
  • 网络Edge Operator
  1. SOBEL边缘算子在提取二值灰度图像的边缘轮廓作为目标靶板的原始样本数据的过程中,在简化试验数据的同时,成功地保留了原有试验数据的特性&孔边界的突变性。

    SOBEL edge operator was used to extract the edge contours of two-valued gray level image as the raw sample data , simplifying the test data , and reserving the original characteristics of test data , discontinuity of perforation boundary .

  2. 第四章利用分层遗传算法进行优化边缘算子。

    Chapter 4 Using Hierarchic genetic algorithms to optimize edge operator to get the optimized operator .

  3. 在利用改进的SUSAN算子进行亚像素角点检测时,综合应用了索贝尔边缘算子、灰度平方重心法等方法。

    Sobel operator and gray square centrobaric arithmetic were synthesized with the improved SUSAN operator in subpixel corner detection .

  4. 第二步在分割图中利用Canny边缘算子获得细化的目标区域边缘图;

    In the second step , edge map of object area was established by Canny 's edge operator .

  5. 论述了在经典的边缘算子基础上发展起来的最优边缘检测算子,比如LOG算子、坎尼边缘检测算子等检测定位精度较高的最优算子;

    Discussing of some optimal edge-detected operators , such as LOG operator , Canny edge-detected operator , which are developed on the base of classical ones , and shown higher precision than the formers .

  6. 该方法利用Canny边缘算子提供的边缘信息,采用区域增长法对彩色癌细胞图像进行区域分割并填充颜色。

    The method gets edge information using Canny operator and uses it as the input of region-growing to get the accurate cell region .

  7. 利用改进的Prewitt边缘算子进行车牌定位

    Applying Prewitt Edge Operator Advanced to License Plate Locating

  8. 其中在指纹验证子系统里,详细介绍了利用Canny边缘算子分割指纹图像前景区域的分割算法;

    In fingerprint verification subsystem , a segmentation algorithm based Canny edge detector is introduced first , then Gabor filter is applied to enhance the fingerprint image .

  9. 根据实验要求,本文提出采用基于图象信息熵的阈值选取算法和八方向Sobel边缘算子相结合的边缘检测方法。

    An edge detection method using the combination of threshold selecting algorithm based on image information entropy and eight direction Sobel edge operator is proposed in the paper according to the experimental requirements .

  10. 在摄像机运动的情况下,提出了一种基于光流场分割和Canny边缘算子融合技术的运动目标检测方法。

    We proposed a method on detection of moving object using a fusion algorithm based on segmentation of optical flow field and edge extracted by Canny ′ s operator in the image sequence acquired by a moving camera .

  11. 本文提出了数学形态变换结合Canny边缘算子提取图像边缘的方法,通过研究骨骼CT图像边缘提取,证明该方法几何意义明确,去噪效果明显,性能优越。

    In this paper , the method of extracting image edge with mathematical morphology transformation and Canny operator is intro - duced . By studying bone CT image edge extraction , this method is proved having obvious geometry meanings , denoise effect and out - standing capability .

  12. ·基于手腕骨图像的先验知识,通过细化、跟踪、Sobel边缘算子、灰度投影等算法实现了输入图片中关键点的定位,有效地应用于手掌各骨头的分割提取。

    Based on the knowledge we already know from a X-ray image , we use the Thinning Tracing Sobel edge arithmetic operator and projection algorithm to realize position . It is effective to apply ina X-ray palm segmentation .

  13. 基于边缘算子的重叠物质识别方法研究

    Methods and Objects Study on Identifying Overlapped Objects Based on Edge Detection Operator

  14. 根据上述最小邻域与边缘算子检测的梯度信息,重构全彩图像。

    According to this neighboring pixels and gradient information , reconstruct the three components .

  15. 边缘算子在视频对象提取中的应用

    Application of Edge Detector in Video Object Extraction

  16. 其中主要包括利用传统边缘算子的方法和小波系数相关性的算法。

    Which mainly include the use of traditional methods of edge operator and wavelet coefficients of correlation algorithms .

  17. 最后,使用了多种边缘算子提取笔迹的边缘图像,并简述了本文中使用时系统和图像处理层的实验流程。

    Finally , use a variety of edge operator extraction handwriting edge image , and summarizes the experimental process used herein , the system and imageprocessing layer . 2 .

  18. 并对常用的图像平滑算法、增强算法、边缘算子的处理时间和处理效果进行比较;测试了改进的边缘检测算法在各种天气、道路状况下的检测正确率。

    At the same time , we compare image smoothness algorithm , image enhancement algorithm and edge detection arithmetic operators , test detection veracity of the improved traffic flow detection algorithm based on edge information under all kinds of weather and road circumstances .

  19. 基于边缘检测算子的两类B样条小波

    Two types of the B-spline wavelets based on edge detector

  20. 基于最优条件下三次B样条小波的多尺度边缘检测算子

    The Multiscale Edge Detection Operator of Cubic B spline Wavelet with Constrained Optimization

  21. B样条小波边缘检测算子的应用研究

    Research of Edge Detection for B Spline Wavelet

  22. 一种基于SAR图像边缘检测算子的短程活动轮廓模型

    A Geodesic Active Contour Model Based on SAR Image Edge Detectors

  23. 探讨阈值分割和边缘检测算子对SEM图像的影响。

    Probing influence from threshold value partition and border detection operator to SEM picture .

  24. 最后通过实际的MRI图像处理验证了边缘检测算子选择的重要性。

    Finally , the importance and necessity of selecting edge detection operator are validated in the MRI image edge processing .

  25. 该方法首先利用Ratio边缘检测算子得到边缘图像;然后结合边缘纹理信息分析和种子生长,得到候选区域;

    It first use Ratio edge detection operators to get edge image , and then edge texture information analysis and seed growth method is used to get candidate region .

  26. 另外一种算法是基于SUSAN边缘检测算子的,主要是侧重于外边缘的定位。

    The second method is based on SUSAN edge detector . This method is emphasized on iris outer localization .

  27. 并在此颜色距离模型下设计了一种彩色Min边缘检测算子,有效地提取了图像的边缘信息。

    The color Min edge operator can effectively detect color edges . The result shows that the new model can reasonably distinguish different colors .

  28. 对经典的边缘检测算子进行详细的理论分析和MATLAB仿真实验,通过比较仿真结果,分析了他们的优缺点。

    Several classical edge detection algorithms are theoretical analyzed in detail and experimented with MATLAB , and analyze their advantages and disadvantages after comparing the simulation results .

  29. 以基于内积能量的边缘检测算子为基础,将Fourier描述子和彩色边缘直方图作为图像特征,用于彩色图像检索。

    Based on the inertial product energy-based edge detector , use the Fourier descriptors and the color edge histogram as image features in image retrieval .

  30. 基于自适应Canny边缘检测算子的大空间火灾图像边缘检测

    Large Space Fire Detection Technique based on Adaptive Canny Edge Detector of Fire Image Processing