
  • 网络chair;Office Chair
  1. 本厂是一家大型金属家具制造企业,专业生产金属办公椅、多功能办公转椅、ABS进口塑胶酒吧椅、五金吧椅、休闲椅。

    My factory is a large furniture manufacturer , which specializes in office chair , multi-fuction office chair , ABS import plastic bar chair , hardware bar chair , leisure chair .

  2. 如何使经常骑自行车到卧位与办公椅的“自行车来上班”的主题。

    How to make a regular bike into a recumbent with office chair for " Bike To Work Day " theme .

  3. 点击办公椅那一项,一款赫曼米勒(HermanMiller)牌办公椅直接呈现在眼前,售价899英镑。

    Click on the link , and it takes you straight to the Herman Miller model , priced at £ 899 .

  4. 英国艺术家西蒙·伯奇(SimonBirch)坐在曼哈顿下城纽约证券交易所对面一个有防火房梁的宽敞房间里,身边是一张摇摇晃晃的桌子和三把颤颤巍巍的办公椅。

    Across the street from the New York Stock Exchange in Lower Manhattan , the British artist Simon Birch sat in a cavernous room with fireproofed girders , a rickety table and three wobbly office chairs for company .

  5. Pliance系统用于较为柔软的表面之间的压力测量,现最主要应用于测量飞机和汽车座椅、办公椅和轮椅的表面压力分布。

    Novel system can measure the relatively soft surface pressure mainly in these field such as aircraft and car seats , office chairs and wheelchairs .

  6. 例如,考虑图1中所展示的办公椅。

    For example , consider the office chair shown in Figure 1 .

  7. 测试对象:整张单人沙发或办公椅。

    Test object : whole single sofa or chair .

  8. 坐姿的革命&新型办公椅设计与研发

    Sitting Revolution R D of A New Office Chair

  9. 由舒适的办公椅改造成的自行车,需要斜躺着骑哦。

    Recumbent bicycle equipped with very comfortable office chair .

  10. 他为办公室买了一张新办公椅。

    He bought a new chair for the office .

  11. 我在办公椅上工作,在专座上吃饭。

    I work in my desk chair and I eat in my spot .

  12. 多功能办公椅的设计

    The Design of the Multi-purpose Office Chair

  13. 办公椅是指社会活动和日常工作中为方便工作而配备的各种椅子。

    Office chair is designed for the convenience of working in the daily work and social activities .

  14. 由专业技术人员设计生产实木餐桌、餐椅、中高档钢木办公椅。

    The technicians design and produce wood dining tables , dining chairs , mid-grade and high-grade steel-wood office chairs .

  15. 从我的角度来看,乔的那张办公椅&那张带有软垫的转椅,很可怕。

    As far as I am concerned , Joe 's desk chair is a horror-a swivel affair with soft cushions .

  16. 在这次展会上,该公司将主要推销其用于办公椅枢轴点的自润滑塑料滑动轴承。

    In this exhibition , the company will sell its main office chair pivot point for the self-lubricating plastic plain bearings .

  17. 在它的网站上,为新生准备的开学必备清单上包括60多种根本没必要的东西,其中包括办公椅。

    On the website , the essentials list for students consists of more than 60 inessential items including an office chair .

  18. 在它的网站上,为新生准备的“开学必备”清单上包括60多种根本没必要的东西,其中包括办公椅。

    On the website , the " essentials " list for students consists of more than 60 inessential items including an office chair .

  19. 我已经挑选出了几样,但办公椅款式很多,我很难做出选择。

    I 've picked out a few things already , but I 'm having a hard time deciding among all of these office chairs .

  20. 从事办公室和公共区域办公椅的制作,并在两个领域的都取得了显著的领先地位。

    Ares Line , specialized in the production of seating for office and community , establishes itself as a reference player in both sectors .

  21. 最近发愁着,天天坐在办公椅上想着同一个事情,却没有丁点儿进展。

    I recently reached a problem , thinking the same thing every day sitting in the office chair , but it does not trip progress .

  22. 如果人们需要一些动力才愿意从办公椅和沙发上站起来,少坐一会儿,那么两项有用的新研究能提供这种动力。

    If people need motivation to get up from their office chairs or couches and become less sedentary , two useful new studies could provide the impetus .

  23. 范杰称,男性还更倾向于选择很大且带宽厚靠背的办公椅,而女性则会选择轻便、通气、有网状靠背的舒适易用的座椅。

    Men also tend to choose massive desk chairs with broad backs , while woman opt for light , airy ergonomic chairs with webbed backs , Ms. Fanger says .

  24. 大班椅、新款办公椅职员椅如垫子可翻转换用,应每周翻转一次,使磨损均匀分布。

    Second , the kindergarten chair , chair , such as new office chair cushion can turn staff to convert , should turn to wear a week , evenly distributed .

  25. 如果你觉得问题的解决只需要一个鼠标垫、一把能调节高矮的办公椅或者一个可以移动的显示器的话,公司有解决问题的义务。

    If you 've identified the problem as merely the need for a wrist pad , an adjustable chair , or a movable display , it 's in the company 's interest to comply .

  26. 有一次我需要更换我们的办公椅,于是我比较了几家厂家的产品说明书,选择了最适合我们的型号,订购了10台。

    Once I needed to replace our office chairs , so I compared products in several manufacturers ' brochures , chose the model that best suited our purposes , and ordered ten of them .

  27. 初创公司因那些慷慨得不可思议的福利而出名,从针灸到私人厨师,从摇滚音乐厅到健身球办公椅,应有尽有,甚至还有帮你在家里等待有线电视安装工的私人助理。

    Startups are known for their lavish and often ridiculous perks , from acupuncture to personal chefs , rock rooms to ball pits , even assistants who wait for the cable guy on your behalf .

  28. 五年级期间,我参加赴州首府的校外考察旅行时探访过小石城。当时最有意思的是参观州长的办公室,并且趁州长不在时在他的办公椅上坐了一会儿。

    I visited Little Rock on a fifth-grade field trip to the state Capitol , the highlight of which was a visit to the governors office with the chance to sit in the absent governors chair .

  29. 随着全球需求放缓,石化产品价格跌至一年多来最低水平。石化产品的应用范围非常广泛,从塑料袋到办公椅等不一而足。

    The prices of petrochemicals , which are used to make a wide range of products from plastic bags to office chairs , have slumped to their lowest in more than a year as global demand slows .

  30. 损坏公共财物:与损坏公司财产有关的任何事情,包括彻底弄坏复印机或办公椅等事情都是绝对绝对不能干的。一方面,这些不是你的私人物品,你必须对损失负责。

    Destroy Work Items : Anything that involves destroying work property such as permanently screwing up the copier machine or ruining office chairs is a huge no-no. First of all , it 's not your property , and you 'll be liable for any damages .