
  • 网络limited edition;Limited release
  1. 所以还是开心的收这限量发行非卖品!

    Still glad that I have this limited edition not-for-sale single !

  2. 官方活动限量发行或者奖励:限量版宠物卡片是由久娱官方发放给玩家的活动奖励(例如:全国竞技获胜等)。

    Official limited edition or reward : a limited edition pet card is issued to players for a long time entertainment activities in the official award ( for example : to win the national sports , etc. ) .

  3. 有些是限量发行的

    Some of these are limited

  4. 为确保其收藏价值,本书限量发行3000套,逐册编号发行。

    To make sure that the collection value , this book set limit to3000 sets , issued by copies issued .

  5. 纪念币是具有特定主题的限量发行的人民币,包括普通纪念币和贵金属纪念币。

    Commemorative coins are RMB issued for specific theme and with limited quantity , including average commemorative coins and noble metal commemorative coins .

  6. 为庆祝即将到来的中国农历马年,美国印钞局发行的“吉利钱”纸币面值1美元,纸币序列号皆以“8888”开头,限量发行88888套。

    To celebrate the Year of the Horse and honor the Chinese Lunar New Year , the BEP has printed crisp uncirculated $ 1 notes with serial numbers beginning with " 8888 . " The product is further limited to 88888 units .

  7. 科恩说:这关乎设计上的供求问题,奢侈品需要做到供不应求,要知道这个行业完全是依靠限量生产、限量供应和限量发行来运作的。

    It 's the designer toilet seat problem , Cohen says . The luxury business is entirely contingent on limited availability , limited supply , and limited exposure .