
  • 网络High-Tech;high tech;Hi-Tech
  1. 诺曼·福斯特的普罗旺斯情缘&兼论高技派的气候观

    Provence , Norman foster 's beloved - with a critique on high-tech and its consideration on climate

  2. 重视环境、文化传统与生态平衡的高技派建筑

    High-tech architecture with concerns on environment , cultural tradition and ecological balance

  3. 论诺曼·福斯特与高技派

    On Norman Foster and the school of High - Tech

  4. 传统、场所、自然与技术共生&高技派建筑的多元化探索

    The Symbiosis of Technology , Tradition , Place and Nature in Hi-tech Architecture

  5. 高技派建筑的兴起与回归

    The prosper and return of high - tech building

  6. 后现代性的一种形式:当代设计文化中高技派与人文派的融合

    A Form of Post Modern Times : Enrichment of Hi-Tech Schools with Humanity of Modern Culture

  7. 室内设计中的高技派

    High-Tech In Interior Design

  8. 1977年落成的巴黎蓬皮杜文化艺术中心向全世界宣告了高技派的诞生。

    In1977 , the founding of the Culture Center of Ponpieer in Paris announced the birth of a new school-the school of high-tech.

  9. 文章指出了高技派建筑的蜕变现象,就这种现象探讨了其美学根源和社会根源;

    This paper points out the phenomenon that the High Tech Architecture is transforming , then go further into its aesthetics source and society source ;

  10. 相对于其前期的后现代建筑理论,宇源建筑学更加重视现代科学作为建筑创作源泉的合法性,并部分承认了高技派、解构派建筑的价值。

    Different from his post-modernism theory , some new concepts of modern science were accepted in the theory of cosmogenic architecture as sources to architectural design .

  11. 尽管如此,这个后来被作为“高技派”早期例子的建筑设计凸显了皮亚诺的性格。

    Still , the design was somewhat out of character for Piano : As an early example of what became known as " high-tech " architecture .

  12. 本文从分析现象出发,解析了高技派建筑生态化倾向出现的表现、动因以及对于高技生态建筑的形象评判,并重点分析了高技生态建筑运用技术的特点和方法。

    This paper analyzes the expression and motivation of ecotypic high-tech architecture , evaluates the new imagination and especially emphasizes its characteristics and methods of technology application .

  13. 提出了后高技派和典雅高技派的概念,介绍了蜕变高技派建筑的新作品和新思路。

    It presents two notions " Post - High Tech " and " Late-High Tech ", describes some new works and new thoughs of the transforming High Tech Architecture .

  14. 研究伦佐·皮亚诺的作品,分析其建筑设计理念,从思想根源和创作实践上把他的作品与“高技派”区分开来。

    Through studying and discussing Renzo Piano 's works , the author analyzes his architectural design idea and distinguishes his works from high - tech on the side of ideology root and architectural practice .