- 网络predicate logic;predicate calculus

Study Predicate Logic Used in Design PLC Ladder Diagram
Web database and knowledge base standard of mineral processing were built , and traditional rule , frame , semantic model and predicate logic knowledge were characterized by relational data pattern .
Resolution Method Using XML in First-order Predicate Logic
A conditional predicate calculus logic for PKI trust model analysis
A conditional predicate logic and probabilistic model are proposed for representing and reasoning about PKI trust model .
The fourth chapter is predicate logic based on weaker basic logic .
This paper deals with completeness of predicate calculus system of medi - - um logic MF .
Prolog Programming Based on Predicate Logic
Z is a formal specification language based on the first order predicate logic and set theory . It can generate concise , accurate and conformable specifications .
Currently , the construction of spatio-temporal ontology is based on FOL , and can not utilize the Web ontology language OWL ; this bans its applications on the semantic Web .
The structure and process in PI is similarly to deduction in logic . But PI has much richer structures than predicate calculus . It is a complex of logic and psychology .
In this paper , we propose a new class of Petri nets , higher-order Petri nets ( HOPN 's ), which can be applied to polynomial clause subset of first-order predicate logic .
Artificial intelligence systems have been reviewed , which include problem-solvers , expanded predicate logic , expert systems and intelligent CAD systems in FGCS . This paper shows that introduction of artificial intelligence in CAD is an important development tendency .
Inductive logic programming based on first-order logic has great expressivity , with which features can be represented in an integrated framework .
The PAR approach and its platform expresses function specification by first prediction logic , formally derives algorithm by partition and recurrence , and automatic generate algorithmic program by diversified transformation systems .
PROLOG , a kind of first-order logic-based language , doesn 't permit quantification over predicates in grammer sense , hence the expressive range suitable for this language is decreased .
This paper proposes the application of VHDL language in testifying Predicate_Logic whose universe D is { 0,1 } , and exemplifies in Active-HDL .
The α _ - decision logic language , described by model and satisfiability in the Tarski 's style , is proposed for granular computing .
Based on the first order predicate logic each qualitative Horn clause rule in this paper is associated with an implication strength f , therefore quantitative f-Horn clause rules and their Herbrand interpretation are obtained .
The system was implemented on a LEO 286 personal computer running under a UCDOS operating system . The programming language is Turbo PROLOG 2.0 , which is primarily based on the first order predicate calculus , but permits imperative coding .
The constraint validation of OCL expression is the process of reasoning to solve configuration problems . Since the OCL is based on the predicate logic , we need to first transform OCL into first-order predicate and then during the constraint validation .
This paper analyzed and designed an inference model ( RBIM ) based on production system in object oriented programming language , which can combine representation of predication and procedure .
In this paper , the post-processing methods of classification rule set are studied by using the predicate logic and the including set . The main research works are as follows : First , a reducing algorithm ( RMCRPL ) of classification rule set is presented based on predicate logic .
For that regularization knowledge we use first order predicate logic ;
Syntax and operational semantics of recursive programs based on predicate logic
It takes a plural predicate verb . predicate logic with equality
The set theory over a kind of weak predicate logical system
The second part analyzes the formal language of knowledge predicate logic .
Genetic programming based on predicate logic and constraint network architecture
A Financial Investement Assistance Decision System Based on Predicate Logic