
  • 网络arc force
  1. 焊条电弧力的测定研究

    A study of the measuring of arc force produced during welding with covered electrodes

  2. 该弧焊发电机具有引弧容易、电弧力大、动态响应速度快的特点。

    The welding generator has the characteristic of striking easily , a big arc force , and rapid dynamic response velocity .

  3. 电弧力对触头表面形貌特征的影响

    The Effect of Electrical Arc Forces on Arc Erosion Morphology Features of Contact Surfaces

  4. 电弧力的测试结果表明,纯水介质的水蒸气等离子弧的电弧力最小,水+丙酮介质的电弧力最大;

    The arc pressure of water medium arc is the smallest , the arc pres-sure of the aqueous acetone medium arc is the biggest .

  5. 新的控制技术使引弧性能更好,可通过电弧力旋钮调节电弧的柔和性,选择您最舒服的电弧。

    New controlling technology make better performance of starting arc , it can choose the most comfortable electric arc by adjusting the electric arc force knob .

  6. 同时还分析了喷嘴直径、钨极内缩量以及离子气流速在相应的焊接电流下对等离子弧功率与电弧力的影响,并绘出曲线图。

    Also , the influence of nozzle diameters , tungsten setback and plasma gas flow rate on the arc power and force of the welding plasma with the respective currents was analyzed , and curves are drawed .

  7. 小孔法等离子弧焊接由于焊接过程中独特的小孔效应而得名,即等离子弧焊接过程中,等离子体产生很大的电弧力,对焊接熔池产生挖掘作用,以至形成小孔。

    Keyhole plasma-arc welding was named by the unique " keyhole effect " which means that in the plasma arc welding process . Plasma produces great arc power and has a " dig " affect to the weld pool as well as formation of a hole .

  8. 从而使可控硅整流焊机的电弧穿透力与直流旋转焊机相当。

    SCR rectifier is the same as that of DC arc wilding generator .

  9. 架空输电线路并联间隙防雷装置电弧磁场力计算研究

    Magnetic Force Computation for the Electric Arc of Parallel Gap Lightning Protection Device on Overhead Transmission Lines

  10. 通过试验研究,本文着重说明了高纤维素型焊条的抗气孔性能、涂压性和电弧吹力及其影响因素。

    The gaspore sensitivity , extruding performance and arc spray force are studied in this paper by experiments .

  11. 研究了磁放大器的动特性对引弧冲击、飞溅和电弧穿透力的影响;

    The current surge at arc initiation , spatter , and arc penetration under the influence of the dynamic response of the magnetic amplifiers are investigated ;

  12. 表面张力、电弧吹力和电磁搅拌力均有利于获得较大的熔深,浮力有利于增加焊缝中间部位的宽度。

    The surface tension , arc blow force and electromagnetic force work positive to improve the penetration , and the buoyancy can increase the width in the middle of weld pool .

  13. 并提出获得强电孤力电源的途径。从而使可控硅整流焊机的电弧穿透力与直流旋转焊机相当。

    How to obtain the way of power source of the strong arc force is shown And the arc digging action of SCR rectifier is the same as that of DC arc wilding generator .

  14. 在此基础上建立窄间隙焊接模型和电弧受力模型,阐明了焊接规范对断弧的影响机理。

    According to these analyses , the narrow gap welding model and the physical model of arc force are builded , and then influence factors of welding parameters on the deviation amount of welding arc .

  15. 焊接电弧中电磁力的分析

    Analysis of Electromagnetic Force in the Arc Welding

  16. 变极性等离子电弧形态对电弧力的影响

    Influence of variable polarity plasma arc shape on arc force

  17. 随着现代工业的发展,整流器、变频调速装置、电弧炉以及各种力电子设备大量涌入电网。

    With the development of modern industry , rectifiers , frequency converters devices , electric furnace and a variety of power electronic devices influx into grid .

  18. 建立的模型对内部电弧故障引起的力和热的效应规律进行研究,并对这两种效应进行了数值求解。

    This model mainly studies the effects of force and heat caused by inner arc faults and the numerical solution of the effects are given out .

  19. 双丝窄间隙焊中电弧主要受电弧之间电磁力和侧壁磁偏吹综合作用。

    The arc of the twin – wire MAG-NG welding is acted by the electromagnetic force of the arcs and arc blow of the sidewall .

  20. 通过与国外同类产品的对比试验,表明研制的ST-11电弧刨割条在电弧吹力、去渣性等方面已经达到国外同类产品的水平。

    The experimental results show that ST-11 arc cutting electrode to be developed has reached as the same performance as that of similar cutting electrode made in abroad in arc blowing force and slag removal .

  21. 通过对比焊缝成形及改变双丝倾角试验,揭示出电弧断弧的机制是电弧间电磁力和熔池波动共同作用的结果。

    Through experimental comparisons of the weld formation and the dip angle between two wires , it is proved that the deviation amount of welding arc is the interaction between the electromagnetic force and the vibration of weld pool .

  22. 该焊接工艺除了可以降低钨极烧损,提高焊接电弧稳定性外,低频脉冲调制产生的断续电弧力对熔池进行冲刷,可以减少气孔、控制焊缝结晶过程及焊缝成形;

    The welding arc force modulated by low frequency of this welding method is able to wash out welding pool to decrease core , control welding crystal , and control welding line on the basis of weakly tungsten burned and stable welding arc .

  23. 指出细化熔滴、增加电弧的化学反应热、加入在500℃以上分解气体的物质可有效提高电弧吹力进而改善立向下焊接操作性。

    The results showed that operative performance in the vertical down welding can be improved through fine droplet , increasing chemical reactive heat in arc area , raising arc blow force .