
  • 网络LCL;FCL;Consolidation;Less Than Container Load;CFS
  1. 在拼箱货物配送中,就目前客户对于配送服务时间要求的提高,本文重点讨论了带时间窗的车辆路径问题(VRPTW)。

    In the distribution of the LCL , according to the requirement higher in the service time about customer at present , the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows ( VRPTW ) was discussed especially .

  2. 以及总转和集散的货物,拼箱。

    And the total transfer and distribution of goods , LCL .

  3. 基于SQL技术的拼箱软件开发

    Development of Encasement Software Based on SQL Technology

  4. 基于SQL技术与密度贪婪算法的自动拼箱软件系统,采用VB6.0和SQL分模块进行设计。

    The automatic encasement software system based on SQL technology and density greedy algorithm is designed with three modules by VB6.0 and SQL .

  5. 本文在分析港口物流中心的现状基础上,将港口物流中心配送分为整箱货物(FCL)配送和拼箱货物(LCL)配送两个方面进行讨论。

    On the basis of analyzing the current situation in Port Logistics Center , this article discuss the distribution of the port logistics center from two aspects : full container load ( FCL ) and less than container load ( LCL ) .

  6. 本店承接预约订货。中途港站拼箱货交接

    Our shop accepts advance orders . LCL Delivered at Port of Called

  7. 拼箱模块筛选集装箱并列出清单;

    The encasement module selects the cases and then print the list .

  8. 优化普零货物拼箱配装的遗传算法

    Genetic algorithm for optimal arrangement of general piece goods

  9. 散货拼箱相关服务,包括保税及监管仓拼箱,退税服务;

    CFS services , including cargo consolidation in bonded area , tax refund , etc.

  10. 进泓拥有20多年丰富的拼箱经验,是您专业的海运拼箱服务供应商。

    VICO has20 years of rich LCL experience that Is your professional LCL service provider .

  11. 熟悉货运市场,美国,意大利以及拼箱优先。

    Familiar with the market , especially USA , Italy as well as consol business .

  12. 包括海运进出口集装箱、散货的订舱、配载、拼箱、租船等业务。

    Including import and export shipping containers , bulk cargo booking , loading , Pinxiang , the charter business .

  13. 我公司提供从上海和宁波港等沿海各口岸的整箱、拼箱出口货物的国际运输代理业务。

    International transport agency business of export goods in whole container and assembled container from Shanghai Port and Ningbo Port .

  14. 可提供整箱、拼箱及空运进出口运输代理、信息咨询等服务,是国际货运的新型骨干企业。

    Being a newly-developed agency , the company has occupied an important position in its local industry of international freight forwarding .

  15. 本文所介绍的飞利浦公司全球拼箱海运物流服务也是通过采购第三方物流来实现的。

    As an example , the LCL transportation procurement in Philips we described in this article is achieved by purchasing the third-party logistics .

  16. 贵船装有多少整箱和拼箱?在装货港或航行中有集装箱残损吗?

    How many FCLs and LCLs are there on board ? And were any of the containers damaged at the loading port or during the voyage ?

  17. 本公司从事货运代理业务,可为拼箱发货人或箱发货人提供全球范围内的代运服务。

    This Company offers service to those LCL and FCL Shippers to forward their cargo to anywhere in the world either by sea or by air .

  18. 离心力铸造异形铸件时工艺因素对质量的影响采用地坑拼箱造型生产大型异形铸件司南仪

    The Influence of Technological Factors on the Quality of Special-Shaped Centrifugal Castings The Large Sized Compass Casting Produced by Pit Moulding and Composed Flask Process Together Box

  19. 可以为您提供拼箱业务、拆箱业务、集装箱的修洗箱、冷藏箱服务、代理空箱调运业务。

    We can provide you with LCL , devanning operations , service of repair and washing boxes , freezers service and business agent of empty container transport .

  20. 公司海运设有国际部与国内部,承接海运出口的相关业务,包括:租船、订舱、单证制作、仓储、出口拼箱、进口分拔等到业务。

    Sea Transportation department provides services related to import and export sea shipment includes leasing , booking , documentation , storage , export LCL , import break-bulk , etc.

  21. 提供全球进出口货物集装箱海运和散货拼箱服务.优势航线:美洲,欧洲,中东,非洲及东南亚。

    Provide global Import and Export container shipping and LCL cargo services . Advantage lines : America , Europe , Middle east , Africa & amp ; Asia .

  22. 中冠公司的服务覆盖了海运和空运的进出口,海运集装箱整、拼箱业务、陆路运输、仓储服务、国内外运输保险等。

    Our service covers both ocean and air import and export , such as FCL / LCL , inland transportation , warehouse , home and overseas transportation insurance business .

  23. 这里将贪婪法与自适应交叉变异算子引入到遗传算法中,设计了一种混合遗传算法,解决货箱的拼箱优化问题。

    On the basis of the method with self-adaptive commute and mutate probability and greedy algorithm , a new hybrid genetic algorithm is developed for the loading problems of container .

  24. 我司为国家经贸部批准的一级货运代理企业,主要经营海运,空运,海空联运,拼箱,陆运等进出口业务。

    I Secretary for Economy and Trade Ministry approved a freight forwarding enterprises , mainly engaged in maritime , air , sea and air transport , Pinxiang , land and other import and export business .

  25. 进入国际多式联运与物流时代的今天,集装箱拼箱业务以及无船承运人的存在,使得与无船承运人签订合同的海运承运人的保赔保险在某些情况下会受到影响。

    In the logistics times , the protection and indemnity insurance of carrier signing Contract with NVOCC will be affected in certain circumstances because of the existence of NVOCC and LCL ( Less than container load ) .

  26. 应用遗传算法,考虑货物装载重量、装载容积、优先装箱及非同时配装等约束条件,采用适当的个体编码方法,并构造合理的适应值函数,优化铁路集装箱运输中的普零货物拼箱配装。

    In order to make good use of container 's loading weight of volume in railway transportation , this paper constructed reasonable coding and fitness function by improved genetic algorithm , according to loading weight , volume and priority .

  27. 其中,整合第三方冷链物流公司资源,进行拼箱操作,指定船公司,在互联网建立信息平台的方案可以提高客户满意度,提高物流服务质量。

    Among them , integrating the resource of third party cold chain logistic company to share the container , appointing shipping line company , building information platform in the internet could increase the satisfaction of customer and enhance the service quality .