
  • 网络Spell;Fight;Wake Up
  1. 我跟你拼了。

    I 'll fight it out with you .

  2. 我顾不上休息,抓紧时间拼了起来。

    I attend to rest , lose no time to fight again .

  3. 临时用几个垫子拼了一张床。

    A few cushions formed a makeshift bed .

  4. 他说出自己的名字,然后又热心地将它拼了出来。

    He gave his name and then helpfully spelt it

  5. 如果谁想揍我最好的朋友,那我就跟他拼了。

    If someone tried to bash my best mate they would have to bash me as well

  6. 为什么那些看起来神志正常的人会拼了命地要拿到一个博士学位?

    Why do apparently sane people go through all the blood , sweat , tears and heartache involved in getting a PhD ?

  7. 在他自己的国家,出一半力他就可以成为文化偶像式的人物和四届MVP,在NBA拼了老命也就是在一支没存在感的球队为了替补出场时间而竞争。

    He can be a cultural icon and the 4x reigning MVP in his home country while half-assing it OR he could toil in relative obscurity and work hard competing for backup minutes on a possibly irrelevant team in the NBA .

  8. 就算在纽约尼克斯队发展不顺,身为头号亚裔球星的林书豪回到中国打职业联赛,其酬劳也几乎可以和曾效力尼克斯的斯蒂芬马布里(StephonMarbury)有一拼了。

    And should things not work out for him in New York , he would almost certainly giver former Knick Stephon Marbury a run for his money as the biggest star in China 's own basketball league .

  9. 即使拼了命我也要去天堂瀑布。

    I am going ti paradise falls if it kill me !

  10. 拼了命的人为了得到想要的东西会不顾一切。

    A desperate man does anything to get what he wants .

  11. 葛顿死了,我出去拼了。

    Gordy is gone , man . I 'll be outside .

  12. 拼了老命,想要公平竞争。

    Busting my ass , trying to level the playing field .

  13. 天哪,那几乎和我有得一拼了。

    Jesus , that 's almost as bad as me , man .

  14. 你非常厌倦拼了命的去赚钱。

    You 're just sick and tired of struggling to make money .

  15. 告诉球员为了他们的支持者拼了!

    Tell the players to do this for the supporters !

  16. 我总算把几块碎片拼了起来。

    I managed to put a couple of bits together .

  17. 看来她是为活下去拼了,阿利克斯。

    So she was fighting for her life , alexx .

  18. 那就看看她是和谁拼了吧。

    Now let 's see who she was fighting with .

  19. 你拼了许多我都不懂怎么拼的字。

    You were spelling words I don 't know how to spell .

  20. 我拼了。我要把她赢过来!

    I 'm gonna fight for her , and I 'm gonna win .

  21. 难怪越来越多的人拼了命想成为软件工程师。

    Which is why more people than ever are trying to become one .

  22. 现如今,他们正拼了命的想找个跟他们臭味相投的人来当总统候选人。

    And today they are desperately casting about for a like-minded presidential candidate .

  23. 所以人们拼了命想升级。

    And so people work very hard to level-up .

  24. 莱扎克意识到可能追不上了,但是他决定拼了。

    Realizing he might not catch up , Lezak rose to the challenge .

  25. 哪个?那个丑女?那张脸真是惨不忍睹,跟你有一拼了。

    That skank ? Her face is almost as ugly as your mug .

  26. 他这辈子拼了命想成为一名艺术家

    All his life he has tried so hard to be an artist .

  27. 说实话,我真地为这个项目拼了命。

    To be frank , I really got my teeth into this project .

  28. 我拼了命争取胜利。

    I 'm hustling my way to success .

  29. 在最后的三个月。大家都拼了吧。

    Study hard in the last three month .

  30. 就跟爱尔兰的码头工人有得一拼了。

    A tolerance usually reserved for Irish dockworkers .