
  • 网络Speed Limit;speed limit sign;VSL
  1. 高速公路限速标志检测与识别技术研究

    Study on the Technique of Motorway Speed Limit Sign Detecting and Recognition

  2. 远程控制可变限速标志的设计

    Design of long-range controllable variable speed limit sign

  3. 本问采用Sobel算子和随机霍夫变换来确定形状,并实现了限速标志的识别。

    In this paper we use Sobel operator and random Hough transfer to recognize the color and the shape of the traffic lights and traffic signs , and this paper also realized the recognition of speed limit signs .

  4. 本文介绍了该设备的具体适用场合、设置要点,并着重介绍了我所研制的SX-12型可变限速标志。

    This paper introduces the SX-12 type changeable speed-limit sign developed by the Research Institute of Highways , including its application on spesific freeway sections and locations , as well as requirements of installing .

  5. 警察:难道你没看见限速标志吗?

    Policeman : Didn 't you see the limitation of speed ?

  6. 限速标志对驾驶行为影响研究

    Study on the Influence of Speed Limit Signs upon Drivers ' Behavior

  7. 高速公路入口匝道与限速标志的交通控制

    Traffic Control at a Freeway Entrance Ramp and by Speed & limit Sigh

  8. 注意那些限速标志!

    Ben : Watch out for those speed bumps !

  9. 问题23.男士对限速标志说了什么?

    Question 23 . What did the man claim about the speed limit sign ?

  10. 高速公路可变限速标志的作用及控制

    Action and Control of Freeway Variable Speed Signs

  11. 高速公路雾区设置自动限速标志系统的探讨

    Discussion on setting automatic speed - limit signing system at frog area on thruway

  12. 可控制红绿灯与可变限速标志功能的交通信号机的研制

    Development of a Traffic Signal Controller Capable of Controling Traffic Signal Light and Changeable Speed-Limit Sign

  13. 有汽车没有安全带,几乎没有任何限速标志。

    There are no seat belt rule enforcement in cars and hardly any speed limit signs .

  14. 驾驶员自身因素对限速标志识别能力的影响分析

    Analysis on the Influence of Drivers ' self Factors on the Identification of Speed Limit Sign

  15. 你是说你没看到刚才的限速标志吗?

    Do you mean to say you didn 't see the speed limit sign back there ?

  16. 可变限制速度标志(以下简称可变限速标志)是高速公路上进行速度限制,保障交通安全的重要设施。

    Changeable speed-limit sign is an important device on freeway to limit driving speed and improve traffic safety .

  17. 恐怕我没有看见限速标志,警官。我一定思想开小差了。

    I 'm afraid I didn 't see the speed limit , officer , I must have been dreaming .

  18. 本文介绍了一种新型交通信号控制仪,它能控制红绿灯,亦能同时控制可变限速标志。

    This paper presents a new traffic signal controller which can control traffic signal light and changeable speed-limit sign .

  19. 依据认知工效学中的注意和记忆等机制对驾驶员的限速标志认知过程进行了解析;

    According to the mechanisms of attention and memory in cognitive ergonomics , drivers ' cognitive process of identifying speed-limit signs was decomposed and analyzed ;

  20. 动态限速标志具有定时和定次两种工作方式,单片机通过程序控制电机转动,转换限速值。

    Dynamic speed-restricting sign has two working of timing and time . Microcontroller controls motors turning to change the value of restricted speed using the program .

  21. 限速标志是现代交通管理中最普遍的车速控制方式之一,也是保障道路交通安全的基础设施,为强化限速标志警示作用,对高速公路上限速标志设置间距进行研究具有重要意义。

    Speed limit signs are the most common way to control the speed in modern traffic management ; it is also the infrastructure to guarantee traffic safety .

  22. 机器不仅能胜任驾驶,还开得极为标准,其驾驶表现毫无悬念到令人厌烦的地步——总能观察到限速标志,在每一个障碍物前都会减速,就像总在参加路考一样。

    The machine not only drives competently but with tedious predictability , always observing the speed limit and slowing at every obstacle , as if constantly trying to pass a driving test .

  23. 本文根据高速公路交通流的运动特点,分析和讨论了高速公路可变限速标志的作用,提出了相应的交通流限速相关制约模型及其控制算法。

    This paper discusses and examines the action of freeway variable speed signs on the basis of analysing movement characteristics of freeway traffic flow . The variable speed sign interactive model and control algorithm are proposed .

  24. 高速公路雾天行车存在严重的安全隐患,自动限速标志系统可根据雾况实时向高速公路使用者发出限速警告,有效提高雾天行车安全性。

    There are serious potential safety hazard to drive in frog on thruway . The automatic speed - limit signing system can give a warning of speed - limit to the driver , which can efficiently improve the safety of driving in frog .

  25. 参加该活动的一位女模特表示:“司机们在通过村庄或交叉路口时通常不会减速。即使有限速标志也没用。所以,我们必须让他们慢下来。”

    One of the models who stripped off for the experiment said : ' Our drivers usually do not slow down when they pass a village or a settlement even though there are speed limit signs by the road . So we have to make them do it . '

  26. 在有人流的地方都须设置“停车”标志和镜子,并展示了限速行车标志。

    There are " Stop " signs , mirrors , and posted speed limits in areas where pedestrian traffic may be present .

  27. 高等级公路限速及限速标志设置问题的探讨

    Probing into Problems of Speed Limit & its Sign Installation for High-grade Highway

  28. 通过对不同限速的交通标志图像分类和识别的实验表明,特征数据经归一化、核函数经寻优之后分类和识别均取得了良好的效果。

    The different Limited-Speed traffic signs experiments were conducted for traffic sign classification and recognition after feature data normalization and kernel function optimization , and the good results achieved .

  29. 限速在美国开车,你要当心限速标志。因为开车地点不同,速度限制经常会变化。标志上的数字表示你在这一区域的最大时速。

    Speed limit When driving in the United States you will have to watch out for speed limit signs as the speed limit changes frequently depending on where you are driving ; the number on this sign indicates the maximum miles per hour you can drive in that area .

  30. 一位男性司机则对此表示:“这个主意太棒了,我很乐意在路边看到更多美女限速牌,而且这回我真的看到了限速标志。别的司机也一定会看的。”

    A male driver said : ' It 's super thing , amazing . I 'd like to see more of this by the road , and yes I looked at speed limit sign this time . It will teach other drivers too . '