
  • 网络sea surface radiation
  1. 本文利用1987年10&11月西太平洋考察获得的水文气象资料和海面辐射资料,计算了海气间感热、潜热及海面热量平衡的逐时值及日总量。

    By using sea hydrometeorological data and sea surface radiation data obtained from observation during October-November 1987 in the Western Pacific sensible heat fluxes , latent heat fluxes , surface heat balance were calculated .

  2. 一种实际红外海面辐射成像模型的建立

    A Real Model of an IR Sea Surface Radiance Imaging

  3. 台湾海峡及其邻近海区海面辐射平衡的时空分布

    Space-time characteristics of radiation balance over the Taiwan Strait and its adjacent waters

  4. 东海海面太阳辐射近60a的变化与赤潮的关系

    Relationship between change of solar radiation and red tide in East China Sea in last 60 years

  5. 海面微波辐射特性测量与分析

    Measurements and Analyses of Microwave Radiation Characteristics on Sea Surface

  6. 海面有效辐射的数值分析

    Numerical analysis of the effective radiation of the sea surface

  7. 背景辐射有:太阳辐射、天地背景辐射、月球辐射、地球及月球太阳辐射、海面背景辐射等。

    The background radiation includes radiation of the sun 、 the moon and the sea etc.

  8. 中国海海面的辐射收支

    Radiation budget of the China Sea

  9. 海面红外辐射特性研究

    Study on Oceanic Radiation Characteristic

  10. 然后,对海洋大气的垂直结构作了分层描述,从而对海面有效辐射一般表达式进行具体运算,并且求得简化分析式。

    And then , the vertical structures of marine atmosphere are described , and simplified formulae for analysis are obtained .

  11. 在低风速情况下,海表粗糙度是影响海面微波辐射亮温的重要因素。

    Under the low wind speed condition , the roughness of surface is the key element which influences the sea water brightness temperature .

  12. 本文基于大气辐射的基本概念和原理,对海面有效辐射进行分析讨论。

    On the basis of the fundamental concept and principles of atmospheric radiation , the effective radiation of the sea surface is investigated theoretically .

  13. 其次,由海面有效辐射的定义和大气辐射理论导出海面有效辐射的一般表达式。

    The general formulae of effective radiation at sea surface are derived from the definition of sea surface effective radiation and the atmospheric radiation theory .

  14. 结果表明,晴天与阴天的海面有效辐射值相差较大,可是它们随海面风速的变化均甚小。

    Results of calculation show that the differences of the sea surface effective radiation between cloudy and clear skys are very large , but their variations with the changes of wind speed are small .

  15. 从理论上对粗糙海面的辐射机理进行了分析,推导出非相关双尺度粗糙海面的微波辐射理论模式及泡沫的微波辐射模式。

    With the theoretical study of the mechanism of roughened seasurface emission , both the non-coherent double scale theoretical model of microwave emission from roughened sea surface and the foamy microwave emission model are deduced .

  16. 卫星海表温度测量的主要手段之一是利用海面红外辐射,而与卫星遥感数据同步和准确的海面温度实测数据是建立卫星海表温度测量反演算法的关键。

    One of main measures for satellite to measure SST is to use the sea surface infrared radiation , and the synchronous and accurate in situ SST data are the key to formulate the inversion algorithm of satellite SST measurements .

  17. 基于S2000光谱仪的小型海面高光谱辐射计的研制

    Design and development of a mini-type ocean color surface spectroradiometer based on S2000

  18. 利用现场实测光谱和中等精度气溶胶模式模拟经Rayleigh散射校正后的卫星信号,并据此建立反演大气气溶胶参数的NN模型,从而获得海面离水辐射信号。

    The Rayleigh-Corrected top of atmosphere ( TOA ) signals are modeled from in situ Rrs and a simplified , moderate accuracy aerosol model to set up NN models for aerosol parameters retrieval , which is then used to derive water-leaving signals .

  19. 海面风速微波辐射测量

    Measurements of wind velocity of sea surface with microwave radiation

  20. 风成海面的极化辐射

    Polarimetric microwave radiation of wind - roughened sea surfaces

  21. 风成海面的极化辐射特性提供了利用被动微波遥感手段反演海洋风场的途径。

    Theoretical interpretation of sea surface emission signatures provides the potential possibility to facilitate ocean wind vector retrieval using purely passive means .

  22. 南黄海中部海水中多环芳烃的分布特征南黄海海面大气长波辐射计算方法的比较

    Distribution Characteristics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Seawater from the South Yellow Sea Comparison Among Computational Methods for Atmospheric Longwave Radiation Above Sea Surface in the Southern Yellow Sea

  23. 南沙和西沙海面吸收短波辐射年周期特征明显,极大值出现在冬半年。

    The characteristics of the annual period of absorbing shortwave radiation on sea surface are remarkable in Nansha and xisha , with the maximum appearing in the winter-half year .

  24. 南黄海海面大气长波辐射计算方法的比较用1.35厘米波长地面微波辐射计探测大气中水汽总量及分布

    Comparison Among Computational Methods for Atmospheric Longwave Radiation Above Sea Surface in the Southern Yellow Sea DETERMINATION OF ATMOSPHERIC PRECIPITABLE WATER AND HUMIDITY PROFILES BY A GROUND-BASED 1.35 CM RADIOMETER

  25. 然后分析了海面环境红外辐射传输特性、海空背景红外特性、目标(巡航导弹)红外辐射特性和红外警戒系统关键器件及参数。

    Secondly , the infrared transmission characteristic of sea surface , the sea-sky background infrared characteristic , the infrared radiation characteristic of object ( cruise missile ) and the crucial technological parameters of infrared warning system are analyzed .

  26. 温盐及化学要素的分布特征与夏季海区垂直环流的反气旋运动、长江冲淡水及黑潮水入侵和海面强热辐射有关。

    The vertical distributions of the temperature , salinity and chemical constituents are attributed to the anticyclonic flow of the vertical circulation during the summer , to the flows through of Changjiang River diluted and Kuroshio water , and to high heat radiation during the summer .

  27. 水下悬浮浒苔海面光谱响应的辐射传输模拟

    Enteromorpha Prolifera Underwater Spectral Research Based on Simulation of Radiation Transmission

  28. 在考虑到外界环境(太阳、天空、海面等)热辐射、空气对流换热和船体模型各部分之间传导及辐射等传热效应的基础上,建立了稳态热交换方程组。

    In consideration of the heat radiation of environment ( sun , sky , sea surface or ground , and so on ), convection between the air and the boat , and conduction , the stable heat transfer equations of a boat are derived .

  29. 结果表明:西南季风爆发前后,随着风向、风速、云量、降水、湿度及至海面状态等突然变化,太阳短波辐射、海面净辐射、潜热通量和海洋热量净收支变化更加强烈。

    The results indicated that heat and moisture fluxes changed significantly with the onset of SCS monsoon , especially short-wave radiation , net radiation budget of ocean surface , latent heat flux and net oceanic heat flux .

  30. 对海面目标物的目视观察,其能见距离与观测方向、海面背景光谱辐射、目标物固有光谱辐射和大气分子及气溶胶的光学参数等因素有密切关系。

    The visible distance for objects at the sea surface when viewed by eyes , is related to many factors such as viewing direction , sea surface background spectral radiance , inherent spectral radiance of the object , optical parameters of the air molecules and aerosol .