
  • 网络office services
  1. 据说BT投资公司是一家投资基金,而CB家庭办公服务公司则是一家位于格拉茨的咨询公司。

    BT Invest is said to be an investment fund , while CB Family Office Services is a consultancy based in Graz .

  2. 安全规程包括,向办公服务组报告出现故障的设备。

    Safe practices include reporting of any malfunctioning equipment to the Office Services Group .

  3. 本文描述了作者对移动办公服务系统的业务功能的技术研究和分析,并实现了基于ADC的移动办公服务系统的模型。

    This thesis is focus on the research and analysis of business function and technique implement of Mobile OA Service System .

  4. 关于社区信息化这个概念,目前,IT界较为普遍的看法比较着重于Internet服务、传统的物业管理办公服务以及社区网络建设和网上的生活、娱乐、学习等服务。

    The general view about the concept of community informatization in IT area puts much emphasis on the Internet service , traditional Property Management Office Service , as well as the construction of community networks and life , entertainment , study on line and so on .

  5. 与此同时,在印度,后台办公服务业的扩张正推动着商业园区的发展。

    Meanwhile in India , the expansion of back office services is driving development of business parks .

  6. 随着信息化的发展和深入,企业需要为员工、分支机构、合作伙伴等提供远程办公服务。

    With the development of information technology , enterprise needs to provide employees , affiliates , partners with remote office services .

  7. 如发现灯光昏暗、障碍物、无防滑材料和其他楼梯危险,应立即汇报办公服务组。

    Poor lighting , tripping hazards , loss of non-slip materials and other stairway hazards are to be immediately reported to the Office Services Group .

  8. 许多科技公司所生产的仪器和软件都是为居家办公服务的,考虑到这一点,让自己的员工现创现用似乎也是明智之举。

    Given that many technology firms produce the devices and software that make working from home a breeze , it seems sensible to let their employees use them .

  9. 伴随着互联网技术和Web技术的发展,涉及电子政务、网上交易、虚拟社区、企业办公等服务的Web应用系统不断出现。

    Along with the development of Internet technology and Web technology Web applications about e-government , online trading , virtual communities , corporate office services continue to emerge .

  10. 这项调查由澳大利亚的全球办公空间服务提供商Servcorp公司开展,共列出五种最无礼的职场行为

    The survey , by Australian-based international office space provider Servcorp , listed the top five most offensive workplace behaviors

  11. 家庭办公两用服务机器人的设计与实现

    Design and realize of the dual purpose service robot in office and family

  12. 通过描述中国人民银行广西区分行办公信息服务系统项目科研开展的有关情况,简要介绍基于独立软件级构件体系及其创建、理论意义及实用价值。

    This paper introduces the content , creation , theoretical and practical price of a domain component based architecture based on separate software degree components through stating the research work of the information service system of the Guangxi branch of the People 's bank of China .

  13. 《我的世界》距离Office等微软的核心办公软件/服务似乎很遥远。

    Minecraft seems distant from Microsoft 's core " productivity " services such as Office .

  14. 本论文基于企业内部管理及业务发展需求,在进行了技术可行性、经济可行性及管理可行性三个方面分析的基础上,应用计算机技术和Internet技术,开发办公自动化系统服务于企业。

    This paper is in a view of enterprise management and business development needs , based on the analysis of conducting the technical feasibility , economic feasibility and management feasibility ; developing the office automation systems for the enterprise with the application of computer technology and Internet technology .

  15. 估值四倍于其的WeWork(仍然很大程度上专注于美国市场)在23个城市拥有77个办公空间,服务于5万客户。

    For a valuation four times as large , WeWork - still mainly US-focused - has 77 spaces in 23 cities to service its 50000 customers .

  16. 物质因素主要由办公场所、服务设施和注册资金决定;

    Material factors mainly depend on whether the cooperative have office service facilities , and registered capital .

  17. 本系统主要用于各类学校在构建校园网网站后,需要提供教师及办公通信信息服务。

    This system is used to offer services for teachers and working correspondence information , after various kinds of schools set up the campus websites .

  18. 拥有海运仓库、空运仓库,配有专用运输车队,在码头,机场,航交所、报关大厅,设有办公场所和服务窗口。

    We also have our own transportation cars , seaport warehouse , airport warehouse , air trade center , custom declare center , office and service windows .

  19. 通过对现代医院综合布线系统的设计、结构与施工各环节的探讨,为医院信息集成、智能化办公和医疗服务提供可行性方案。

    Through the discussion of design , structure and construction of the premise distribution system of modern hospital , this paper offers a feasible intelligent scheme with medical care .

  20. 运用信息技术提高政府部门的管理水平和服务能力,逐步实现办公自动化、服务公开化、行业管理信息化和网络化。

    The use of information technology to improve management of government departments and service capabilities , and gradually realize office automation , open services , industry and network management information .

  21. 企业集团内不当交易行为的规制研究企业用于行政办公与生活服务设施的用地所占比例控制在10%以内。

    A Study of Regulating and Restraining Misconducts of Transactions within Enterprise Groups Land used for administration and life service should be less than 10 % of the total area .

  22. 瑞驰上海分公司(瑞梵)现已发展成为中国专业从事一条龙办公室搬迁及办公家具拆装服务的龙头公司。

    Now Relox Shanghai has developed as the one leading office relocation services company in china , which specialized in offering a complete set of services on office move and after-care services .

  23. 在众多的业务信息系统中,直接为管理者办公和决策服务的办公信息系统占有特殊重要的地位。

    Among lots of business Information Systems , the Office Information System ( OIS ) which gives the manager direct service including official business and decision support occupy the special significant position .

  24. 实行一站式办公的园区服务中心年内运行,市、区两级38个单位进中心办公。

    Service Center of the Park carrying out " express working " was put into operation within the year , with 38 organizations and institutions from Zhongguancun District and the municipal government working at the Center .

  25. 这些设备与办公人员构成服务于某种目标的人机信息处理系统,为企业提供一个高效的办公环境,实现信息和资源的充分共享。

    These equipments of software and hardware together with office workers are composed of man-machine information management system for certain aims to offer enterprise a well-effect work circumstance and to realize sufficient share of information and resources .

  26. 税收信息化建设始于20世纪80年代,经过多年的理论探讨和实践建设,初步形成了征税网络化,办公自动化,服务信息化的基本应用格局。

    Tax information construct begin at 20 centuries 80 ages , after many years accumulate , form a good pattern in many aspect , such as tax network , office automation , services information and so on .

  27. 现代信息网络技术已经越来越普及,我们随时随地的都在使用各种应用服务,社交网络,办公OA,邮件服务等等。

    Modern information network technology has become increasingly popular , we have anywhere , anytime using a variety of application services , social networking , office OA , mail service , and so on .

  28. 35岁的WeWork联合创始人亚当·诺依曼希望通过让一起工作的创业者们互相交流创意、分享办公区域与行政服务;逐步将WeWork发展成初创企业们的温室。

    Adam Neumann , WeWork 's 35-year-old co-founder , hopes to make the company a hot house for new business formation & by bringing together entrepreneurs who share space , office services and , potentially , ideas .

  29. 行政办公大楼、行政服务中心投入运行,大大提高了行政效率。

    Administrative office , the Chief Service Center put into operation , greatly improving the administrative efficiency .

  30. 蒙太奇的回归&泰安市水利与渔业局办公楼及综合服务楼设计

    The Returning of Montage & The Idea of Project-office Building and Affiliate Building of Watering and Fishing Department in Tai'an