
  • 网络predicate calculus
  1. 狭义的中介系统仅指中介逻辑ML,它由中介命题系统MP及其扩张系统MP、中介谓词演算系统MF及其扩张系统MF,以及带等词的中介谓词演算系统ME组成。

    The narrow medium system only consists of the medium propositional system MP and its expansion MP , the medium predicate calculus system MF and its expansion MF and the system ME .

  2. 本文借助中介逻辑谓词演算系统MFM,对不完全信息系统的理论和应用进行了研究。

    This paper investigates the theory and application of incomplete information system by using the medium logic predicate calculus system MFM .

  3. 本文为参考文献[7]的续篇,在此继续生成中介逻辑的谓词演算系统MF的形式定理。

    This paper is the continuation of Reference [ 7 ] .

  4. 最后,建立了中介逻辑谓词演算系统MFM的表推演系统,并证明了该系统的可靠性和完备性,该系统可作为不完全信息的自动推演系统。

    At last , the tableau system of medium logic predicate calculus system MFM is constructed , and the soundness and completeness of the system is proved . This system can act as the automated reasoning system in incomplete information environments .

  5. 本文扩充了[1]的谓词演算系统。

    This paper extends the predicate deduction system in the reference [ 1 ] .

  6. 中介谓词演算系统ME与ME之间的化归算法及其应用

    Algorithm and Its Applications of Transformation between Medium Predicate Calculus Systems ME and ME

  7. 中介逻辑的谓词演算系统(Ⅰ)

    Predicate calculus system of medium logic (ⅰ)

  8. 本文将三值逻辑谓词演算系统MF~M应用在不完全信息数据库的研究中,对原有的扩充关系模型做了改进。

    In this paper , the original extended relational model has been improved by adopting MFM in the research of incomplete information database .

  9. 中介逻辑命题演算系统MP~M和中介逻辑谓词演算系统MF~M是一种适用于处理不完全信息的新的逻辑系统。

    The Medium Logic Propositional Calculus System MPM and the Medium Logic Predicate Calculus System MFM are new logic systems . They are fit for dealing with incomplete information .

  10. 一个新的模糊谓词演算形式系统

    A new formal deductive system for fuzzy predicate calculus

  11. 本文将说明建基于二级谓词演算的ZF系统,无论从概念(意义)上或形式推导上都优于BG系统。

    It has been proved that the ZF system based on second order predicate calculus is superior to BG system both in conception and in formulation .

  12. 作者提出一个谓词μ-演算系统,目的在于描述传值进程的性质。

    A predicate μ calculus is proposed for describing properties of value passing processes .