
  • 网络modern sofa
  1. 现代沙发生产技术与生产模式

    Manufacture Technology and Manufacture Mode of Modern Sofa

  2. 新材料、新工艺、新设备的不断出现和发展,为现代沙发生产打下了扎实基础。

    The investment and development of new material , new technology and new equipment make the basics for the production of modern Sofa .

  3. 现代沙发结构的多样性,及现代沙发的模块化设计使得沙发形态的改变具有现实性。

    The modular design and the structural diversity of modern sofa make it morphological changing realistic .

  4. 以形式与功能的转化、设计符号的提炼与重构为切入点,对明式风格现代沙发设计的创新方法总结出一些可行性的路径。

    Then using the convertion of form and function , refinement and restructure of designing symbol as the starting points , a feasible way to creative designing of Ming-styled modern sofa is found .

  5. 这套公寓里有玻璃墙,坐拥令人舒心的绿色景观,铺设着纹理丰富的木地板,配备了精致现代的沙发,还有一个厨房岛台,你甚至可以在上面献祭一头公牛。

    The home has richly grained wood floors , trim modern sofas and a kitchen island you could sacrifice an ox on .

  6. 丹雪雅厂布艺家具厂是一家专业致力开发和生产古典、和现代家居沙发的厂家。座落于全国的商贸家具之都广东佛山顺德区乐从镇。

    Danxueya Furniture Factory specializes in researching and developing classical sofas , situated in national furniture trading capital-Lecong Town , Shunde District , Foshan City , Guangdong .

  7. 以现代简约沙发为例,应用本论文确立的家具美学评价方法,进行了美学评价实证研究,证实该评价方法能进行实际应用。

    This work applied the aesthetic evaluation method on evaluating the aesthetics of contemporary and contracted sofa for empirical study , which has proved practicability of aesthetic evaluation method of furniture .

  8. 香楠林家具厂是以生产、销售现代卧房家具、沙发、床垫为一体的专业厂家。

    Lin Nan-furniture factory is producing and selling modern bedroom furniture , sofas and mattresses as one of professional manufacturers .

  9. 通过园区建园主题思想的构建,使园区个性化、特色化。(2)深圳唯度家具公司以打造现代时尚两厅文化为企业目标,引领现代时尚沙发新潮流。

    It makes the park personalized and characteristic through constructing the themes of the park . ( 2 ) To build two hall culture in modern fashion and lead the new trend of the modern fashion sofa has become the target of SZ VDO furniture company .