
huò zhǔ
  • Cargo owner;owner of cargo;master of goods
货主 [huò zhǔ]
  • [master of goods;owner of cargo] 货物所有权的拥有者

货主[huò zhǔ]
  1. 为了详细的说明运费期权的套期保值效益,本文分别从班轮公司和货主公司的角度进行了实例分析,利用实例对集装箱运费期权套期保值的效果进行了分析。

    In order to describe hedging benefit of freight options , this paper makes a case analysis from the liner companies and owner of cargo respectively , and analyzes hedging effect of the container freight option by using real examples .

  2. 经过大量调查研究,发现目前网上物流系统中存在的两个难题:运费的安全电子支付问题和货主与车主之间的信任问题。

    Through making investigations in a large amount , find two difficult problems existing in online logistics system at present : the secure electronic payment problem of the freight charges and the trust problem during owner of cargo and car owner .

  3. 公司大量投资于冷冻设备,吸引货主纷至沓来

    Frozen plant of company many invest in , attract consignor thick as hail .

  4. EDI/XML信息系统为机场物流满足货代和货主的要求提供了理想的平台。

    The EDI / XML system has provided an ideal platform for the airport logistics to fulfill the needs of the logistics servers and the goods owners .

  5. 根据物资仓库行业工作特点,出入库管理模块采用C/S模式,货主物资信息管理模块采用B/S模式,开发了适宜WEB的仓储管理信息系统。

    According to the characteristics of warehouse enterprises , input-output warehouse management mould is used for C / S mode , management mould of owner 's goods information is used for B / S mode and warehouse management information system that fits for Web is developed .

  6. 与国内其他水运市场相比,LPG水运市场规模偏小,运力需求方面,LPG货主主要是中石油、中石化及地方炼厂。

    Compared with other domestic shipping market , the scale of LPG shipping market is smaller . The shippers are mainly CNPC ( China National Petroleum Corporation ), Sinopec Group and local refineries .

  7. 作为期货的一种,BIFFEX不仅仅有广大货主、船东的参与,还包括投资者等等。

    As a kind of futures , the BIFFEX contract attracts not only many ship owners , charters , but also many investors .

  8. 系统实现了货运收入统计分析、货运吸引区电子地图、基于货运计划、货票和重点货主的营销分析等功能,并结合客户关系管理(CRM)理念,着重体现了对重点货主的营销分析。

    The function of the System included analysis and statistics of freight income , digital map of freight domain and marketing analysis based on freight plan and freight tickets . Combined with the idea of CRM-Customer Relationship Management , the System was emphasized on the marketing analysis of consignors .

  9. 在集装箱港口企业供应链管理的流程、特征及其作用的基础上,论文运用Stackelberg博弈建立了集装箱港口企业与货主的竞争模型以及集装箱港口企业与航运经营人的竞争模型。

    Then , based on the process , characteristics and function of container harbor supply chain management ; this paper uses Stackelberg game to establish the competition model of harbors and consignors , and the competition model of harbor and shipping companies .

  10. 并通过典型案例论证了船东及货主都能利用BIFFEX的期货交易,或锁定运费收入,或锁定运费支出,从而达到规避运价风险的目的。

    Reasoning from some typical cases that ship owner and consignor can both make use of BIFFEX 'S optional exchanges ; either lock the earnings or the payout of freight , moreover achieve the aim of eluding the freight risk .

  11. 基于非聚合理论的货主选择港口的研究

    Analysis of the Shipper ' Port Choice Based on Disaggregated Model

  12. 第三方物流企业与货主企业的战略联盟研究

    Study on the Strategic Alliance of TPL Enterprise with Its Customer

  13. 在到达水上前不负风险货主负担甲板货风险

    No risk till waterborne shipped on deck at shipper 's risk

  14. 外经贸部发出通知中国对外经贸企协为货主服务职能正式启动

    MOFTEC sends Circular to CEA for starting Service Function for Shippers

  15. 他们劫持了货主,并抢走了他的所有东西。

    They held up the owner and robed him of everything .

  16. 我们还没有接到货主的装船通知单。

    We have not received the shipper 's loading notice yet .

  17. 因需求下降,货主急于知道如何处理库存货物。

    Shipper is anxious about stock disposal as demand falling .

  18. 货主:我仍然不懂这意味着什么。

    Cargo Owner : I still don 't understand what that means .

  19. 货主:运输途中有100套机器严重生锈。

    Cargo Owner : There are100 sets of machines terribly rusty in transit .

  20. 排他管辖权条款对中国中小货主的影响及对策

    Impact of exclusive jurisdiction clause on Chinese young cargo owners and its countermeasures

  21. 中国货主等待结果

    Chinese Cargo Owners Are Waiting for the Outcome

  22. 留在这里的货物由货主承担损失。

    Goods leave here be owner 's risk .

  23. 一方面,它可以拓展港口的腹地,一方面可以为货主提供更加周到的服务,另外,它的建成对交通运输系统也有着重大的影响。

    Provide consignor with better service and have an important influence on transport system .

  24. 维护货主的合法权益&架起货主与船东的桥梁

    Protection of Lawful Rights and Interests of Shippers

  25. 港口耽搁日期自10月13日中午起,请告知贵处货主代理。

    Delay will be counted from October thirteenth noon , inform owner agent there .

  26. 货主:是的,在这里。

    Consignor : Yes , here it is .

  27. 货物移动由货主负责已卸下所装货物的货船。

    Owner 's risk of shifting a freighter relieved of its charge of cargo .

  28. 货物资料请问货主,我们不清楚。

    Please ask shipper for cargo details , which we don 't know clearly .

  29. 货主:谢谢您的解答了。

    Consignor : Thank you for your explanation .

  30. 取消订货的目的永远在于挽救货主;

    Break orders always to save owners ;