
  • 网络SCIENTIST;Great Scientist
  1. 有叫鲍芬的教授是一位大科学家,不过他经常忘记小事。

    Professor Boffin was a great scientist but he always forget small things .

  2. 作为大科学家,爱迪生很出名。

    Edison is known as a great scientist .

  3. 我们家要出大科学家了!

    We 're gonna have a famous scientist in the family !

  4. 许多大科学家的重大发明和发现都是依靠他们的直觉。

    A lot of great scientists ' invents depend on their intuition .

  5. “想象力比知识更重要”,是大科学家爱因斯坦的一句名言。

    " Imagination is more important than knowledge " is once said by great Einstein .

  6. 第二天,大科学家斯宾塞决定把磁控管靠近鸡蛋。

    The next morning , Scientist Spencer decided to put the magnetron tube near an egg .

  7. 我年青时曾心怀大志,想成为一位大科学家。

    When I was young , I dreamed of hitching my wagon to a star and becoming a great scientist .

  8. 我国北宋时期的大科学家沈括,是提出油气运移概念的第一人。

    The first person who proposed the concept of petroleum migration is Chinese great scientist Shen Kuo in North Song Dynasty .

  9. 9在牛津大学当访问学者时,他有幸会见了不少的大科学家。

    During his stay at Oxford University as a visiting scholar , he had the honour to meet quite many great scientists .

  10. 也许你读过欧洲的一些大科学家们说的话:人死后有某种延续。

    Perhaps you have read what some of the great scientists in Europe are saying : that there is a continuance after death .

  11. 要有所作为,不一定非要成为大科学家,但是我们可以从世界上顶尖人物身上学到很多东西。

    It is not necessary to be a great scientist to make a difference , but there are things we can learn from the best minds in this world .

  12. 本文简介:得诺贝尔奖后的朱棣文,没有大科学家的架子,有的是亲切的笑容、幽默风趣的谈吐。

    IN THIS ARTICLE : After winning the Nobel prize , Zhu Diwen did not put on the airs of a great scientist , but was full of smiles , and engaged in humorous and witty conversation .

  13. 人们非常敬重张衡这位1800多年前的大科学家,经常举行纪念活动,表示对他的敬意。月球上有一座环形山是以他的名字命名的。

    People highly esteem Zhang Heng , a great scientist living more than 1800 years ago , and they often hold commemorative activities to show respect for him . A ring of hills on the moon was named after him .

  14. 沃尔多回忆说:“当他的头发长得太长,长得让人无法忍受时,艾尔莎就会拿剪子给他剪头发,他也愿意让她这么剪。除了修剪凌乱的头发,艾尔莎还会给这个大科学家刮胡子。他的鞋寿命很长

    Waldow recalled : " When his hair was too long , when it was beyond the pale , elsa would cut off his hair with scissors and he was willing to put up with it . As well as his disheveled hair , elsa also trimmed the great scientist 's moustache . He made his shoes last

  15. 她表示,“尿液中杀虫剂残留物的水平越高,患A.D.H.D.的风险越大。”科学家报告称,与尿液中未检测到农药残留的儿童相比,农药残留水平比较高的儿童患A.D.H.D.的风险是他们的两倍。

    She says , " The higher the level of pesticide residue in the urine , the higher the risk of A.D.H.D. in the children . " The scientists reported that the risk of the disorder was almost double in children with high levels compared to those with no level .

  16. 大科学时代科学家的社会责任

    The Scientist 's Social Responsibility in Big Science Times

  17. 补铁与否造成的差异是如此之大,以至于科学家提前结束了实验。

    The difference was big enough to make the researchers end the trial early .

  18. 尽管二氧化碳的排放量更大,但是科学家认为甲烷在增加大气温度方面的作用是前者的20倍。大量人类活动产生的甲烷源自稻田,而世界上百分之九十的稻田分布在亚洲。

    Much of the methane produced by human activity originates in rice fields , 90 per cent of which are in Asia .

  19. 这些新的发现大开许多科学家的眼界,曾经,别人只要单单提到永恒的青春,他们就会嗤之以鼻。

    These new discoveries have opened the eyes of many scientists who once would have laughed at the mere mention of eternal youth .

  20. 但是现在为了弄清楚家猫在大陆会造成多大的破坏,科学家们检查了以往的研究。

    But now , scientists have reviewed previous studies to find just how much damage cats do on the mainland .

  21. 竹子是中国古代文明的一大象征,英国科学家李约瑟惊叹道:中国曾是竹子文明的国度。

    Bamboo is a symbol of China 's ancient civilization . A British scientist named Josef Lee once exclaimed that China is a kingdom with " bamboo civilization " .

  22. 一直以来,“猫和狗哪个更好”这一问题将动物爱好者划分为两大阵营。现在科学家已经证实猫确实比狗更好——至少从进化的角度来看是这样。

    It 's the debate that has long divided animal lovers . Now scientists have confirmed that cats really are better than dogs - at least from an evolutionary perspective .

  23. 大城市的研究机构除了会得到更多的财政资源外,在进行同行评议申请科研经费的过程中,大城市的科学家也占有优势。

    Besides receiving more financial resources , institutes in bigger cities have better equipment , and the scientists are better known in the peer review process for scientific funding .