
  • 网络Electronic Commerce Standards;eCommerce Standards
  1. 本文分析了数个基于XML的B2B电子商务标准,并在最后给出以后的研究方向。

    In the paper , several XML based B2B eCommerce standards are analyzed , and the future works also presented .

  2. 基于XML的B2B电子商务标准研究

    Research on XML-based Standards for B2B eCommerce

  3. 介绍了电子商务标准化的发展和基于XML的电子商务业务过程标准化研究内容,并对业务过程相关标准之间关系及其未来趋势进行了分析。

    This paper introduced the development of electronic business standardization and the researched content of business process standardization in electronic business based on XML , and also analysed the relationship among the relative standards and their development in the future .

  4. 目前一些组织与机构试图通过形成一系列基于XML的电子商务标准,构建一体化的电子商务平台,来实现企业间高效、可互操作的信息交互与共享。

    At present , many organizations and institutions are trying to form a series of XML-based e-business standards , and on this basis , many integrated e-business platform are build to achieve the inter-enterprise efficient , interoperable information exchange and processing .

  5. 针对当前B2B电子商务标准和跨组织的工作流过程建模语言存在的过程描述能力比较差的问题,提出了一种新的B2B电子商务过程建模方法。

    A new approach for modeling B2B e-commerce processes is presented , that can be used to improve the capability of modeling in the aspects of inter-organizational business processes composition for B2B e-commerce .

  6. 电子商务标准化内容思考

    Thinking on the Content of Electronic Commerce Standardization

  7. 电子商务标准的现状及其应用

    The Application and Development of Electronic Business Standard

  8. 建立信息交换标准是解决电子商务标准化的一种有效思路。

    One effective way of electronic commerce standardization is setting up the information exchange standard .

  9. 本文主要讲述了我国电子商务标准的发展大致呈现出来的特点和问题。

    This paper describes the development of China 's e-commerce standards generally shown by the characteristics and problems .

  10. 企业需要更多地借鉴和实施国际先进的、成熟的电子商务标准。

    So , the companies need use mature and low-venture e-commerce standards for reference , and put them into practice .

  11. 成熟的、低风险的电子商务标准将进一步降低成本,增加经济效益,全面提升中小企业的竞争力。

    The e-commerce standards , which are mature and low-venture , will help SMB to reduce cost , increase benefit and improve competitive in all directions .

  12. 电子商务标准化的建立与完善,是电子商务得以继续快速发展的前提和保障。

    The establishment and the consummation of the standardization of E-commerce are the premise and the safeguard , by which the E-commerce can continue to develop quickly .

  13. 电子商务全球化标准ebXML是下一代电子商务实现技术的框架。

    Abstract ebXML : the global standard for doing business over the Internet is a next generation framework for implementation technologies of E - commerce .

  14. 日本电商巨头乐天(Rakuten)首席执行官三木谷浩近日向《财富》表示,当日达服务未来有望成为电子商务的标准服务。

    Hiroshi Mikitani , CEO of Japanese giant Rakuten , recently told fortune that same-day delivery is likely to be a standard feature of e-commerce in the future .

  15. 电子商务技术标准概览

    A Brief Introduce of the Technical Standards of Electronic Commerce

  16. 该贸易协议于去年11月签署,将取消91%商品的关税,并制定有关投资、知识产权和电子商务的标准化规则。

    The trade deal was signed last November and will see tariffs eliminated on 91 percent of goods , with standardized rules pertaining to investment , intellectual property and e-commerce .

  17. 但由于支付产业链上企业良莠不齐,电子商务支付标准长期不统一,支付体系监管紊乱等诸多负面因素严重制约了电子商务支付的可持续发展。

    But because good and bad companies are intermingled in the payment chain , the standard of ecommerce payment can not be united for a long period , the negative factors like disorder in supervision of payment system seriously restricted the development of ecommerce payment .

  18. 基于XML的电子商务业务过程标准化研究

    Research on Business Process Standardization in Electronic Business Based on XML

  19. 基于XML的电子商务关键技术标准

    Research on Key Technology Standards in e-business Based on XML

  20. 以及我国近期将开展的电子商务领域的标准集中方向。

    As well as my recent e-commerce to be carried out to focus the direction of the field of standards .

  21. 随着电子商务业务的标准化和全球化,电子商务将是商业领域里的一场革命,必将成为未来商品贸易的主要方式,并且电子商务整在改变着我我们工作、学习、生活和娱乐的方式。

    E-commerce is a revolution in the field of business , will become the main way of merchandise trade . And e-commerce is changing the way we work , learn , live and play .

  22. 针对这个情况,本人培养单位江苏省技术监督情报研究所启动了江苏标准信息服务网项目建设,打造一个全新的基于电子商务的网上标准信息服务平台。

    In order to solve this problem , my unit " Jiangsu technology supervision & information institute " start a website of " Jiangsu standard information service " to provide totally new standard information service , which is based on the electronic business affair .

  23. 并进一步详细讨论了信息加密技术、认证技术、时间认证、安全级别、安全需求分析、电子商务支付模式选择标准及SET、SSL安全技术等。

    Beside it farther expounds and analysis the information encrypting technique , certification authority technique , time certification , security levels , security requirement analysis , the criterion of E-commerce payment , security technique of SET and SSL , and so on .

  24. 电子商务模式下的标准信息服务的研究及应用

    The Research & Application of Standards Service under the Model of Electronic-Commerce

  25. 电子商务支付信息交换标准化探讨

    Research on the Payment Information Exchange Standardization of Electric Commerce

  26. 本发明提出了一种易于使用的机制,用户可以做商业交易和电子商务的高安全标准。

    This invention presents an easy use mechanism that users can do business transaction and online commerce with high security standards .

  27. 本文依据美国评价电子商务网站的权威标准,对联想、海尔、戴尔三家企业的商务网站进行了调查分析,形成综合调查报告。

    This paper appraises the E-business website of Lenovo , Haier and Dell , according to the authoritative standard of America , forming investigation report .

  28. 但它的发展也不可避免地遇到了诸多制约因素,比如阅读习惯、版权保护、电子商务环境、格式标准不统一、阅读成本、网络安全以及其它配套服务等。

    However , it meets inevitably with a lot of restricting factors such as reading custom , copyright protection , electronic commerce environment , various form standards , reading cost , Internet security and other supporting services .

  29. 本文以电子商务急需解决的标准化内容为前提,结合我国现有的电子商务标准化体系,给出了我国当前电子商务标准化工作设想。

    Taking the content which needs the urgent solution as the premise , combining with the existing standardization system of E-commerce in our country , this article gives the tentative plan of the E-commerce standardization work in our country currently .

  30. 对电子商务税收管辖权标准进行了比较,主要有三种,物理上出现标准、来源地标准和消费地标准,在电子商务环境下,消费地标准相对来说较为适合。

    There is comparison of the jurisdiction of taxation , mainly between three kinds , including physical presence , the place of source and the place of consumption . In the circumstances of electronic commerce , the place of consumption is comparative suitable .