
  • 网络direction numbers
  1. 方法对20名成年健康志愿者行头部扩散张量成像,比较不同扫描参数(层厚/层间距、b值及扩散敏感梯度方向数)对图像质量的影响。

    Methods Diffusion tensor imaging of the head was performed in 20 healthy adult volunteers . Different parameters including slice thickness , b value and the number of the diffusion sensitive gradient direction were applied and their impaction on the quality of the images were compared .

  2. 显然,界面源法的子波出射方向数远远大于传统方法,算法的追踪误差主要由界面离散引起的,因此,界面源法很好地解决了Moser法存在的问题,大大提高了追踪的精度。

    Obviously , there are much more ray directions from a secondary source with this method than with Moser 's method . The main tracing errors only come from interface discretization .

  3. E~n中几何元素的方向数矩阵

    A Direction Number Matrix of Geometric Elements in E ~ n

  4. 基于方向数探测法的倾斜乐谱识别技术研究

    A new approach to recognition oblique musical score based on detecting of direction number

  5. 根据特征个数和方向数最小原则对原始特征集合进行优选和去冗余;

    The primary feature set was condensed by removing redundant features and minimizing the numbers of features and their directions .

  6. 这种新的重建方法使重建象的质量有明显改善,特别是在投影方向数较少的非完全投影情况下,改善效果更加明显。

    A qualitative improvement of reconstructed images by the new reconstruction method is evident , especially in the incomplete projection cases .

  7. 当你熟悉歌曲节奏和方向数时,一直闭眼跳会让你进步更快!

    When you are familiar with the song tempo and direction when the number has jumped eyes closed , you will progress faster !

  8. 计算仅涉及成像截平面法矢量的方向数,计算量小,易于对人机交互的描述,便于接口软件开发。

    Only three parameters ( i.e.the directions of the normal vectors of the cross section plane ) are included in the calculation of this algorithm , so the calculation is of low volume , resulting in easy description of man-machine interaction , and easy development of interface software .

  9. 理论研究及仿真结果表明,可重构MIMO系统相比传统MIMO可获得更多的阵列增益和遍历容量,它们都随着每根天线的方向图数目的增多而增加。

    Theoretical research and simulation results show that , compared with the traditional MIMO system , reconfigurable MIMO system can obtain more array gain and ergodic capacity , which are increasing with the number of the radiation states of each antenna .

  10. 感应线圈的设计参数为:长度250mm,长度方向匝数为125匝,高度100mm;

    The length of coil is 250 mm and the turn number is 125 . The height of coil is 100 mm and the turn number is 2 ;

  11. 关于曲面的主方向个数的简易判定

    The easy judgement on the number of hyperboloid 's principle direction

  12. 在古典微分几何中,对于曲面的主方向个数的判定,学生易产生误解。

    In the Classic Differential Geometry , students may easily clause wrong comprehension on the judgement of the number of hyperboloid 's principle direction .

  13. 2)0.3线的核心区不同样方向个体数和生物量向相邻区的相对变化率(0.42,0.56)与波动方差都很显著,物种多样性指数有增大的趋势。

    2 , In the core-zone of 0.3 moisture isohyet , the relative change rate and fluctuation variance for both the number of individuals and biomass among different sampling plots varied west-east to the adjacent area significantly . There was an increasing trend in species diversity index .

  14. 纳米加工平台X-Y方向运动的数模控制策略

    Modeling and Control for Analog Inner Loop and Digital Outer Loop of Nanotechnology-stage in X-Y Direction

  15. 毕竟,长期以来,历史经验一直指向这个方向,而数月以来国际货币基金组织(imf)也一直警告称,需要进行系统性资本重组。

    After all , lessons from history have long pointed in this direction , and the International Monetary Fund has warned for months that a systemic recapitalisation would be needed .

  16. 高度方向的匝数为2匝,宽度为100mm,宽度方向的匝数为2匝,两线圈距离为40mm。

    The width of coil is 100 mm and the turn number is 2 . The distance between two coils is 40 mm .

  17. 该文介绍了在PowerBuilder的窗口间传递参数的基本原理,根据传递参数的方向及个数不同结合实例给出了不同的实现方法。

    This paper introduces the principle of parameters transfer between windows in PowerBuilder , and gives different methods to achieve parameters transfer according to the direction of transfer and the number of parameters with samples .

  18. 通过测量双输出轴转角误差值,按理论与计算值确定调整方向和齿数,使其在不增加制造成本的情况下达到高精度转角的要求。

    Under the circumstances of not increasing manufacture cost , a high precision rotation angle was obtained by means of measuring the rotation angle errors of twin export axles , determining adjustment direction and gear numbers , according to the theoretical value and calculation .

  19. 向长波方向发展的光子数分辨探测技术

    Photon - number resolving detection techniques with trends towards infrared wavelength

  20. 但是中庭建筑在竖直方向上连续贯通数层的结构特点,却向传统建筑设计中所采用的水平分区、垂直分隔的防排烟措施提出了挑战。

    This structure feature has challenged the traditional smoke control technology , which is the concept of floor-to-floor compartmentation , adopted in tradition buildings .

  21. 佩特罗夫摩擦系数公式测定了不同方向组合的摩擦数系,并对织物风格评定中的摩擦试验方法提出了建议。

    Friction coefficients corresponding to different direction combinations are measured , with a methodological suggestion on friction tests in fabric han - dle evaluation .

  22. 所以朝这个方向运动的分子数,等于朝另一个方向运动的分子数。

    So we have the same flux of molecules going this way , is equal to the flux of molecules going the other way .

  23. 超高产育种的方向是稳定穗数,培育大穗,增加单位面积总粒数,并增强后期物质生产能力;

    The direction of super high yield breeding should focus on stabling panicle numbers , breeding big panicles , increasing the total grain numbers per unit area and enhancing rice productivity ;

  24. 另外,本文还探讨了方向谱的分割数与不规则波折射计算精度的关系,并对如何节省计算机时作了研究,从而确定了频率和方向的最佳分割数。

    In addition , the paper talks about the relation between numbers that spectrum has been cut apart and calculating precision of irregular wave refraction , and studies how to save computer time , thus determining optimum numbers of freguency and direction which should be cut apart .

  25. 向日葵花的种子排列,以及松树球果和菠萝的鳞片,顺时针方向与反时针方向的纹数,都与费波那契数列有关。

    Then the clockwise and counter-clockwise spiral pattern of seeds arranged on the sunflowers , the arrangement of scales on fir cones and pineapples are all associated with the Fibonacci series .

  26. 本文引入主方向、次方向和主判别数、次判别数概念,建立了可行方向算法的统一理论。

    In this paper the writer introduces the concepts of principal and secondary direction , principal and secondary test number , and establishes the united theory of the methods of feasible directions .

  27. 定义目标在视频自跟踪系统传感器平面中心坐标系中的目标运动方向和法线方向的两个方向数,把目标投影与目标运动弹道联系起来;

    In the paper two directions coefficient of the object in video auto-tracking system 's converter plane coordinate were defined : the object moving direction coefficient and the lineal direction coefficient , it combines the object projection with the object moving trail ;

  28. 该算法使用一个辅助信号源,从不同方向分时发射信号,发射方向的个数决定于阵列中的阵元个数。

    A method suitable for any array is proposed to solve the problem , which uses only one auxiliary signal source to transmit from different directions in different time and the number of the directions is determined by the number of array sensors .