
  • 网络predicate logic;predicate calculus
  1. 谓词逻辑在设计PLC梯形图中使用的研究

    Study Predicate Logic Used in Design PLC Ladder Diagram

  2. 构造了选矿基础Web数据库,建立了统一的知识库标准,基于关系模式表征了传统的规则、框架、语义网络、谓词逻辑等知识;

    Web database and knowledge base standard of mineral processing were built , and traditional rule , frame , semantic model and predicate logic knowledge were characterized by relational data pattern .

  3. 使用XML的一阶谓词逻辑归结原理

    Resolution Method Using XML in First-order Predicate Logic

  4. PKI信任模型的条件谓词逻辑推理

    A conditional predicate calculus logic for PKI trust model analysis

  5. 提出一种基于概率和条件谓词逻辑来表示和推导PKI信任模型的方法。

    A conditional predicate logic and probabilistic model are proposed for representing and reasoning about PKI trust model .

  6. 第四章是基于弱BL的谓词逻辑;

    The fourth chapter is predicate logic based on weaker basic logic .

  7. 本文讨论了中介谓词逻辑系统MF的完备性。

    This paper deals with completeness of predicate calculus system of medi - - um logic MF .

  8. 基于谓词逻辑的Prolog程序设计

    Prolog Programming Based on Predicate Logic

  9. Z语言是基于一阶谓词逻辑和集合论的形式规格说明语言,采用了严格的数学理论,可产生简明、精确、无歧义且可证明的规格说明。

    Z is a formal specification language based on the first order predicate logic and set theory . It can generate concise , accurate and conformable specifications .

  10. 目前时空本体的构造都是基于一阶谓词逻辑,不能直接应用最新的OWL本体语言描述,不利于其在语义Web上的表示和应用。

    Currently , the construction of spatio-temporal ontology is based on FOL , and can not utilize the Web ontology language OWL ; this bans its applications on the semantic Web .

  11. PI的结构与过程类似于逻辑中的演绎推理,但它的可取之处在于它可以提供比谓词逻辑更加丰富的结构形式,它是心理学与逻辑的综合。

    The structure and process in PI is similarly to deduction in logic . But PI has much richer structures than predicate calculus . It is a complex of logic and psychology .

  12. 提出了一种新型Petri网&高阶Petri网,这种网可以应用于一阶谓词逻辑中的多项式子句集问题;

    In this paper , we propose a new class of Petri nets , higher-order Petri nets ( HOPN 's ), which can be applied to polynomial clause subset of first-order predicate logic .

  13. 本文概述了CAD中的人工智能系统,包括早期的问题求解程序、扩展谓词逻辑的形式系统、专家系统以及第五代计算机的智能CAD系统,表明在CAD中引进人工智能技术是其重要发展趋势。

    Artificial intelligence systems have been reviewed , which include problem-solvers , expanded predicate logic , expert systems and intelligent CAD systems in FGCS . This paper shows that introduction of artificial intelligence in CAD is an important development tendency .

  14. 归纳逻辑编程(ILP)借助一阶谓词逻辑的强大描述能力,可以自然地表述各种特征,将其整合到一个逻辑框架下,从中学习目标关系。

    Inductive logic programming based on first-order logic has great expressivity , with which features can be represented in an integrated framework .

  15. PAR方法及其平台使用一阶谓词逻辑表示功能规约,分划与递推来进行算法形式推导,各种转换系统来自动生成算法程序。

    The PAR approach and its platform expresses function specification by first prediction logic , formally derives algorithm by partition and recurrence , and automatic generate algorithmic program by diversified transformation systems .

  16. 基于一阶谓词逻辑的PROLOG语言不允许量词作用于谓词,这限制了它的表达和处理范围。

    PROLOG , a kind of first-order logic-based language , doesn 't permit quantification over predicates in grammer sense , hence the expressive range suitable for this language is decreased .

  17. 提出了以VHDL语言为手段,介绍了针对个体域D为{0,1}的谓词逻辑定理证明的实现方法,并在Active-HDL环境中举例说明。

    This paper proposes the application of VHDL language in testifying Predicate_Logic whose universe D is { 0,1 } , and exemplifies in Active-HDL .

  18. 提出一种用于粒计算的α-决策逻辑语言,该语言是由Tarski意义下的模型和可满足性所描述的一种特殊的经典谓词逻辑。

    The α _ - decision logic language , described by model and satisfiability in the Tarski 's style , is proposed for granular computing .

  19. 本文在一阶谓词逻辑的基础上,为每个定性的Horn子句规则赋予一个蕴涵强度f,从而得到定量的f-Horn子句规则及其Herbrand解释。

    Based on the first order predicate logic each qualitative Horn clause rule in this paper is associated with an implication strength f , therefore quantitative f-Horn clause rules and their Herbrand interpretation are obtained .

  20. 该系统选用基于一阶谓词逻辑的TurboProlog2.0版本作为程序设计语言,在UCDOS支持下,在LEO286微机上实现。

    The system was implemented on a LEO 286 personal computer running under a UCDOS operating system . The programming language is Turbo PROLOG 2.0 , which is primarily based on the first order predicate calculus , but permits imperative coding .

  21. OCL表达式的约束验证过程就是配置问题推理求解,因为OCL是基于谓词逻辑的,所以首先将OCL转化为一阶谓词,然后在进行约束验证,本文提出一种基于语义分析的转化方法。

    The constraint validation of OCL expression is the process of reasoning to solve configuration problems . Since the OCL is based on the predicate logic , we need to first transform OCL into first-order predicate and then during the constraint validation .

  22. 在面向对象的语言环境下,分析设计了一个以产生式为基础、将谓词逻辑与过程表达相结合的通用推理模型(RBIM)。

    This paper analyzed and designed an inference model ( RBIM ) based on production system in object oriented programming language , which can combine representation of predication and procedure .

  23. 本文采用谓词逻辑和包含集对分类规则集的后处理进行了研究,其主要研究成果如下:第一、基于谓词逻辑的分类规则约简RMCRPL算法。

    In this paper , the post-processing methods of classification rule set are studied by using the predicate logic and the including set . The main research works are as follows : First , a reducing algorithm ( RMCRPL ) of classification rule set is presented based on predicate logic .

  24. 针对一些规则性的知识通过一阶谓词逻辑进行形式化;

    For that regularization knowledge we use first order predicate logic ;

  25. 建立于谓词逻辑上的递归程序及其操作语义

    Syntax and operational semantics of recursive programs based on predicate logic

  26. 但要使用复数谓语动词。带同异性的谓词逻辑

    It takes a plural predicate verb . predicate logic with equality

  27. 一种弱谓词逻辑上的集合论

    The set theory over a kind of weak predicate logical system

  28. 第二部分:分析知道谓词逻辑的形式语言。

    The second part analyzes the formal language of knowledge predicate logic .

  29. 基于谓词逻辑和约束网络结构的遗传编程方法

    Genetic programming based on predicate logic and constraint network architecture

  30. 一个基于谓词逻辑的金融投资辅助决策系统

    A Financial Investement Assistance Decision System Based on Predicate Logic