
diàn huà tīnɡ tǒnɡ
  • handset;phone;telephone receiver
  1. 他打算让他的儿子继承他的生意。takeup拿起;抱起他拿起电话听筒开始拨号码。

    He took up telephone receiver and began to dial .

  2. 发型常以立体造型示人的Gaga,这次又从其单曲的名字中得到灵感,她在头发上戴了个黄色的电话听筒,又用电话线绕头一圈。

    Known for her3-D hair pieces , Gaga took a cue from the song 's title and wears a neon yellow telephone receiver molded out of hair wrapped around her two-toned curly locks with a cord .

  3. 她颤抖着放下电话听筒,电话几乎立刻又响了起来。

    Trembling , she put the phone down . It rang again almost immediately .

  4. 她拿起电话听筒,开始拨打莫里斯·坎贝尔的号码。

    She picked up the phone , and began to dial Maurice Campbell 's number

  5. 他一只手抓起电话听筒,另一只手去摸床头灯的开关。

    He snatched up the receiver and his free hand groped for the switch on the bedside lamp

  6. v.扰乱,打扰他们摘下电话听筒,以免电话打扰他们。

    disturb They took the phone off the hook so no calls would disturb them .

  7. 客人戴一种白色的装置,很像一个电话听筒,通过上面配置的一根管,他/她可以呼吸到浓缩氧,有薄荷和canteloupe等各种味道可供选择。

    The guest wears a white object much like a telephone headset , equipped with a tube through which he or she breathes in concentrated oxygen in a choice of various flavours such as menthol and canteloupe .

  8. 她拿起电话听筒但没有说话。

    She picked up the phone but didn 't speak .

  9. 如果需要,可将电话听筒插入系统背后的话筒插座中。

    If desire , a telephone handset can be plugged into the tel.

  10. 他拿起电话听筒说“喂”,但是没有回话。

    He lifted the receiver and said'hello , 'but no one replied .

  11. 拿起电话听筒,然后开始会话。

    Pick up the phone handset , and then begin your conversation .

  12. 测试到你的电话听筒放得不好。

    To test that whether your handset is in position .

  13. 为了不受打扰,有时候我将电话听筒拿下来放在边。

    Sometimes I keep the phone off the hook to avoid distractions .

  14. 他一看到我就把电话听筒放下了。

    When he saw me he put the receiver down .

  15. 我不是很喜欢这种放大的电话听筒。

    I 'm not overly impressed with amplified handsets .

  16. 连接电话听筒的电话线。

    The telephone wire that connects to the handset .

  17. 阿迪在黑暗中笨手笨脚地握着电话听筒。

    Adie fumbled with the handset in the dark .

  18. 吴荪甫放下电话听筒,微笑着。

    He replaced the receiver with a smile .

  19. 他们拿起电话听筒,这样就没有电话来打扰他们了。

    They took the phone off the hook so no calls would disturb them .

  20. 店员:可能是您没有挂好电话听筒。

    C : It 's possible you didn 't hang up your phone properly .

  21. 我挂上电话听筒。

    And I hung up the phone .

  22. 下楼到大厅去见同事而不是拿起电话听筒。

    Walk down to hall to see a colleague instead of picking up the telephone .

  23. 内置的对讲系统能让无绳电话听筒之间或与基站之间进行联络。

    A built-in intercom system lets handsets communicate with the other or the base station .

  24. 他不把电话听筒挂上,以免受到打扰。

    He left the phone off the hook so that he wouldn 't be disturbed .

  25. 他的心怦怦跳着,痉挛的手死死地攥住电话听筒。

    His heart thumped audibly as his benumbed hand held the receiver in a desperate grip .

  26. 她放回了电话听筒。

    She put the receiver back .

  27. 目的了解市级医院病房电话听筒上的带菌谱,为有效控制医院感染提供依据。

    Objective to understand the Bactria spectrum of city hospital ward telephones for good control of nosocomical infection .

  28. 但是当你拿起电话听筒的时候,也许你会把你的号码或是姓名告诉对方的。

    But perhaps , when you take off the receiver , you give your number or your name .

  29. 到了十分钟,我简直是火冒三丈。我把电话听筒甩下去,还把所有的文件都给撕了。

    By ten minutes , I was so mad that I slammed the telephone and tore up all the papers .

  30. (商标)一种热硬化性塑料,用作电源绝缘体和制造塑料制品、电话听筒等。

    ( trademark ) a thermosetting plastic used as electric insulators and for making plastic ware and telephone receivers etc. .