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  1. Fibonacci数奇数次方的积和式

    Sum of products of Fibonacci number odd power

  2. 加权P方可积函数空间Lρ~p[a,b](p≥1)中强收敛与可数基

    On the Strongly Convergence and Countable Base of the Integrable Function Space L_p ~ p [ a , b ] ( p ≥ 1 ) in the Weighted P Power

  3. 利用第一、二类Chebyshev多项式的性质及其与Fibonacci数和Lucas数的关系得到了关于Fibonacci-Lucas数乘积的偶数次方的积和式。

    With the use of properties of the 1st and 2nd Chebyshev polynomials and the relationship with Fibonacci number and Lucas number , the Sum of products of Fibonacci-Lucas number even power is obtained .

  4. 畲族民间验方消积汤治疗小儿厌食症196例疗效观察

    Curative Effect Observation Of Traditional She Medicine Xiaoji Decoction for 196 cases of Anorexia In Childre

  5. 二阶矩过程黎曼均方可积的充要条件

    Sufficient and Necessary Condition for the Existence of Riemann Integral in Mean-sguare Sense of a Second-order Moment Process

  6. 通过分析,从理论上证明了闭环大系统是全局稳定的,跟踪误差有界且均方可积。

    Theoretical analysis shows that the designed scheme can guarantee the global stability of the systems with tracking errors holding bounds and its mean square performance .

  7. 在主部系数矩阵最小特征值λ的负一次方为可积的条件下,辜联昆教授提出了只在∑3上给值的另一形式。

    Under the minimum eigenvalue of the principal coefficients matrix , to the minus one be integrable , prof.

  8. 高精度的化圆为方和立方倍积作图法

    High Precision Graphic Methods for Squaring Circular Area and Multiplying Cubic Volume