
  1. 该构式中的S指主语,X指谓词性短语和主谓短语。

    S refers to subject , X refers to predicative phrase and subject & object phrase .

  2. 谓词性短语向体词性短语的转换

    The Transformation from a predicate phrase to a substance phrase

  3. 当以形动词形式修饰核心词时,一般内于谓词性短语而外于名词。

    The past participles are usually closer than predicate phrases and further than nouns to the head word .

  4. “为了”引导小句、主谓短语、谓词性短语,则根据具体的语境来划分。

    If it conducts clause , the phrase of subject and predicate , and the phrase of verb , its part of speech is determined by concrete context in the sentence .

  5. 在连谓短语或复句的两个分句中,而用来连接两个谓词或谓词性短语,而并不表示种种语义关系。

    In the phrases of consecutive predicates or in the two clauses of the complex sentence , it is used to join two predicates or two predicative phrases , but not to indicate all kinds of semantic relations .