
  • 网络tung wah group of hospitals
  1. 康年之家〔东华三院〕三年之后犯人被释放了。

    Centenary Home for the Aged [ Tung Wah Group of Hospitals ] After three years the prisoner was set free .

  2. 方树泉老人中心〔东华三院〕

    Fong Shu Chuen Social Centre for the Elderly [ Tung Wah Group of Hospitals ]

  3. 东华三院护理人员会

    Union of Nursing Staff of Tung Wah Group Hospitals

  4. 此项奖学金颁发给东华三院所属中学的中六及中七级学生。

    The fellowship is awarded to higher form students of TWGHs Secondary Schools .

  5. 宝钟全英安老院〔东华三院〕英国和美国都降低了安全警戒级别。

    Both Britain and the United States have slightly downgraded their terror threat levels .

  6. 丹仙汤治疗乳腺增生病127例疗效观察东华三院黄大仙医院

    Treatment of Hyperplasia of Mammary Glands by Danxian Tang : A Clinical Observation of 127 Cases

  7. 马郑淑英老人宿舍〔东华三院〕英皇书院同学会纪念母校金禧奖学金

    Ma Cheng Shuk Ying Hostel for the Elderly [ Tung Wah Group of Hospitals ] King 's College Old Boys ' Association Golden Jubilee Scholarship