
mínɡ cí wèi yǔ jù
  • sentence with a nominal predicate
  1. 影响名词谓语句自足的语言形式

    Language Forms Influencing Self - Sufficiency of Noun - Predicated Sentences

  2. 现代汉语名词谓语句研究

    Study on the Nominal Predicate Sentences in Modern Chinese

  3. 论古汉语的名词谓语句

    On the Noun - Predicate Sentence in Ancient Chinese

  4. 第二章:本章是对名词谓语句的语义进行分析。

    Part 2 A semantic analysis of noun-predicate sentences is made in this chapter .

  5. 名词谓语句综合研究

    A Comprehensive Study of Chinese Noun-Predicate Sentences

  6. 重点分析了名词谓语句的主语和名词谓语句的谓语的相互选择,力争穷尽性列举了所有可能出现的句法组合,较为全面的展示了名词谓语句的句法类型。

    In addition , it lists as exhaustively as possible the syntactical combinations that might appear and reveals comprehensively syntactical features of noun-predicate sentences .

  7. 根据他们的理论,我们通过分析汉语中名词谓语句的句法表现,推导出了这一句型的谓词化操作过程。

    According to their theory , we summarize the syntactic representations of Chinese nominal predicate sentences and then derive their process of predication operation .

  8. 但是符合句法的句子在生成之后并非都能进入言语交际之中,在具体的语言使用中,名词谓语句能否出现还要受到语义、语用、语音等诸多非句法因素的制约。

    In authentic use of language , the existence of nominal predicate sentences is equally restricted by semantics , pragmatics , phonetics and other non-syntactic factors .

  9. 阐述了物量短语作谓语是名词谓语句,动量短语作谓语是动词谓语句这一观点。

    It expounds that the sentence which has material classifier phrase is noun predicate sentence , and the sentence which has verb classifier phrase is a verb predicate sentence .

  10. 名词谓语句指的是一切不需要借助动词的帮助,以名词或名词性结构(如名词性偏正结构,数量名结构等)来担任谓语的句子。

    Nominal predicate sentences refer to all sentences in which nouns or nominal structures ( e.g. nouns with modifiers , numeral-classifier-noun structures and so forth ) occupy the position of predicates , without the help of verbs .

  11. 中位句型有动词谓语句、名词谓语句、形容词谓语句、主谓谓语句、数词谓语句、助动词谓语句、副词谓语句和代词谓语句8个。

    There are eight sentence patterns in the second level , which are verb-predicate sentence , noun-predicate sentence , abjective-predicate sentence , subject-predicate predicate sentence , numberal predicate sentence , auxiliary verb-predicate sentence , adverb-predicate sentence and pronoun-predicate sentence .

  12. 第五部分为结论,通过前面对各种基本类型的名词谓语句的描写,说明了名词谓语句构成的条件,也解释了一些与名词谓语句相关的基本问题。

    The fifth part is the conclusion . Through the previous description towards the various types of nominal predicate sentences , it indicates the qualification of the formation of the nominal predicate sentences and also explains some basic problems relevant to them .

  13. 根据谓语的语义特点,将名词谓语句分为静态义的名词谓语句和动态义的名词谓语句,通过分析得出不同语义的句法类型的特点,为下一步的分析做好准备。

    In accordance with semantic characteristics , noun-predicate sentences are classified into both static and dynamic forms . The analysis results in the characteristics of syntactical patterns with different semantic meanings , which paves the way for further analysis in the next chapter .

  14. 先秦汉语名词性谓语句(简称先秦汉语名谓句)是一种独立而常见的句型,可以描写成NP1&NP2形式,体现了汉语自身的特色。

    The nominal predicate sentence ( NPS ) that can be described " NP_1-NP_2 " is a characteristic sentence model and frequently used in Pre-Qin Chinese .

  15. 名词性谓语句的语义分析

    Semantic Analysis of Nominal Predicate Sentence

  16. 考察了泰国勉语的单句和复句。单句既包括动词性谓语句、形容词性谓语句、名词性谓语句,又包括无主句、省略句和独词句。

    This chapter describe and analysis of simple sentences and complex sentences . Simple sentences include verbal-predicate , adjectival-predicate , nominal-predicate sentences , sentences with no subjects , elliptical sentences and one-member sentences .

  17. 第三章以语序为句式划分的标准对现代汉语的句型系统进行考察,提出现代汉语的基本句式包括基本名词性谓语句、基本形容词性谓语句、基本动词性谓语句三种句式。

    Chapter 3 analyzes and classifies the system of modern Chinese sentences with the criterion of constituent order and indicates that Chinese dynamic sentences are based on three basic sentences : the basic nounal predicate sentence , the basic adjectival predicate sentence and the basic verbal predicate sentence .

  18. 第二部分是自身有陈述语义基础的名词形成的名词谓语句,主要分为顺序义、性状义两大类,在此基础上讨论了这些陈述义的特点及相关问题。

    The second part aims to discuss the nominal predicate sentence composed of the nouns with stating meaning itself , which mainly composed two types : with turn meaning or with nature meaning .

  19. 指人名词充当主语的名词性谓语句

    Chinese Sentence with a Nominal Predicate Whose Subjects Refers to a Person or Persons

  20. 名词性词语充当谓语是汉语特有的现象,汉语名词性谓语句是一种独立的句型。

    It is a special phenomenon that nominal words act as predicate , nominal predicate sentence is independent sentence model .