
  • 网络Geodetic coordinate system;map datum;geographic coordinate system
  1. 其中主要包括:邻近国家大地坐标系统和坐标框架的更新和现代化;卫星重力学,如CHAMP,GRACE所取得的进展;

    The main content of the Symposium of IAG , including the updating and modernization of geodetic coordinate system and frame in our neighbor countries , the development of satellite gravimetry , for example , CHAMP and GRACE , and the improvement in GPS data processing are introduced .

  2. 世界大地坐标系统1984的最新精化

    A Recent Refinement to World Geodetic System 1984

  3. 利用球近似大地坐标系统表示变形点位移量的可行性研究

    Feasibility research on expression of displacement of deformed point by using SPHERE-APPROXIMATE earth coordinate system

  4. 在必要性方面重点讨论下面几个方面的问题:中国大地坐标系统和大地坐标框架的现状和问题;

    The following topics in necessity are discussed : The situation and problems in Chinese existing geodetic coordinate system and its frame ;

  5. 经1985年12月~1987年3月,三年度夏测绘科学考察,在中国南极长城站地区建立了一套完整的、精确的测绘基准系统。它包括大地坐标系统、高程系统和重力参考系统。

    In the Great Wall Station area , Antarctica , a complete and accurate surveying system has been established during three years of the Antarctic surveying research expedition .

  6. 地图数学基础主要涉及大地坐标系统、地图投影系统、陆地高程基准、海洋深度基准以及与之相关的地图分幅、编号、分带等多种因素。

    The map mathematics basic refers to geodetic coordinate system , map projection system , altitude datum , depth system and map subdivision , number , zone dividing which are related .

  7. 在这次大会上我国的近邻国家如日本、蒙古、新西兰、韩国、马来西亚等报告了本国大地坐标系统、坐标框架的更新和现代化,以及地区大地水准面的精化工作。

    China 's neighboring and near neighboring countries , like Japan , New Zealand , Mongolia , South Korea and Malaysia gave the introduction at the symposium about the geodetic datum modernization and geoid improvement work in their countries respectively .

  8. 大地坐标转换软件系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Geodesy Coordinate Conversion Software System