
  • 网络Spot and Splodge
  1. 加拿大棕熊Barney参与了本次三天多的外景拍摄,后期制作公司JellyfishPictures和制片人JonStopp用影片修复的方法做出了棕熊脱外套的效果,并模拟了“一个冻得要死的男人穿着斑斑点点的紧身衣跳舞”的场景。

    Shot on location over three days with a Canadian Brown Bear , Barney , post production house Jellyfish Pictures and producer Jon Stopp created the stripped down bear using prosthetics and " a very cold man dancing around in a spotty bodystocking . "

  2. 她在一块斑斑点点的镜子前面脱掉帽子。

    She was taking off her hat at a spotty mirror .

  3. 树丛下很凉快,阳光只剩下斑斑点点。

    There was cool , dappled sunlight under the trees .

  4. 看看这些蔬菜&它们全都是斑斑点点的,而且里面还有虫子。

    Look at these vegetables & they 're all mottled and wormy .

  5. 他的两手虽然斑斑点点沾满了墨水和化学药品,

    His hands were invariably blotted with ink and stained with chemicals ,

  6. 留下斑斑点点的痕迹。

    Mark with a spot or spots .

  7. 在蜿蜒曲折的小路上,仍然散落着斑斑点点的独角兽血迹。

    There were still spots of Unicorn blood here and there along the winding path .

  8. 我已经将汽车罩喷过漆了,但透过油漆还依稀可见斑斑点点的痕迹。

    I 've sprayed the bonnet , but the marks and scratches show through the paint .

  9. 我扯下他的短裤,看到他右边屁股上有着斑斑点点的刺痕。

    I slid his shorts down and saw that his right cheek was freckled with punctures .

  10. 墙壁上糊着廉价的花纸,有些地方已经斑斑点点地有了霉迹,

    A vulgar flaring paper adorned the walls , but it was blotched in places with mildew ,

  11. 五分钟后,布里打过滚从地上站起来了,剧烈地喷着鼻息,浑身都是斑斑点点的羊齿植物。

    It was five minutes before he rose again , blowing hard and covered with bits of bracken .

  12. 媚兰躺在床上,床单早已给汗渍弄脏,又因为思嘉有时溅上的水,斑斑点点地湿了。

    Melanie lay on the bed on a sheet dark with perspiration and splotched with dampness where Scarlett had spilled water .

  13. 褐色的水鸟飞临河边,跃过泥沼,在河床边的白碱地上留下了斑斑点点的棕色爪痕。

    The small brown water birds came to the river and hopped across the mud , leaving brown scratches in the alkali-white crust .

  14. 夕日欲颓,黄昏的余晖斜照进我的书房,轻透窗纱,在我的桌上映出斑斑点点,如同一幅剪影画。

    Yuhi For decadent , evening twilight shines into my study , light-transparent screens , mirrored table in my spots , like a silhouette drawing .

  15. 斑斑点点的外型,是因为中间掺杂了一些铝片。一片片薄而白的卷云出现在大黑斑的周围。

    The snippets of aluminum give it an original , speckled appearance . Pieces of thin , white cirrus clouds appear around the Great Dark Spot .

  16. 这栋建筑是灰色的,石墙上有斑斑点点的青苔,中间高,两边侧翼弯曲,像螃蟹爪子向两边伸。

    The building was of grey , lichen-blotched stone , with a high central portion and two curving wings , like the claws of a crab , thrown out on each side .

  17. 他的儿子的头很秃,脸色很红;虽然他当然不可否认地是一个可爱的婴孩,可是看上去有些皱巴巴的,身上斑斑点点。

    Son was very bald , and very red , and though ( of course ) an undeniably fine infant , somewhat crushed and spotty in his general effect , as yet .

  18. 另一个是一头牡鹿,一只美丽华贵的生物,眼睛大大的水汪汪的,两胁斑斑点点,两腿又纤细又雅致,看上去仿佛用两个手指就能把那腿折断似的。

    The other was a stag , a beautiful lordly creature with wide liquid eyes , dappled flanks and legs so thin and graceful that they looked as if you could break them with two fingers .

  19. 那数不清的斑斑点点的浮游生物,由于此刻太阳升到了头顶上空,都看不见了,眼下老人看得见的仅仅是蓝色海水深处幻成的巨大的七色光带,还有他那几根笔直垂在有一英里深的水中的钓索。

    The myriad flecks of the plankton were annulled now by the high sun and it was only the great deep prisms in the blue water that the old man saw now with his lines going straight down into the water that was a mile deep .

  20. 一个是红色小矮人,名叫德夫尔。另一个是一头牡鹿,一只美丽华贵的生物,眼睛大大的水汪汪的,两胁斑斑点点,两腿又纤细又雅致,看上去仿佛用两个手指就能把那腿折断似的。

    One was a Red Dwarf whose name appeared to be Duffle . The other was a stag , a beautiful lordly creature with wide liquid eyes , dappled flanks and legs so thin and graceful that they looked as if you could break them with two fingers .