
xiàn zhì xìnɡ dìnɡ yǔ
  • restrictive attribute
  1. 一是限制性定语从句。

    He is a man whom you should not marry .

  2. 航海英语中非限制性定语从句的分析

    Analysis focused on the non-restrictive clauses in nautical English

  3. 注意逗号在非限制性定语从句中的用法。

    Pay attention to the use of commas in the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause .

  4. 那人是李平,他帮我复习了英语课程。(含有非限制性定语从句的主从复合句)

    It was Li Ping , who helped me with my English lessons .

  5. 限制性定语从句中关系代词as,which和that的比较研究

    The Comparative Study of Relative Pronoun As , Which & That'in Restrictive Attributive Clause

  6. 太阳很热,它给人类很多热量。(非限制性定语从句)

    The sun , which is very hot , gives a lot of energy .

  7. 是他接到了那封信,说他的叔叔去世了。(限制性定语从句,后置省略先行词)

    It is he who received the letter that announced the death of his uncle .

  8. 非限制性定语从句的翻译研究

    On the Translation of Non-Identifying Relative Clauses

  9. 第四章主要讲述限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的翻译技巧。

    The fourth chapter mainly elaborates the translation techniques of both restrictive attributive clause and non-restrictive attributive clause in English .

  10. 在这样的实验中,能够训练昆虫飞向紫外线,而紫外线对我们来说只是一片黑暗。(非限制性定语从句后置,重复先行词)

    In such an experiment the insects can be taught to fly to the ultra-violet , which for us is just darkness .

  11. 英语离散式定语从句作为一种表达方式既可以体现在限制性定语从句中,也可以体现在非限制性定语从句中。

    The divided Attributive Clause used as a form of expression can be demonstrated in both Restrictive Attributive Clauses and Non-restrictive Attributive Clauses .

  12. 本文应用功能翻译理论揭示限制性定语从句及非限制性定语从句不同的修辞功能,重点对非限制性定语从句作探讨。

    This paper expounds the differences between identifying and non identifying relative clauses in the functions of rhetoric , using a functional translation theory .

  13. 另外,本实验过程还存在一些缺陷,诸如实验样本有限;实验时间不够长;教师在教学中一再强调限制性定语从句在英语学习中的重要性并且监控整个学习过程可能会影响实验的结果。

    Moreover , limited samples , not long enough experimental time , the teachers emphasizing the importance of the clauses and watching the whole studying process may influence the result .

  14. 后者涉及3种译法,适用于翻译多数非限制性定语从句和一些描述性或解释性较强的限制性定语从句。

    The latter involves three techniques applicable to the translation of most non-restrictive attributive clauses and some restrictive ones which have , to some extent , a property of description or explanation .

  15. 前者涉及5种译法,适用于翻译多数限制性定语从句和一些限制性较强而句子结构又比较简单的非限制性定语从句;

    The former involves five techniques applicable to the translation of most restrictive attributive clauses and some non-restrictive ones which have , to some extent , a property of restriction , and the structures of which are simple ;

  16. As一词有多种用法,其中一个重要用法就是它可用作关系代词引导定语从句,既能引导限制性定语从句,又能引导非限制性定语从句。

    As is a word with different usages , one of which is that the word can be used as a relative pronoun and introduce an attributive clause ( a restrictive attributive clause or a non-restrictive attributive clause ) .

  17. 日汉非限制性动词定语从句对比研究

    A Comparative Study of Difference in Japanese and Chinese Nonrestrictive Clauses