
  1. 拥有组织交流培训的专业队伍,长期组织国内国际培训,开展国际科技合作与交流;承办团体会务、务、游等各类活动。

    It always organizes domestic and international training , launches international technical cooperation and exchanges , and undertakes serious activities of businesses and tourisms .

  2. 中国妇基会与有关部门合作,建立了交流培训服务机构,对妇女及下岗女工开展实用技术培训;

    China Women Development Foundation cooperated with the related units and established the exchange training service institution , which provides knowledge training to the laid-off women .

  3. 亚太中心企业技术交流与培训中心

    APEC Center for Technology Exchange and Training for Small and Medium Enterprises

  4. 世卫组织还向我们提供了研究人员交流和培训机会。

    WHO also provided us with researcher exchange opportunities and training .

  5. 教育、交流、培训和公众意识;

    Education , communication , training and public awareness ;

  6. 亚太中小企业技术交流与培训中心

    ACTETSME : APEC Center for Technology Exchange and Training for Small and Medium Enterprises

  7. 建立亚洲核医学学校,其目标是管理与协调核医学学术交流与培训。

    Asian school of nuclear medicine is an educational enterprise of ARCCNM , and the objective is to organize and coordinate academic and training programs in nuclear medicine .

  8. 公约还要求各国通过教育、交流、培训促进公众的控烟公共意识,控制烟草需求。

    The convention also requires each country to promote people 's public consciousness of tobacco control and control the need of tobacco through education , exchange and training .

  9. 目的评估学生及其家长进行生殖健康知识、交流技能培训的效果。

    Objective : To evaluate the effect of knowledge and communication skill training on sexual and reproductive health ( SRH ) angled at both adolescents and their parents .

  10. 网络教研是基于互联网和遥程教育网入行教育教授教养指点、研讨、沟通、交流、培训的教授教养研讨形式。

    Network-based Teaching Study is a form of teaching study based on internet and distance-teaching network , it can be used to teaching instruction , studying , communication and training .

  11. 深化干部人事制度改革,推行公务员考试录用、竞争上岗、轮岗交流与培训制度。

    The reform to the personnel system was deepened , with the introduction of examinations in recruitment for public service , competition for positions , job rotation , personnel exchanges and training programs .

  12. 第四部分对上述问题进行原因分析,包括学校领导和老师的认识、课程设置、专家与学员的交流、培训机制四个方面。

    The fourth part of an analysis of the cause of the above problems , including the understanding of the leadership and teachers , curriculum setting , experts and students ' communication , training mechanism four aspects .

  13. 结论对青少年开展性与生殖健康教育的同时,组织家长进行性与生殖健康知识、、交流技能的培训效果更显著。

    Conclusion : Parents ' knowledge , attitude and communication skill training on SRH is helpful to adolescents ' SRH education .

  14. 对手术室护士进行沟通交流知识系统培训。

    Objective : To probe into both the methods and the values on application of communication skills in nurses of operating room .

  15. 自学反思、合作交流、分层培训、临床指导和问题课题化是孵化的五种主要方式。

    Self-studying and reflection , cooperation and communication , different level training , practical guidance and problem research are the five main modes .

  16. 通过研究发现,组织失误有监管失误、信息交流失误、培训失误、周围环境失误与工作条件失误5大类;

    Through finding , organization error has 5 big categories , that is supervision error , information error , training error , surrounding environment error and work condition error ;

  17. 但愿双方在金融监管更始、风险提防、产物立异、信息交流及人才培训等方面,增强交流与合作。

    I hope our two sides will step up exchange and cooperation in areas such as financial regulatory reform , risk prevention , product innovation , information sharing and personnel training .

  18. 远程控制技术可以应用在远程办公、远程技术支持、远程交流(远程培训、教育)、远程维护和管理等很多方面,具有很好的应用前景。

    Remote control technology possesses a bright future in the following fields : remote office , remote technology support , remote communication ( Including remote train and remote education ), remote maintenance , remote manage , etc.

  19. 协助客户策划安排不同类型的商务考察、交流、访问、培训,设计最优行程;

    Assist customers with different forms of business investigation , communication , visiting and training ; design the optimal itinerary ;

  20. 郭开朗对客人的到来表示欢迎。他希望通过代表团的此次来访,进一步交流双方在干部培训、办学水平等方面的经验。

    Guo extended warm welcome to Vietnam guests and expected further exchanges and communication on the experience of both sides in leadership training and school management via this visit .

  21. 今年非洲高等院校论坛的主题是:新技术、信息和交流为非洲人才培训带来更多机会。

    The theme of this year 's African Higher Education Conference is " New technology , information and communication create more opportunities in new human resources training in Africa " .

  22. 根据做我做交流与自信力培训教练的经验,我可以教你怎样使人际关系升华、变牢靠,使你的社交生活更加丰富多彩。

    I 'd like to show you , based on my experience as a communication and confidence coach , how you can add a significant amount of depth , and thus strength , to your relationships and make your social life a whole lot more meaningful .

  23. 交流艺术学位提供专门的交流技巧培训,但是培训的应用范围却十分广泛。

    Communication degree provides specific training in communication , but the application of that training is very broad .

  24. 政府在与养殖农户进行风险信息交流时,应偏重使用视频、音频、图示,以及人际之间的信息交流与培训。

    When communicating with farmers on risk information , government should rely more on the use of video , audio , graphics and interpersonal information exchange and training .