
rù shù
  • in-tree
入树[rù shù]
  1. SD流率基本入树建模法反馈环分析计算机实现研究

    Research of Feedback Loop Analysis with Computer in SD Rate Variable Fundamental in-Tree Modeling

  2. 强简化流率基本入树模型与枝向量矩阵反馈环分析法

    Strongly Simplified Rate Variable Fundamental In-tree Model and a Branch Vector Matrix Approach to Feedback Loop Analysis

  3. SD流率基本入树建模法

    Modeling of RATE Variable Fundamental in tree for System Dynamics

  4. SD简化流率基本入树模型及其应用

    SD Simplified Rate Variable Fundamental In - tree Model and Its Application

  5. 系统入树反馈基模生成系向量生成法

    The Vector Multiplication Method of System in-tree Feedback Archetypes ' Spanning Set

  6. 我是只蝴蝶自由飞入树洞里。

    I was a butterfly flying freely and went into tree 's hole .

  7. 作流率基本入树嵌运算建立主导结构反馈模型

    Embedding Operator for Fundamental RATE variable in tree and Prevailing Structured Feedback Model

  8. 当他想要赶快离开时,却被钉入树中的衬衫拉住。

    While he tried to jump from the tree , his shirt , nailed to the tree , had pulled him back .

  9. 流率基本入树建模法不仅实现了规范化建模,而且有利于反馈环的计算和反馈性分析清晰化。

    SD rate variable fundamental in-tree modeling not only realizes standardization of modeling but also is beneficial to calculation of feedback loops and perspicuity of feedback analysis .

  10. 在笔者原提出的系统动力学流率基本入树规范性建模法的基础上,讨论了一个确定的复杂系统的系统基模生成的问题。

    Based on the normative modeling method-the method of rate variable based in-tree in the SD , we discussed a problem of how to generate system archetypes in a certain complex system .

  11. 在对公司+农户组织模式进行系统分析的基础上,利用系统动力学流率基本入树建模法,建立了公司+农户模式的反馈结构模型。

    By the systems analyses about " company peasant household " and the method of rate-variable fundamental in-tree , we build a feedback structure model about " company peasant household " mode .

  12. 根据入树建立了研发团队知识共享行为系统动力学模型,并对模型的信度进行了检验。

    At last , the system dynamic models of the knowledge sharing behaviors of the research and design team are established according to the basic in-tree , and the reliability of the models is preliminary examined .

  13. 再次,通过对系统的结构分析和因果关系分析,构建流图和基本入树模型,确定流位流率系,建立系统动力学模型,并进行模型的检验与评估。

    Then , the author constructs the process chart and basic model , determines the levels and rates , establish a system dynamics model and check and evaluate it by systematically analyzing the structure and relationship between cause and effect .

  14. 根据流位流率基本入树模型原理,本文首次提出了因果关系基本入树模型,并建立了关于6个系统要素的因果关系基本入树。

    According to the basic principle of flow and flow rate tree model , this paper gave a new defination . the causal relationship tree model , and set up the six system elements into the basic causal relationship tree model .

  15. 此法的特点是图形鲜明,绘法简易,使用方便(不需画出支撑入树之类的图形,也不需代数运算),结果可靠(不易发生遗漏或错算)。

    Clear-cut graphs , simple drawing , easy operation ( spanning trees etc. and algebraic calculations not needed ) and reliable results ( not apt to overlook terms or to make mistakes ) are the main characteristics of these graphic methods .

  16. 依据系统科学理论,通过微分方程理论分析,提出了系统动力学入树结构模型建立的二分部图改进方法,并通过案例的理论分析和模拟分析,验证了新方法的有效性。

    According to the system scientific theory and through differential equation theory analysis , an improvement method of Two Branch Diagram in establishing Structure Model of In-tree for SD is present , and an example is given to do theoretical analysis and simulation analysis .

  17. 在此基础上,根据计划行为理论和社会影响理论,并结合目前的团队知识共享研究成果,运用系统动力学基本入树建模法分别建立了三种知识共享行为的基本入树。

    According to the theory of planned behavior and social influence , and combined the present achievements of the team knowledge sharing research , using the basic in-tree modeling of system dynamics , the basic in-tree of the three types of sharing behavior are established respectively .

  18. 该算法以量子比的概率幅表示其代表的图中的边被选入Steiner树的概率,之后通过观测量子比特来得到解。

    In this algorithm , the edges are represented by quantum bit , and the probability amplitude represents the probability of being selected in Steiner tree , quantum bit was observed to generate a solution .

  19. 恐吓皱褶的目的是给蜥蜴足够的时间仓皇撤退,窜入最近的树丛中。

    The point of the scary frill is to give the lizard enough time to beat a hasty retreat , rocketing up the nearest arboreal loft .

  20. 鸟儿飞入一棵石榴树。

    The birds flitted into a pomegranate tree .

  21. 采取改入的决议计划树算法挖掘预测潜伏客户群,并给出了获取潜伏客户的合理可行的数据挖掘流程。

    Uses the improvement the decision tree algorithm excavation forecast latent client base , and has given the gain latent customer reasonable feasible data mining flow .

  22. 另一部分人则认为,大树入城会对树源地生态环境造成破坏,并且移植大树的成活率偏低造成资源的浪费。

    While , others , think that transplanting big trees into cities will damage the ecological environment of the trees source , and the low survival rate of transplanted trees cause waste of resources .