
míng shù
  • denominate number;concrete number;household
名数 [míng shù]
  • (1) [concrete number]∶带有量词的数。如:三斤,五两

  • (2) [household]∶户口;户籍

名数[míng shù]
  1. 试验显示使用新规则后从ChineseTreeBank中抽取到的人名数增加了14.3%。

    The experiments show that the number of person names extracted from the Chinese Treebank increased by 14.3 % after using the new patterns .

  2. 四名数周前被乌克兰东部地区的反对派劫持的欧洲观察员获释。

    Four European observers held captive for weeks by rebels in eastern-Ukraine are now freed .

  3. 这两个名单包含的州名数大致相同,但不会一模一样。

    The two lists will contain roughly the same number of states , but they will not be identical .