
biān kuàng
  • frame;edging;rim;jamb;cheek
边框 [biān kuàng]
  • (1) [frame;rim]∶挂屏、镜子等扁平器物的框子

  • 镜子的边框

  • (2) [jamb]∶形成洞口(如门、窗、壁炉)一侧的直料或其表面

边框[biān kuàng]
  1. DWMAP的一个特性是允许扩展应用程序边框到客户端区域。

    One feature of the DWM APIs is the ability to extend the application frame into the client area .

  2. 5C可能会拥有一系列颜色,跟Touch和Nano差不多;5S可能会增加金色边框的机型。

    The 5C could come in an array of hues not unlike the touch or nano ; the 5S could expand to models with a gold frame .

  3. 查看、添加和更改网页、文档、主题和边框;重新计算超链接

    View , add , and change pages , documents , themes , and borders ; recalculate hyperlinks .

  4. marginedge或outeredge包括了应用到某元素的边框。

    The margin edge or outer edge includes the margin applied to the element .

  5. 此属性使区域能够为其包含的每个web部件控件提供通用而一致的边框。

    It enables a zone to provide a common and consistent border for each of the web parts controls it contains .

  6. 热压工艺对LCD边框厚度的影响

    The Effect on LCD Seal Thickness Caused by Hot Press Technology

  7. LotusConnections运行时会自动为每个小部件构建边框和标题栏。

    The Lotus Connections runtime automatically builds a border and title bar around each widget .

  8. 该设置允许您呈现没有标题和任何边框样式的Google小部件。

    This setting lets you render the Google gadget without a title and without any border style .

  9. 要深入了解可用的各种不同边框,请参考convert的手册页。

    For more information on the various frames available , check out the convert manpage .

  10. 在确定windows窗体的外观和行为时,有几种边框样式可供选择。

    You have several border styles to choose from when you are determining the appearance and behavior of your Windows forms .

  11. 当RF领域超出边框形式极限时,LED显示照亮和主要警报中转触发器。

    An LED indicator illuminates , and primary alarm relay triggers , when the RF field exceeds the preset limit .

  12. excel用蓝色边框包围选择的数据,“列表”工具栏出现。

    Excel surrounds the selected data with a blue border , and the list toolbar appears .

  13. 还可以使用FormsConversionTool对现有的表单应用规则,比如应用标准的边框或背景颜色。

    The Forms Conversion Tool can also be used to apply rules to existing forms , such as applying a standard border or background color .

  14. 手机的正面覆盖有纤细对称的边框,将现有机型的home键和听筒的位置切断。

    Symmetrical , slim bezels will cover the entirety of the device 's front , cutting off the areas where the home button and ear piece sit on current iPhone models .

  15. iPhone13Pro带来了我们最Pro的设计,采用了各种尖端材料,包括这些手术级别的不锈钢边框。

    iPhone 13 Pro features our most pro design with exceptional materials , like these surgical-grade stainless steel bands .

  16. 雷军表示,小米去了为苹果(Apple)的iPhone生产金属边框的几家公司,询问能给小米生产出什么样的边框。

    Mr. Lei said Xiaomi went to the same companies that made the metallic-framed Apple iPhone to see what they could do for him .

  17. Diagram视图显示实例的进度,并使用一个黄色边框突出显示当前活动的任务,如图20所示。

    The Diagram view shows how the instance is progressing , with the current active task highlighted by a yellow border , as shown in Figure 20 .

  18. 不同的controlLink边框把这些Web服务按照一定的顺序连接起来。

    The various controlLink edges connect these web services together in a sequential order .

  19. 字体,颜色,边框,填充,边距,布局,定位-这些都是由CSS来处理。

    Fonts , colors , borders , padding , margins , layout , positioning-these are all handled by CSS .

  20. 皮肤标识组件周围的边框呈现,此类组件包括行容器、列容器或Portlet等。

    A skin represents the border rendering around components , such as row containers , column containers , or portlets .

  21. left-增加所生成框的上边框,以便上borderedge处于由之前的源元素所生成的任一左浮动框的底marginedge之下。

    Left-Increase the generated box 's top margin so that the top border edge is below the bottom margin edge of any left float boxes generated from previous source elements .

  22. 当您在Eclipse中操纵代码的时候,还会注意到在左边框上注解和代码折叠控制符之间有另外一栏。

    As you work with code in Eclipse , you 'll notice yet another column in the left margin between annotations and the code folding controls .

  23. 如果仔细观察,会发现Nook平板的外观几乎和NookColor一模一样,只是灰色边框的颜色变浅了。

    Up close , the nook tablet looks almost identical to the nook color , save for a lighter gray case .

  24. STN盒边框均匀性及稳定性改善

    Improvement of Uniformity and Stability of STN-LCD Sealing

  25. Portlet标题、Portlet菜单操作和标记Portlet区域的边框都是由皮肤所渲染的。

    The portlet title , portlet menu actions , and a border to mark the portlet area are all rendered by the skin .

  26. 剪贴内容可以编辑,整理,保存为PDF文件或打印出来,使用户免受条幅广告和边框内容的困扰。

    These clips can be edited , enhanced , saved as a PDF or printed out , without excess banner ads or sidebars .

  27. 除了字体外,可以在填充、空白、边框以及任何可以设置大小的地方使用em值。

    In addition to font , you can use the em value for padding , margin , border , and wherever you can set up sizes .

  28. 注意:在DB模式中,边框显示红色,而在子目录中,边框显示蓝色。

    Note : In the DB mode , outline of thumbnails will turn red color , while that of thumbnails is blue color in the Tree mode .

  29. 它创建一个临时的轮廓(实际是GUI上的透明窗口的边框),可以通过键盘或鼠标移动它或修改大小。

    It creates a temporary outline ( actually the border of a transparent window over your GUI ) that can be moved and sized via keyboard or mouse .

  30. 因为您尚未导入Vector类,这时在左边框中就会出现一个似曾相识的符号,即一个带叉“X”的红框,再加上一个黄色的灯泡。

    Because you haven 't imported the Vector type , there will be a vaguely familiar symbol in the left margin , a red box with an " X " combined with a yellow light bulb .