
  • 网络Small mirror;pocket mirror
  1. 小镜法准直正支共焦非稳腔

    A small mirror method for aligning a confocal positive branch unstable resonator

  2. 就这点而言,这是人类朝着使用磨光的金属制作小镜方面跨出的一小步。

    From this point , it was a short step to the making of small mirrors of polished metal .

  3. 根据太阳模拟器光学系统的特性,同时也为降低制造成本,准直镜可以采用球面反射镜来代替原本的抛物面反射镜,并且采用多个小镜拼接而成。

    According to the characteristics of solar simulation optics and considering reduction of fabrication cost we can replace the paraboloidal mirror with a spherical mirror that can be made up by many small segments .

  4. 周一召开的苹果全球开发者大会(WWDC)上,开发者们可能忽略了苹果对于Spotlight的重视程度,但行业资讯网站广告时代AdAge却注意到了这一点。Spotlight是Mac电脑主屏幕右上角的一个小放大镜图标。

    The developers in the audience at WWDC may have missed the significance of the attention Apple AAPL 1.41 % paid Monday to Spotlight - the little magnifying glass on the top right hand corner of the Mac 's home screen - but Ad Age didn 't.

  5. 猫睛是许多块小玻璃镜。

    Cat 's eyes @ are bits of glass .

  6. 就是你那个小化妆镜。

    You know the small mirror .

  7. 小磁镜装置处理镜端损失粒子和杂质气体的硬铝合金真空系统

    Aludur Vacuum System of Small Mirror Machine , which Treats Mirror Loss Particle and Gas Impurity

  8. 点击搜索字段中的小放大镜打开搜索下拉菜单,选择搜索模式。

    Click on the small magnifying glass in the search field to open the search drop-down menu and choose the search mode .

  9. 一个小放大镜似的器械(腹腔镜)进入一个切口,让医生用连接小摄像机的腹腔镜找子宫内膜异位症。

    A thin telescope-like instrument ( the laparoscope ) is placed into one incision , which allows the doctor to look for endometriosis using a small camera attached to the laparoscope .

  10. 肺小结节胸腔镜术前CT引导下Hook-wire定位的临床价值

    The Clinic Value of Computed Tomography-guided Localization with a Hook-wire System for Small Pulmonary Nodules before Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Resection

  11. 小口径输尿管镜治疗102例输尿管结石

    Treatment of ureteral stone with a small-caliber semirigid ureteroscope in 102 cases

  12. 底支承对小口径反射镜镜面变形的影响

    The effect of bottom support on deformation of the small reflector surface

  13. 小切口胸腔镜手术的临床应用

    Clinical application of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery with small incision

  14. 珠宝商用的通常装上目镜的小的放大镜。

    A small magnifying glass ( usually set in an eyepiece ) used by jewelers and horologists .

  15. 这些干涉图被由小平面反射镜运动造成的参考光虚点光源的位移所调制。

    The interferograms are modulated by the displacements of the virtual point sources of the reference beams due to motion of the small mirror .

  16. 菌种鉴定:皮肤癣菌主要根据菌落形态、小培养的镜下结构进行鉴定,确定真菌的种属。

    Strain identification : according to the colonial morphology and the cultural construction under microscope , Dermatophyte could be definited the species . 5 .

  17. 在取得的相互关联的最大镜面变形数据基础上,研究了影响小口径反射镜底支承镜面变形的因素。

    On the base of relative data of the maximal deformation , studied the factors that effect the deformation of reflector surface of small telescope with bottom support .

  18. 非小细胞肺癌支气管镜活检组织中LRP和MRP表达及其临床意义

    Expression and Clinical Significance of LRP and MRP in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Tissues by Bronchoscopy Biopsy

  19. 目的探讨小婴儿电视胸腔镜手术(VATS)在单腔气管插管辅以CO2人工气胸麻醉下的可行性和安全性。

    [ Objective ] To investigate the availability and safety of single-lumen bronchial intubation and CO2 pneumothorax in infants with Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery ( VATS ) .

  20. 剑突下小切口非胸腔镜辅助Nuss手术矫治小儿漏斗胸

    Subxiphoid small incision assisting Nuss operation to cure pediatric pectus excavatum by non-thoracoscope method

  21. 目前国际上大型光学望远镜大都采用拼接镜面的方法,用许多小口径的子镜拼成大口径的主镜。

    Segmented mirror method is widely adopted nowadays in the world .

  22. 小老太和放大镜

    The Little Old Woman and the Magnifying Spectacles

  23. 小盲区超声反射镜技术无损检测管-板爆炸焊缝的研究

    Non-destructive testing of the explosive welding using short pulse ultrasonic transducer with a reflection mirror

  24. 腋下小切口与胸腔镜治疗青少年肺大泡破裂的疗效比较分析

    Comparative analysis of alar small incision and thoracoscope in the treatment of adolescent bullae of lung

  25. 在光学系统中应用小口径非球面镜来提高光学系统的光学性能已经成为现代光学技术发展的一种趋势。

    It is a trend of using small diameter aspherical lens in the modern optical system to improve the optical properties .

  26. 组合孔径光学系统是一种新型的卡塞格林光学系统,它与普通卡塞格林系统的主要差别就是它的主镜由多个小口径的子镜拼接而成。

    The synthetic aperture optical system is a new type of Cassegrain optical system , whose main mirror is composed of several sub-aperture mirrors .

  27. 我记得小时候用我的小折射镜看它们,是如此的明显。

    I remember as a child seeing them through my small backyard refractor and it was unmistakable .

  28. 在手术中一个很小的摄像头连着的小放大镜通过肚脐下小切口(手术刀口)插入。

    During this procedure a very small camera attached to a thin telescope is inserted through a small incision ( surgical opening ) below your belly button .

  29. 电视胸腔镜辅助腋下小切口与传统开胸切口行肺叶切除术的疗效比较剑突下小切口非胸腔镜辅助Nuss手术矫治小儿漏斗胸

    Comparision of Clinical Effect of Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery and Conventional Thoracotomy for Pulmonary Lobectomy Subxiphoid small incision assisting Nuss operation to cure pediatric pectus excavatum by non-thoracoscope method