剂中加入快干剂可提高粘合后纸箱、纸板的干燥速度,20min即可切割;

    The drying speed of cardboard after adhered can be increased by adding quick-drying agent to LF starch adhesive .

  3. UV油墨由于干燥速度快、无污染、印刷质量高等优点,在印刷行业正在被越来越广泛的应用。

    UV ink has been broadly used in printing industry because of its fast curing rate , no pollution , high printing quality .

  4. 由于采取ir(近红外线)和热风(远红外线)相结合的有力措施,提高油墨的干燥速度。

    Process speed to dry ink is improved with the combination of an IR lamp ( near infrared ) and a hot air blower ( far infrared ) .

  5. 提高扇贝柱微波真空干燥速度和干燥品质的最优参数组合为:真空度>0.088MPa、微波功率3.0~3.6w/g和启闭比0.25~0.33。

    Considering the drying rate and quality of MVD scallop , the operation parameters of vacuum pressure , power of microwave and on / Off ratio should be kept at > 0.088 MPa , 3.0 - 3.6 w / g and 0.25-0.33 , respectively .

  6. 简单配漆实验,MDI型三聚体能够与醇酸树脂互容,并且有效提高漆膜干燥速度和涂层硬度,可以应用到木器涂料当中。

    Simple experiment with paint showed that MDI-based trimer could be consistent with alkyd resin each other and the rate of drying , and the hardness of film had been enhanced effective , which could be applied to wood coatings .

  7. 喷施2.5%碳酸钾溶液结合压扁处理,可明显加快苜蓿干燥速度,减少叶片损失,有效保存苜蓿干草营养成分,其总可消化营养物质(TDN)较对照处理提高5.6%。

    Spraying chemical drying agents 2.5 % potassium carbonate solution combined with steam-pressing could significantly accelerate the drying rate , even could keep nutritive value and improve the quality of alfalfa hay . Thus the loss of leave was reduced efficiently .

  8. 提高了干燥速度,有效地解决了该胶稳定性差、贮存期短的问题。

    The poor stability and short storage time are effectively solved .

  9. 木材微波加热过程中的表面温度和干燥速度

    Surface Temperature and Drying Speed of Wood during Microwave Heating

  10. 水稻收割时期、干燥速度与产生裂纹米的关系

    Corelation of rice reaping period , drying rate to producing cracked rice-grain

  11. 牧草种类及调制方法对牧草干燥速度的影响

    The Effects of Pasture Species and Mixing Methods on Pasture Drying Rate

  12. 压扁苜蓿茎秆加快干燥速度的研究

    Research on pressing flat stalk of alfalfa to speed up drying rate

  13. 提高淀粉粘合剂干燥速度的研究

    Study on Increasing the Drying Velocity of the Starch Adhesive

  14. 气调干制对龙眼肉干燥速度及干制品品质的影响

    Effects of Controlled Atmosphere Drying on Longan Fruit Drying Rate and Product Quality

  15. 影响干燥速度的关键工艺参数是进料速度;

    The critical technical parameter impacting the drying speed is the feeding speed .

  16. 改进淀粉粘合剂干燥速度探讨

    A study on improving drying speed of starch adhesive

  17. 压扁处理的茎秆比未压扁茎秆的干燥速度快1.5~2倍,且营养成分的偏差不显著;

    Drying velocity of battering stem is 1.5-fold and 2-fold higher than no-battering stem .

  18. 即使只通入常温空气,干燥速度也不慢。

    Even if the ordinary air is blasted , the drying is not slow .

  19. 苜蓿段长度对干燥速度与悬浮速度影响的试验

    Experimental Study on the Effect of Alfalfa 's Length on Drying Rate and Floating Velocity

  20. 非吸湿多孔物料板块等温干燥速度的简捷算法

    A short-cut method for the calculation of isothermal drying rates of non-hydroscopic porous material slabs

  21. 工艺参数对电流体动力学干燥速度与能耗的影响

    Effect of Technical Parameters on Drying Rate and Energy Consumption of Electrohydrodynamic ( EHD ) Drying

  22. 马尾松木材的透气性对高温干燥速度的影响

    Effects of Permeability of Masson Pine Wood on the Rate of Water Transfer during High Temperature Drying

  23. 该涂料具有较好的耐化学介质性,物理机械性能好,膜干燥速度快。

    The coating is featured with good resistance to chemical and mechanical properties , and fast drying .

  24. 因此,影响木材扩散特性的那些因素,通常对于干燥速度也有影响。

    Thus , those factors that affect wood 's diffusional characteristics in general also control drying rate .

  25. 所以具有干燥速度快、效率高的优势。

    Therefore , the air-flow groove-type drier has the advantages of rapid drying speed and high efficiency .

  26. 结果表明,这些因素对胶粘剂的粘度、稳定性、干燥速度和粘贴强度有很大的影响。

    The results show that it is related to viscosity , stability , dry speed , adhesion strength .

  27. 通过试验获得了干燥速度与主要工作参数(物料层厚度、物料层平均穿透风速和物料层平均移动速度)的回归方程。

    By means of experiments , the regressive equation of dry speed to key work parameters was obtained .

  28. 随着织物组织结构紧密度和厚度的增加,Y形涤纶纤维织物的干燥速度下降。

    With the increase of structure stitch and thickness , drying rate of Y shape polyester fabric is reduced .

  29. 本实用新型低温瓦楞纸板干燥机干燥速度快、可提高瓦楞纸板的质量。

    The low-temperature corrugated paperboard drying machine has rapid drying speed and can improve the quality of the corrugated paperboard .

  30. 讨论了变性淀粉粘合剂的初粘力,干燥速度等并与普通淀粉粘合剂作了比较。

    The initial adhesion and drying velocity of the modified starch are compared with those of the usual starch adhesive .