
  • 网络atmospheric attenuation
  1. V波段作为毫米波频段一个重要的大气衰减窗口,在军事和民用领域都显示出了巨大的应用潜力。

    As an important atmospheric attenuation window , the V-band has been shown great potential on both military and civil areas .

  2. 本文给出了用实验方法得到的5.3&6.3微米范围内CO激光的86条谱线大气衰减系数的研究结果,简单地介绍了实验装置并对结果进行了讨论。

    The atmospheric attenuation coefficients for 86 CO laser lines in the 5.3-6.3 μ region obtained by means of experimental method are given . The experimental equipment is briefly described and the results of measurements are discussed .

  3. ATP子系统中补偿大气衰减的一种优化设计

    An Optimization Design of Compensation for Atmosphere Fade in ATP Subsystem

  4. 造成大气衰减的主要因素是水蒸气(H2O)、二氧化碳(CO2)和气溶胶的吸收和散射作用,这也是大气中最为多变的部分。

    H_2O , CO_2 and aerosol are the main components which can result in attenuation . These components are also the changeful components in atmosphere .

  5. 在无线光通信系统中,光强闪烁和大气衰减等因素将使通信系统产生长突发误码,结合Turbo码,建议并分析了两种差错控制方案中时间参数的特性。

    The paper proposes and analyzes two turbo coded error control schemes to improve performance of optical wireless communication with long burst error by scintillation and attenuation .

  6. 由于天气状况的变动性和不可控制性,使得大气衰减对自由空间光通信(FSO)产生重要影响,并限制了它的使用。

    Because weather condition is changeable and could not be controlled , the effect of atmosphere attenuation on free space optical communication is significant and the capacity of FSO is limited .

  7. 本文首先简单介绍了自由空间激光通信的特点、应用范围和产品现状,讨论了大气衰减和大气湍流对FSO的影响。

    In this dissertation , introduce simply the specialties of Free-Space Optics , application area and product actuality , and discuss that the atmospheric channel has a great influence for FSO system .

  8. 介绍了大气衰减、大气闪烁以及因摇摆、晃动造成的光束偏离等诸因素对自由空间光通信(FSO)的影响以及相应的解决方法。

    In this paper , some factors affecting free space optical communication , which is from atmosphere attenuation 、 atmosphere scintillation and light beam deflection because of sway 、 rock and float , and solutions are introduced .

  9. 各谱线大气衰减系数的实验值和相应的计算值之间存在着不同程度的差异,是由于水汽的共振吸收频率和激光发射频率之间的差异以及计算时采用Lorentz线型所引起的。

    There are some differences between experimental value and calculated value for the laser lines atmospheric attenuation coefficients due to the difference between resonance absorption frequency of water vapor and laser emission frequency and the use of Lorentz line profile in the calculation .

  10. 利用漫反射测距的方法,测定了5320A激光光束在不同能见度条件下的水平大气衰减系数。

    The coefficients of the horizontal atmospheric attenuation for 5320A laser beam in different seeings have been determined by means of ranging to diffuse targets .

  11. 大气衰减对自由空间光通信的影响及解决方法

    Effect of Atmosphere Attenuation on Free Space Optical Communications and Solutions

  12. DF/HF化学激光大气衰减的测量

    Measurment of atmospheric attenuation of DF / HF chemical laser radiation

  13. 渤海海域上空大气衰减光学厚度的研究

    Study on atmosphere 's attenuation optical thickness above Bohai Sea

  14. 电磁传播中大气衰减的一种工程计算方法

    An engineering calculation method of atmospheric attenuation in EM transmission

  15. 大气衰减以及毫米波与亚毫米波观测的强度校准

    Atmospheric Attenuation and Intensity Calibration for Millimeter and Submillimeter-Wave Observations

  16. 然后总结分析了激光信号的大气衰减效应和大气湍流效应。

    Secondly , the atmospheric attenuation and turbulence effects are summarized and analyzed .

  17. 广东地区大气衰减研究

    Research on the Atmosphere Attenuation of Guangdong Area

  18. 激光雷达信号大气衰减效应

    Atmospheric attenuation effects of ladar signals

  19. 常用激光的大气衰减

    Atmospheric attenuation of common applied lasers

  20. 但是,毫米波云雷达探测,必须考虑的问题之一是大气衰减订正。

    Thereinto , the correction of attenuation is a big problem in millimeter-wave cloud radar detection .

  21. 碘激光的大气衰减特性

    Atmospheric Attenuation of the Iodine Lasers

  22. 5-32mm波段大气衰减随仰角变化的实验研究

    Experimental study on the dependence of atmospheric attenuation on elevation angle at wavelength between 9.5 ~ 32mm

  23. 能见度越好,大气衰减效应对激光传输的影响越小;

    The better the visibility , the less the influence of atmospheric attenuation effect to optical propagation .

  24. 在红外制导系统中,大气衰减作用对红外探测有重要影响。

    In an infrared guidance system , the atmosphere attenuation has an significant influence on infrared detection .

  25. 讨论了仰角为3~90°时计算大气衰减的简化计算公式;

    The simplified formula to calculate the atmospheric attenuation for the elevation angle of 3-90 ° is discussed .

  26. 根据西安地区的气象特点,对地-空路径的大气衰减特性进行了计算。

    On the Earth-space path , the atmospheric attenuation characteristic is researched in the Xi ' an area .

  27. 还通过实验对典型天气条件下的大气衰减做了测量,从感性上认识大气衰减对无线激光通信的影响。

    Also we measure atmospheric attenuation in typical weather and understand it effect to wireless optical communication by sensibility .

  28. 三跳选用不同的频率,解决了通信距离引起的损耗和大气衰减对载频选择的矛盾。

    The contradictory caused by distance and atmospheric attenuation was solved by choosing different carrier frequency in each hop .

  29. 首先设计了大气衰减计算模块和传播因子计算模块。

    First , the calculation of atmospheric attenuation module and the calculation of the propagation factor module are designed .

  30. 结果表明两套公式计算晴空大气衰减都是成熟的。

    The conclusion is that the two sets of formulas to calculate microwave attenuation in clear atmosphere are considerably good .