
  • 网络Hemingway House;Ernest Hemingway Home;Hemingway Home & Museum;Ernest Hemingway House
  1. 海明威的故居位于科维斯特镇中心的怀特赫德街907号。

    Hemmingway 's old house is located in the center of Key West at907 White Hart Street .

  2. 将海明威后来的形象更加人性化--------迟钝的倔老头子。在哈瓦那海明威故居展览馆,“比拉号”“像一只老得泛黄的鲸鱼”一般躺在花园里-----这样的画面渲染了书中弥漫着的强烈忧郁之感。

    Pilar is now a museum piece " like some old and gasping browned-out whale " in the garden of Hemingway 's house outside Havana . That image contributes to the strong feeling of melancholy that pervades this book .