
  • 网络office sofa
  1. 旗下有专业制造钢管脚架构造成高档的办公沙发系列,以及公共排椅系列等产品,同时还承继办公家具配套工程。

    A professional manufacturer 's Foot structure of steel caused by high-end office sofa series , as well as public chair series and other products , but also carries office furniture package Project .

  2. 如果人们需要一些动力才愿意从办公椅和沙发上站起来,少坐一会儿,那么两项有用的新研究能提供这种动力。

    If people need motivation to get up from their office chairs or couches and become less sedentary , two useful new studies could provide the impetus .

  3. 此外,这项调查有800万人参与其中。调查表明:如果人们长时间坐在办公椅或者沙发上,即便他们运动规律,依然会有引发糖尿病和心脏病的风险,甚而至于肥胖不会消减。

    Furthermore , this research , which had 800000 participants , discovered that even if people exercise regularly , their risk of developing diabetes , heart disease , and even obesity will not decrease if they spend most of their time sitting on an office chair or couch .

  4. 研究还发现,43%的人通常会在办公桌前度过午休时间,只有五分之一的人会离开办公桌,到沙发上去休息。

    It also emerged that 43 % will usually spend their allocated break time at their desk , with just a fifth stepping away to chill on the sofa .