
  • 网络Plateau Red;Altiplano red;Plateau
  1. 高原红细胞增多诱发多种顽固性疾病证治体会

    Experience in the Treatment of Diseases Induced by Plateau Erythrocythemia

  2. 黄土高原红粘土与黄土古土壤粒度特征对比&红粘土风成成因的新证据

    Comparison of Grain-size Distribution of Red Clay and Loess-paleosol Deposits in Chinese Loess Plateau

  3. 目的:探讨拉萨地区高原红细胞增多症(HAPC)患者血小板参数变化。

    Objective To observe the changes of platelet parameter in the patients with high altitude polycythemia ( HAPC ) .

  4. 目的探讨不同海拔地区高原红细胞增多症(HAPC)患者体内同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)与氧自由基代谢水平的关系。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between hyperhomocy ( Hcy ) and oxygen free radical metabolism in patients with high altitude polycythemia ( HAPC ) at different altitudes .

  5. 高原红细胞增多症左室泵血功能和STI测值分析

    THE ANAL YSIS OF LEFT VENTRICULAR PUMP FUNCTION AND STI VALUES IN RIGH ALTITUDE POLYCYTHEMIA A test on the function of blood pumping in the left ventricle of patient with hypertensive heart disease

  6. 目的探讨高原红细胞增多症(HAPC)患者血清甲状腺激素的变化及其临床意义。

    Objective To investigate the alteration of serum thyroid hormone level in the patients with high altitude polycythemia ( HAPC ) and its clinical significance .

  7. 目的:研究不同海拔高度高原红细胞增多症(HAPC)患者尿白蛋白(ALB)和N-乙酰-β-D-氨基葡糖苷酶(NAG)的排泄变化及其与红细胞生物物理特性的关系。

    AIM : To study the changes of excretive amount of albumin ( ALB ) , N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase ( NAG ) in patients with high altitude polycythemia ( HAPC ) at different altitude and its mechanism .

  8. 高原红细胞增多症患者超氧化物岐化酶和过氧化脂质的研究

    A study on superoxide dismutase and lipid peroxide of patients with

  9. 高原红细胞增多症的左心功能改变

    Changes of left heart function in patients with high altitude polycythemia

  10. 高原红细胞增多症红细胞膜脂质与红细胞变形能力的关系

    Erythrocyte deformation injury and erythrocyte membrane lipids in high altitude polycythemia patients

  11. 高原红细胞增多症1240例分析

    Analysis of 1240 cases of polycythemia at high altitude

  12. 高原红细胞增多症与摄氧能力及运动能力的研究

    A study of o_2 uptake capacity and exercise performance with high altitude polycythemia

  13. 高原红细胞增多症患者T细胞亚群的观察

    Observation of T cell subsets of high altitude polycythemia

  14. 高原红细胞增多症患者骨髓间充质干细胞的培养

    Culture of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Patients with High Altitude Polycythemia

  15. 证实低氧是高原红细胞增多的主要病因;

    It suggests that hypoxia is the leading cause of high altitude polycythemia .

  16. 高原红细胞增多症患者血清血小板生成素水平的检测及其意义

    Serum level of thrombopoietin in high altitude polycythemia

  17. 高原红细胞增多症患者化学感受器功能的研究

    Study chemoreceptors in patients with high altitude polycythemia

  18. 溶栓胶囊对高原红细胞增多症患者凝血纤溶系统的影响

    Effects of plasmin capsules on fibrinolysis coagulation system of patients with high altitude polycythemia

  19. 黄土高原红粘土序列与晚第三纪的气候事件

    Red clay sequences in Chinese Loess Plateau and recorded paleoclimate events of the late Tertiary

  20. 结论在治疗高原红细胞增多症时应关注患者血尿酸水平。

    Conclusion The study indicates that UA should be concentrated on in the patients with HAPC .

  21. 目的:观察运用溶栓胶囊治疗前后高原红细胞增多症患者抗氧化能力及内皮功能的变化,探讨其对高原红细胞增多症发生、发展的影响;

    Objective : To study plasmin capsules on antioxidative capacity and endothelial function in patients with HAPC .

  22. 黄土高原红粘土成因及上新世北方干旱化问题

    Eolian origin of the red clay deposits in the Loess Plateau and implications for Pliocene climatic changes

  23. 高原红细胞增多症动物模型的建立及其生理功能反应高血压性红细胞增多症

    Establishment of an animal model of high altitude polycythemia and analyses of its physiological functional responses to hypoxia

  24. 高原红细胞增多症高原心脏病和慢性高原反应相互关系的探讨

    A study of the relation of high atitude polycythemia , high altitude heart disease and chronic high altitude reaction

  25. 高原红细胞增多症患者于不同海拔夜间睡眠变化的自身对比研究

    A self-comparing study of the nocturnal sleep changes in the patients with high altitude polycythemia at the different height above sea-level

  26. 目的:高原红细胞增多症是由慢性高原低氧引起的红细胞继发性过度增多。

    Objective : High altitude polycythemia ( HAPC ) is a kind of polycythemia caused by hypoxia in high altitude areas .

  27. 结论:高原红细胞增多症红系祖细胞存在凋亡异常,需进一步研究是否存在基因表达异常。

    Conclusions : It is suggested that there is different apoptosis in erythroid progenitor cells by comparing the HAPC with the normal .

  28. 高原红细胞增多症血液流变学与眼底改变的关系纺织工人高血压及动脉硬化眼底分析

    Relationship between Hemorheology and ocular fundus in high altitude polycythemia an analysis of ocular fundus change in hypertension and arteriosclerosis in textile workers

  29. 结论:高原红细胞增多症患者存在纤溶抑制功能的亢进及凝血与纤溶系统的紊乱,溶栓胶囊对高原红细胞增多症具有明显的防治效果。

    Conclusion : The study indicated that it was related to disturbance or fibrinolysis coagulation system in the patients with HAPC and plasmin capsules were valuable in prevention and treatment of HAPC .

  30. 本文在综合对比晚新生代以来中国黄土高原黄土红粘土沉积、西北太平洋粉尘沉积、南海有孔虫、阿拉伯海有孔虫记录的基础上,探讨了大约8Ma以来亚洲季风的阶段性演化历史。

    An evolutionary history of the Asian monsoon since Late Miocene has been discussed based on the comprehensive comparison of the loess-red clay deposits in the Chinese Loess Plateau , eolian flux in the north-west Pacific Ocean , foraminifera fossils in the South China Sea and Arabian Sea .