
kuān kǒu
  • wide mouth
宽口 [kuān kǒu]
  • [widemouthed] 嘴大的,口大的

  • 宽口瓶子

  1. 在上午的后几个小时里,一条长长的潮汐波出现在河口的宽口处,几个小时后慢慢地向河流涌去。

    A long tidal wave first appears at the wide mouth of the estuary during the late hours of morning , and slowly works its way up river over several hours .

  2. 矿用宽口大风量空气幕的设计计算

    Design and calculation of large cross sectional jet and high volume discharge mine air curtains

  3. 他生产的是全球最具设计感的宽口奶瓶。

    What he produced was the best designed , best engineered baby feeding bottle in the world .

  4. 约公元前2000年,从现在的荷兰和莱茵兰地区来了宽口陶器人。

    At about 2000 BC the Beaker Folk arrived from the areas now known as Holland and Rhineland .

  5. 他长着大大的蓝色眼睛、宽口红润嘴巴、优雅的双手和浓眉。

    He had big blue eyes and a wide red mouth and delicate hands and greasy brown hair .

  6. 取一直宽口浅锅倒入橄榄油加热,并放入洋葱加入调味料烧几分钟直到洋葱变软。

    Heat the olive oil in a wide , shallow pan and then add the onion with a bit of seasoning and cook for a few minutes until softened .

  7. 方法采用凝胶渗透色谱净化方法,对粮食、蔬菜样品进行前处理,宽口毛细管气相色谱/电子捕获分离、检测。

    Methods Samples of grains and vegetables were cleaned up by gel permeation chromatography ( GPC ), separated by wide-bore capillary gas chromatography column and detected by electron capture method .

  8. 毛料衬衣被一副熨平贴着的麻料硬领遮着,上身紧紧地,扣子都全扣齐了,大氅松宽地罩在上面;裤管口塞在宽口鞋里,因为他们是不穿袜子的。

    The woollen shirt was concealed by a broad , linen collar ; the close jacket was buttoned up to the chin , and the cloak hung loosely over it ; the trousers were tucked into the broad , tipped shoes , for the clerks wore no stockings .

  9. 配穿长靴的宽脚口裤子当前对宽松的裤子的喜好;一条宽松的裙子。

    The current taste for wide trousers ; a full skirt .

  10. 头宽为口宽的37~46倍。

    Mouth width is 3.7-4.6 times in head width .

  11. 大河河海划界不能简单地把河流入海由窄变宽的口门断面作为河海分界线。

    As for the determination of the boundary between the Zhujiang River and the sea , the river mouth cross section , which is changing from narrowness to broadness while the river running into the sea , can not be regarded as the boundary line .

  12. 佛罗里达州克莱尔蒙特市60英尺宽的火山口,

    The 60-foot wide crater in Claremont , Florida ,

  13. 平底锅一种浅、宽而且敞口的容器,常用金属制成并且没有盖子,用来盛液体、烹调和其它家用。

    A shallow , wide , open container , usually of metal and without a lid , used for holding liquids , cooking , and other domestic purposes .

  14. 长春市手足口病发病数位居丙类传染病首位,而宽城区手足口发病率在长春市内位居第二。

    The amount of Hand-foot-mouth Disease patient is the most more than others C class infectious diseases , and Hand-foot-mouth Disease in kuancheng District of Changchun is the second .

  15. 主要栖地马山港,水面4平方公里,三面陆地环抱,并有沙岗与大海隔开,仅有86米宽的流口相通。

    The main habitat , Mashan Harbour , is surrounded by land in three sides and separated from the sea by a sand hill . Its water area is about 4 square kilometres and there is a 86-metres wide passage connected with the sea .