
  • 网络bank of tokyo;Tokyo bank;BoT
  1. 关于我公司的信用,请查询东京银行股份有限公司。

    We refer you to our bankers , The Tokyo Bank , Ltd. , for any information you may require as to our standing .

  2. 此信意在通知您我方已付清全部款项,并已自东京银行处获取整套装船单据,东京银行也会将此进展通知贵方托收行。

    This is to advise you that we have made full payment and acquired a complete set of shipping documents upon presentation by Tokyo Bank , who will also advise your collection bank to that effect .

  3. 他的儿子、现年41岁的拉里·格拉泽在H.C.Wainwright、TrammellCrow和东京银行都担任过高级职员。

    His son Larry , 41 , had senior positions at H.C. Wainwright , Trammell Crow and Bank of Tokyo .

  4. 伦敦、纽约和东京银行业比较&基于金融产业集群的视角

    Banking Comparison of London , New York and Tokyo : Based on the Financial Industry Cluster

  5. 自2010年年末以来,监管机构一直在对一些帮助设定伦敦和东京银行间拆借利率的美国和欧洲银行进行调查,这是一次跨越三大洲、至少涉及9家执行机构的全面调查。

    Regulators have been investigating us and European banks that help set interbank lending rates in London and Tokyo since late 2010 , in an intensive inquiry that spans three continents and involves at least nine enforcement agencies .

  6. 另一家在香港银行业建立战略立足点的银行是三菱东京UFJ银行(BankofTokyo-MitsubishiUFJ)。

    Another bank building a strategic toehold in Hong Kong is Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd.

  7. 该丑闻对日本银行业造成了自2007年以来最严重的影响。2007年,东京三菱银行(BankofTokyo-Mitsubishi)因与犯罪集团有业务往来遭到处罚。

    The scandal is the most serious to affect the Japanese banking system since 2007 , when Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi was sanctioned for doing business with criminal groups .

  8. 他们必须准备点东西给我们看看,东京三菱银行的一位发言人说。

    They must have something ready to present to us , said a spokesman for BTM .

  9. 这一消息带动东京股市银行类股上涨,由于它使得银行对监管环境有了更清晰的了解,因此被解读为一种利好。

    Bank shares in Tokyo rallied on the news , which was received as positive for the market due to the greater clarity banks have on the regulatory environment .

  10. 孤星当初把东京之星银行卖给advantagepartners时,获得了巨额投资收益。

    Lone star originally sold the bank to advantage partners , making a big profit on its investment .

  11. 债权人将把东京之星银行的股份,转移到他们控制的一家特殊用途工具(spv)。

    The creditors will transfer the shares of the bank to a special purpose vehicle they control .

  12. 银行家们表示,日本收购集团AdvantagePartners收购孤星(LoneStar)在东京之星银行(TokyoStarBank)股权的计划,正面临融资困难,可能还存在监管方面的困难。

    Plans by Advantage Partners , the Japanese buy-out group , to acquire Lone Star 's stake in Tokyo Star Bank is facing financing and possible regulatory difficulties , bankers say .

  13. 例如,作为世界规模最大的银行之一的三菱东京日联银行(BankofTokyo-MitsubishiUFJ)去年一共招了1550人。

    Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi , one of the world 's largest banks , hired 1550 employees last year , for example .

  14. 他们计划重新设定对东京之星银行的贷款条款。

    They plan to reset the terms of their loan to the bank .

  15. 新兴世界的金融资产积累速度早已远远快于纽约、伦敦和东京等传统银行中心。

    Already the developing world is amassing financial assets at a much faster rate than are traditional banking centers like New York , London , and Tokyo .

  16. 他指控,日本各银行正人为地将东京基准利率东京银行间拆借利率(tibor)保持在高位,以提高抵押贷款等国内产品的利润。

    He alleged that Japanese banks are keeping Tibor the Tokyo benchmark rate artificially high in order to boost profits on domestic products such as mortgages .

  17. 伦敦的银行可以发出一张银行支票,这张支票可以在东京这里的往来银行支取。

    The bank can issue a banker 's check drawn on their correspondent here in Tokyo .

  18. 这个月,驻东京的法国巴黎银行首席经济学家河野龙太郎说,出口和生产已逃离他们的“软补丁。”

    Ryutaro Kono , chief economist at BNP Paribas in Tokyo , says exports and production have escaped their " soft patches . "

  19. 丑闻进一步扩大的迹象是,日本一位前交易员指控多家负责提供东京利率报价的银行组成了一个“卡特尔”,以便从住房贷款中获利。

    In a further expansion of the scandal , a former Japanese trader accused banks that make submissions to the Tokyo rate of operating a " cartel " to profit off home loans .

  20. 去年12月,监管机构发现,两名前花旗集团驻东京员工试图向同事和参与利率设定过程的其他银行员工施压,企图操纵东京银行间同业拆借利率(tibor)。

    In December , regulators found that two former Citigroup employees in Tokyo attempted to pressure colleagues and employees at other banks involved in the rate-setting process for the Tokyo interbank offered rate , or Tibor .